Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - segn
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
segen, es ;
- segn
- m. n. A sign. :--Segn signum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 61. I. a sign, mark, token :--Abraham sette friðotácn (circumcision) on his selfes sunu, héht ðæt segn wesan (wegan?) heáh gehwilcne, ðe his hína wæs wǽpnedcynnes, Cd. Th. 142, 32 ; Gen. 2370. II. a military standard, banner, an ensign :--Segn ban[dum], Txts. 45, 278. Segn, seng, segin labarum (III), vixilla, 73, 1167. Seign (segin?) vexilla, 105, 2093. His segen se wæs mid golde and mid godewæbbe gefrætewod and ofer his byrigenne geseted vexillum ejus super tumbam auro et purpura compositum adposuerunt, Bd. 3, 11 ; S. 535. 31. Segn, Beo. Th. 5909 ; B. 2958. Ðá wæs þúf hafen, segen for sweótum, Elen. Kmbl. 247 ; El. 124. Sió býman stefen and se beorhta segn, Exon. Th. 65, 30 ; Cri. 1062. Segnes gúþfana labara, Wrt. Voc. ii. 49, 74. Segne pendiculo (cf. labarum, signum pensile), 66, 48. Hæfdon him tó segne beácen árǽred, gyldenne león the tribe of Judah had a golden lion for their standard, Cd. Th. 198, 7 ; Exod. 319. Hé under segne sinc ealgode fighting under his flag he defended his treasure, Beo. Th. 2412 ; B. 1204. Hié him ásetton segen gyldenne heáh ofer heáfod, 94 ; B. 47 : 2046 ; B. 1021. Hé siomian geseah segn eallgylden, gelocen leóþocræftum, 5528 ; B. 2767 : 5546 ; B. 2776. Ðæt nalæs ðæt án ðæt hí segen fore him bǽron æt gefeohte ac swylce eác on sibbe tíde . . . him mon symble ðæt tácen beforan weg ut non solum in pugna ante illum vexilla gestarentur, sed et tempore pacis . . . semper antecedere signifer consuesset, Bd. 2, 16 ; S. 520, 9. Segn and síde byrnan. Salm. Kmbl. 907 ; Sal. 453. Wið ðone segn foran þengel rád, Cd. Th. 188, 23 ; Exod. 172. Segnas stódon standards were stationary, 214, 7 ; Exod. 565 : 197, 4 ; Exod. 302. Eall mín weorod . . . herebeácen and segnas beforan mé lǽddon totum agmen me . . . sequebatur cum signis et uexillis, Nar. 7, 16. IIa. used metaphorically :--Wynród segn sóðfæstra the cross, the standard of the righteous, Salm. Kmbl. 471 ; Sal. 236. Gesáwon randwígan segn (the pillar of fire) ofer sweóton, Cd. Th. 185, 23 ; Exod. 127. [From Latin.] v. eafor-heáfod-segn ; segnian. segn