
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - self

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

seolf, silf, sylf;

pron. A. self, very, own. I. with a noun (α) which it immediately follows :-- Ðam ðe se þeóden self sceóp nihte naman, Cd. Th. 9, 10; Gen. 139. Drihten sylf. Blickl. Homl. 41, 4:51, 6. God selfa cuman wille, 1153, 31. Hé, Drihten selfa, cwæð, 165, 2. Drihten sylfa, 39, 25. God seolfa, Cd. Th. 286, 11; Sat. 350. Nǽniges gebyrd círicean ne mǽrsiaþ nemþe Cristes sylfes and ðyses Iohannes, Blickl. Homl. 161, 11. From ðære dura selfre ðisse béc ab ipso libri hujus exordia. Past. proem. ; Swt. 25, 11. Gode sylfum underþeódde. Blickl. Homl. 109, 22 : 73, 12. Gearo mód ge eác swylce deáþ sylfne tó þrowienne paratum vel eiiam ad moriendum animum, Bd. 1, 26; S. 487, 38. On ðæt dægréd sylf. Judth. Thw. 24, 24 ; Jud. 204. Rómáne selfe sǽdon, Ors. 5, 3; Swt. 220, 20. Nǽnig man ða lǽstas sylfe ufan oferwyrcean ne mihte, Blickl. Homl. 125, 35. Hé ða deádan sylfe áwehte, 173, 29. (β) which it follows, but not immediately :-- Nergend com nihtes self. Cd. Th. 159, 12; Gen. 2633. Ðeáh ðe ðæt hús ufan open sý sylf, Blickl. Hom. 125, 30. Mé sægde ǽr dæt wíf hire wordum selfa, Cd. Th. 160, 11; Gen. 2648. Hé mid hondum Hǽlend genom sylfne be sídan, 299, 5; Sae. 545. (γ) along with a personal pronoun in the dative :-- Pilatus on hys dómerne hym sylf áwrát ealle ða þyng, Nicod. 34; Thw. 19, 33. Óðra gesceafta weorðaþ him selfe tó náuhte, Met. 11, 87. (δ) which it immediately precedes :-- On ðé sylf cyning wrát, wuldres God, Andr. Kmbl. 3017; An. 1511. Héht sylf cyning him Abraham tó, Cd. Th. 161, 27 ; Gen. 2671. Hit is se seolfa sunu Waldendes, 289, 11; Sat. 396. Se sylfa cyning lýsde (hié) of firenum, Exon. Th. 74, 20; Cri. 1209. Sylfes ðæs folces, 481, 20; Rä. 65, 6. Under ðam sylfum norþdǽle middangeardes sub ipso septentrionali vertice mundi, Bd. 1. 1; S. 473, 29. Ic tó sylfum Drihtne cleopode. Ps. Th. 54, 16. Ðæt ða sylfan ýþa wǽron áhofene ofer ðæt scip, Blickl. Homl. 235, 6. Ðæt ða sylfan his láreówas æt his múþe leornodan that his very teachers learned from his mouth, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 8. (ε) which it precedes, but not immediately :-- Bidon þegnas . . . swá him sylf bebeád swegles ágend, Exon. Th. 34, 16; Cri. 543. Bídan selfes gesceapu heofoncyninges, Cd. Th. 52, 12 ; Gen. 842 : 36, 4; Gen. 566. Wearð sylfum ætýwed ðam cásere swefnes wóma, Elen. Kmbl. 138 ; El. 69. II. with a pronoun, (1) in agreement with a personal pronoun denoting the subject of the sentence and (α) following it immediately :-- Ic sylf (seolf, Lind. : solfa, Rush.) hit eom ipse ego sum, Lk. Skt. 24, 39. Heó sylf hié þeówen nernde, Blickl. Homl. 13, 13. Ðæt hé sylfa cwæð, 13, 26: 95, 5. Beó hé sylfa syxta, L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 5, MS. G. Sý hé scyldig his sylfes, L. Ath. iultro, Bd. 1, 7 ; S. 477, 15, 22. Gif þeów ete his sylfes rǽde, L. Wih. 15 ; Th. i. 40, 11. Hwæt segst ðú be ðé sylfum (seolfum, Lind. : fore ðec solfne. Rush.), Jn. Skt. 1, 22. Heó hæfde hire sylfre geworht ðæt mǽste wíte, Blickl. Homl. 5, 26. Gif his ríce on him sylfum biþ tódǽled . . . Gif ðæt hús ofer hit sylf ys tódǽled . . . Gif Satanas winþ ongén hine sylfne, Mk. Skt. 3, 24-26. Mé siolfne, Chart. Th. 476, 19. Ic swerige þurh mé sylfne per memetipsum juravi, Gen. 22, 16. Heó hié sylfe tó þeówene genemde, Blickl. Homl. 9, 23. Nú mæg sóð hit sylf gecýðan, 187, 16. Ðone anwald úre selfra, Past. 33; Swt. 220, 7. Suá micle giéman úrra niéhstena suá suá úre selfra, 5 ; Swt. 45, 12. Hí hiora selfra nánne anweald nabbaþ, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 54, 18. Hiora seolfra hǽlo, Nar. 30, 18. Heó hié selfe áweredon . . . him leófre wæs ðæt hié hié seolfe fornéðdon, Ors. 5, 3; Swt. 220, 23-26. Eáþmódgiaþ eów sylfe. Blickl. Homl. 99, 3. (α 1) with irregular construction :-- Ðeáh ðe hí synd of miclum dǽle heora sylfes anwealdes quamvis ex parte sui sint juris, Bd. 5, 23; S. 647, 3. (β) following the pronoun, but not immediately :-- Hé eác self biþ gecostod, Past. 16 ; Swt. 104, 20. Hwæt hé mé self bebeád what he himself bade me, Cd. Th. 34, 10; Gen. 535. Hé his brýde ofslóh self mid sweorde, Met. 9, 31. Gif hé wille sylf Godes dómas gedégan, Blickl. Homl. 43, 11. Hé wæs þridda sylf, Elen. Kmbl. 1707; El. 855: Andr. Kmbl. 1330; An. 665. Ne wén ðú ðæt ic tó ánwillíce winne wið ða wyrd, forðam iç hit nó selfe ne ondrǽde, Bt. 20; Fox 70, 21. Ðá ðá wé hit nóhwæðer ne selfe ne lufodon, Past. pref. ; Swt. 5, 6. Sylfe, Blickl. Homl. 53, 1: 223, 20. Hié wénaþ ðæt hié wísran sién selfe ðonne óðre. Past. 48, 1; Swt. 365, 20. (γ) along with a pronoun in the dative :-- Ðú meaht nú ðé self geseón. Cd. Th. 38, 23 ; Gen. 611. Hé feóll him silf quem percussit Josue ad internecionem, Jos. 10, 33. Hí weorþaþ him selfe tó náuhte, Bt. 21 ; Fox 74, 36. (δ) preceding the pronoun :-- Ðǽr syndon dǽlas on sylfre hire cujus participatio ejus in idipsum, Ps. Th. '121, 3. (2) in agreement with a demonstrative :-- Þurh ðæs sylfes hand ðe ic ǽr onsended wæs, Soul Kmbl. 111 Seel. 56. (3) with a possessive :-- Be mínre seolfre nídþearfe de propio meo periculo, Nar. 9, 24. On ðínes silfes hand, Hy. 7, 83. Ðín ríce and ðínes sylfes feorh. Blickl. Homl. 185, 1. Mínes sylfes múþ os meum, Ps. Th. 77, 2. Ðínre sylfre sunu. Exon. Th. 21, 23; Cri. 339. Wé sceoldon úrra selfra waldan, Past. 33; Swt. 220, 5. II a. where the pronoun with which self agrees is not the subject of the sentence :-- Hé (Hannibal) on wæs">Claudius Marcellus) fór on ðone ende Hannibales folces ðe hé self (Hannibal) on wæs, and hiene selfne (Hannibal) gefliémde. Ors. 4, 9; Swt. 192, 11-13. Antonius forlét Octauianuses swostor and him selfum onbeád gewin, 5, 13; Swt. 244, 32. Ðæt man tó óðrum lǽþþe hæbbe and hine hatige and tǽle behindan him sylfum, Blickl. Homl. 65, 1. Neoptolomus com tó Antigone . . . Ðá sende Antigones hiene selfne (Neoptolomus), Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 146, 9. Æðelstán wið Anláf gefeaht and his firde ofslóh and áflímde hine sylfne, Jud. Thw. p. 163, 10. Ðá gelýfde ic him . . . beswang hine and tó heora sylfra dóme ágeaf, Blickl. Homl. 177, 24. III. standing alone :-- Oft gebyreþ, ðonne se scrift ongit ðæs costunga ðe hé him ondetteþ, ðæt eác self biþ mid ðǽm ilcum gecostod, Past. 16; Swt. 105, 20. Hit Scipia hám onbeád, . . . and eác self sǽde, ðá hé hám com, Ors. 4, 12 ; Swt. 208, 34. Seolf, Cd. Th. 143, 5; Gen. 2374. Nime fíf and beó sylf sixta, L. C. S. 44; Th. i. 402, 7, MSS. A. G. For hwon wríhst ðú sceome, and ðín sylf þecest líc, Cd. Th. 54, 15 ; Gen. 877. Is ðín ágen sprǽc innan fýren, sylf swíðe hát ignitum eloquium tuum vehementer, Ps. Th. 118, 140. Ðǽr habbaþ englas dreám, sanctas singaþ, ðæt is seolfa for God, Cd. Th. 286, 21; Sat. 355. Ðá onféng hé gáste. . . and sylfa his wunda áwráþ. Bd. 4, 22; S. 590, 36. Hé his torn gewræc selfes mihtum, Cd. Th. 4, 26; Gen. 59: Beo. Th. 1404; B. 700. Hé beáhhordes brúcan móste selfes dóme, 1794; B. 895. Sleáþ synnigne ofer seolfes múþ. Andr. Kmbl. 2602 ; An. 1302 : Cd. Th. 248, 17; Dan. 514. Gest hine clænsie sylfes áþe, L. Win. 20; Th. i. 40, 19. Sylfæs, 18; Th. i. 40, 14. Sylfum tó sconde to thine own shame, Exon. Th. 90, 27 ; Cri. 1480. Se swóre for sylfne æfter his rihte, L. R. 4; Th. i. 192, 6. Se cásere héht eft gearwian sylfe tó síðe, Elen. Kmbl. 1998; El. 1001. III a. along with a pronoun in dative :-- Biþ him self sunu and fæder ipsa sibi proles, suus est pater, Exon. Th. 224, 12; Ph. 374. Ðæt ðú ús sunnan onsende, and ðé sylf cyme, 8, 8; Cri. 114. Nime fíf and beó him sylf sixta, L. C. S. 44; Th. i. 402, 7. Him sylfa, 30; Th. i. 394, 5. Eall ðis mágon him sylfe geseón, Exon. Th. 69, 6; Cri. 1116. IV. denoting voluntary or independent action (not inflected?). Cf. Goth. Silbó airtha akran bairith GREEK Mk. 4, 28; and see self-déma, -líc, -sceaft, -will, -wille, -willende :-- Genim túncersan, sió ðe self weaxeþ, and mon ne sǽwþ. Lchdm. ii. 22, 12. Gif hé wíf self hæbbe gange hió út mid him. Gif se hláford him wíf sealde sié hió ðæs hláfordes if he have a wife that he got himself, let her go out with him. If the lord gave him a wife, she shall be the lord's, L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 4. Gif hit cucu feoh wǽre and hé secgge ðæt hit self ácwǽle died a natural death, L. Alf. 28; Th. i. 52, 2. Marius and Silla gefóran him self, and Cinna wæs ofslagen, Ors. 5, 11; Swt. 236, 24. Hié woldon of ǽlcerre byrig him self anwald habban imperare singulae cupiunt, 3, 7; Swt. 112, 20. Hé ne mihte hine handum self mid hrægle wryón, Cd. Th. 95, 1; Gen. 1572. Ðonne wearp seó eorþe hit sóna sylf (of its own accord) of hire, Blickl. Homl. 127, 2. Ðone sylf ne mæg man áspyrigean man left to himself cannot investigate it, Elen. Kmbl. 930; El. 466. B. (the) same, (α) with a demonstrative :-- Ðú eart se sylfa God ðe ús ádrife fram dóme, Ps. Th. 107, 10. Ðæt ilce geþanc and seó sylfe carfulnyss ðe heom amang ðam nihtslǽpe wæs on heora heortan, eáll ðá hí áwacodon hí ðæt sylfe geþohton, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 441. Ðæt selfe wæter þegnunge gearwode beforan his fótum, Blickl. Homl. 247, 10. Weorðeþ sunne sweart gewended . . . Móna ðæt sylfe, Exon. Th. 58, 19 ; Cri. 938: 387, 25 ; Rä. 5, 10. Ic ðé sǽde ǽr on ðisse selfan béc (cf. on ðisse ilcan béc, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 25), Met. 25, 54. On ðære sylfan nihte . . . On ðam sylfan mynstre, Bd. 4, 23 ; S. 595, 33, 36. On ðam sylfan leóhte, S. 596, 3. On ðam sylfan stede ðe ðú him settest, Ps. Th. 83, 6. Ðý sylfan dæge, Exon. Th. 71, 12 ; Cri. 1154: Menol. Fox 94; Men. 47. Dón ðæt selfe, Past. 44, 3; Swt. 323, 21. Ðæt seolfe, L. E. G. proem. ; Th. i. 166, 9. Hí cumaþ tógeánes Antecriste . . . and beóþ ofslegen þurh ðone sylfan feónd, Ælfc. T. Grn. 3, 45. On ða sylfan tíde, Blickl. Homl. 171, 19. Heó tófereþ ðæt sár; ðæt sylfe heó déþ mid wíne gecnucud. Lchdm. i. 190, 18: Ps. Th. 81, 3: 83, 6 : 128, 1. His freónda forspǽc forstent him eal ðæt sylfe, swylce hit sylf spǽce, Wulfst. 38, 17. (β) alone :-- Ic mé on múþe mægene hæbbe, and ic sódfæst word on sylfan healde, Ps. Th. 118, 43. On selfe wísan in the same fashion, Lchdm. ii. 72, 17. [Goth. silba: O. , Frs. O. Sax. O. L. Ger. self: O. H. Ger. selp: Icel. sjálfr.] v. selfe. self,self-

Verwandte Wörter: prm. ; Th. i. 220, 12. Hé swíðor mínes feores wilnade ðonne his selfes, Nar. 8, 6. Mid his sylfes willum, willan
