
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - senatus

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

the senate, senators. The treatment of this word in the translation of Orosius is somewhat exceptional. The Latin form senatus occurs in the nom. and acc. , but in the former senatas, senatum, and in the latter senatum, senatos are also used; in the gen. senatuses, senatusa are found, and in the dat. senatum; in every case but one (?) the word is plural. The Latin senator is also used, though the word witan is generally employed to denote the senators :-- Sceoldon ealle hiera senatus (senatas, Bos. 43, 5) cuman . . . sceoldon hiera senatus (-as) rídan, . Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 70, 24, 28. Ealle heora senatus senatores, 4, 9 ; Swt. 190, 19. Ealle ða senatus omnis senatus, 5, 12; Swt. 240, 13. Ðá wolde án (woldan, Bos. 70, 36) senatus hiene áweorpan . . . Ðá bæd his fæder ðæt ða senatum (altered to senatus in other MSS.) forgeáfen ðæm suna ðone gylt, 3, 10 ; Swt. 140, 14-16. Se consul bæd ðætte senatus him fultum sealdon, 4, 9; Swt. 192, 22. Ða senatus him hæfden ða dǽd forboden . . . Ne mehten ða senatus nǽnne consul under him findan, 4, 10; Swt. 196, 7 -- 10. Búton his ágnum fultume and búton ðara senatuses, 5, 12; Swt. 242, 1. Hé forneáh nánne ðara senatusa ne lét cucne plurimos senatorum ad mortem coegit, 6, 2 ; Swt. 256, 1. (Cf. Ðara senatornm xxxv triginta quinque senatores, 6, 4; Swt. 260, 23 : 6, 14; Swt. 268, 28. ) Hé sende tó ðǽm senatum ðæt hé ðæt irre gesette wið hié, 4, 11; Swt. 206, 26: 2, 6; Swt. 88, 12. Hé hit sǽde ðǽm senatum, ða wurdon hié alle wið hiene wiðerwearde senatus indignations motus, 6, 2 ; Swt. 254, 25: 5, 12 ; Swt. 244, 16. Romulus gesette senatum, 2, 4; Swt. 70, 36. Ðéh hé hit wið ða senatus hǽle, 4, 10 ; Swt. 196, 16. Hé sette senatus, 5, 12; Swt. 242, 28. Ðæt hé sprǽce wið ða senatos (-us other MSS.), 4, 11; Swt. 206, , 29: 4, 13; Swt. 210, 16: 5, 5; Swt. 226, 16. senatus