Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sceaga
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- sceaga
- m. A shaw, small wood, copse, thicket. The word is found in many local names, and was preserved in various dialects, e. g. shaw a small shady wood in a valley, E. D. S. Pub. B. 7 (West Riding): a wood that encompasses a close, B. 16 (Sussex). Shaws broad belts of underwood, two, three, and even four rods wide, around every field, Farming words, 4 (Sussex). Shaw a natural copse of wood, Cumberland. The word occurs in the following passages of charters:--Juxta silvam quam dicunt Toccansceaga, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 121, 24. Mariscum uocabulo Scaga, quam etiam circumfluit Iaegnlaad, 190, 6: 160, 28. On brémeles sceagan eásteweardne, ii. 172, 28. On ðone langan sceagan westeweardne; of langan sceagan on ðæt hǽðene byrgils, iii. 85, 19-20. Onbútan færsscagan, 229, 29. Rihte út þurh ðone sceagan óþ ða lége, 406, 27. Of ðære byrig þwyres ofer ðane sceagan, 460, 2. Þurh Beaddes scagan, the reference is to the gourd under which Jonah sat) þat schade ful cole, Allit. Pms. 105, 452. Wodschaweȝ, 9, 284. For love of hym thou lovedst in the shawe, I mene Adon, Tr. and Cr. 3, 671. Thane schotte owtte of þe schawe schiltrounis many, Mort. A. 1765. In ȝone dyme schawes, 1723. See also Halliwell's Dict. and Nares' Glossary. Cf. (?) Icel. skaga to project.] sceaga