Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - setl
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
sedl, seðl, seotl, sotl, seatl, sitl (-el, -ol, -ul), es;
- setl
- pl. setl, setlu, sotelas, setlas (North.) ; n. m. (?) I. that on which one sits, a settle, seat, place to sit:-- Setl sella, Wrt. Voc. i. 83, 70. Sotol, 289, 23. Gá nú tó setle, symbelwynne dreóh.' . . . Geát geóng sóna setles neósan, swá se snottra héht, Beo. Th. 3576; B. 1786. Se wæs setles yldest (onsetle yldost, MS. B.) he had the chief seat, Bd. 5, 13; S. 633, 4. Sæt Agustinus on sotole, 2, 2 ; S. 503, 15. Hé hét him úte setl gewyrcean, 1, 25; S. 486, 38. Mé hé wið his sylfes sunu setl getǽhte, Beo. Th. 4031; B. 2013. Ofer setol super sellam, Kent. Gl. 304. Sotelas sella, Germ. 393, 143. Seó wlitignes heora ræsta and setla, Blickl. Homl. 99, 33. Hé his líchoman forwyrnde séftra setla and symbeldaga, Exon. Th. 111, 33; Gú. 136. On ðæm forþmestum seatlum (seotlum. Rush.) sitta in somnungum and ða forþmesto setla æt farmum in primis cathedris sedere in sinagogis et primos discubitos in cenis, Mt. Skt. Lind. 12, 39. Hé út áwearp ða setl ðara mynetera, Blickl. Homl. 71, 19. Hyra setlu (ceatlas, Lind.: settlas, Rush. cathedras) ðara ðe culfran sealdon hé tóbræc, Mt. Kmbl. 31, 12. Lufigaþ ðæt ǽreste sætil (recubitos) æt éfengereordum and forþmestu setulas (seatlas, Lind. cathedras) on heora somnungum. Rush. 23, 6. Seotlas, Mk. Skt. Rush. 11. 15. Ða yldstan setl (seatlas, Lind. , Rush.), Lk. Skt. 20, 46. I a. an official seat of a king, judge, etc., a throne, seat">judgment-seat:-- On swiðre sedles Godes, Rtl. 27, 33. Fore sedle before the throne, 47, 26. Ðú Scippend heofones ðú ðe on ðam écan setle rícsast, Bt. 4; Fox 6, 30. Setle solio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 13. Ðonne sitt hé ofer his mægen þrymme setl (seðel, Lind. : on sedle, Rush.), Mt. Kmbl. 25, 31. Hit is swíðe gewunelíc ðætte dómeras & ríce menn on setelum sitten, Past. 56; Swt. 435, 21. Gé sittaþ ofer twelf setl (seatla tuelfa, Lind.: on sedlum twelfe, Rush.) démende, Mt. Kmbl. 19, 28. Ib. metaph. seat, place, position:-- Hé áwearp ða rícan of setle (sedle, Lind., Rush.), Lk. Skt. 1, 52. Se sit on wóles setle, se ðe yfel wyrcþ mid geþeahte, Past. 56; Swt. 435, 19-22 : Ps. Th. 1, 1. Ðú setst ús on ðæt setl dínes Sceoppendes, Bt. 7, 5; Fox 24, 2. Ofer seatul (on setule, Rush.) Moyses, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 23, 2. Him sylþ God his fæder Dauides setl (sedle, Lind.: seðel, Rush.), Lk. Skt. 1. 32. On sotelum sóðfæstra in cathedra seniorum, Ps. Th. 106, 31. I c. in reference to the heavenly bodies, tó setle gán, etc. (cf. Fr. le coucher do soleil, le soleil se couche) to set:-- Syððan sunne beó on setle after sunset. Lchdm. iii. 8, 19. Ðonne heó (the sun) tó setle gǽþ, Bt. 39, 3 ; Fox 214, 27: Salm. Kmbl. 186, 6. Ðá ðá sunne eode tó setl cum occubuisset sol, Gen. 15, 17. Ǽr sunne tó setle eode usque ad occasum solis, Ex. 17, 12. Ðá sunne tó setle eode cum occidisset sol, Mk. Skt. 1, 32. Sunne sáh tó setle, Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 17. Ðonne heó (the sun) on setl eode, Bt. 5, 23; S. 645, 26. Ðonne hió on setl glídeþ, Met. 28, 39. Se ǽfenstiorra on setl glídeþ, 29, 27, 31. On setel. Salm. Kmbl. 202, 34. II. a seat, place where one abides, an abode, a residence, dwelling:-- Him wæs geseald setl on swegle ðǽr hé symle mót eardfæst wesan, blíðe bídan, Exon. Th. 149, 5 ; Gú. 757 : 125, 15; Gú. 354. Geswíc ðisses setles, 119, 3; Gú. 249. Ða stówe his seþles locum sedis illius solitariae. Bd. 3, 16; S. 542, 36. Hé eft tó ðæm fæderlícan setle eode, Blickl. Homl. 115, 33 : 129, 12. Ðá næfde hé nán setl hwǽr hé sittan mihte, for ðan ðe nán heofon nolde hine áberan, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 45 : Ps. Th. 88, 37 : Exon. Th. 116, 31; Gú. 215. On préstes setel (a hermitage ?), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 416, 29. Ða hálgan setl sceoldon weorþan gefylde mid ðære menniscan gecynde. Blickl. Homl. 121, 34: Cd. Th. 6, 10; Gen. 86. Gumena ríce, secga sitlu, Met. 9, 42. ¶ a stall for animals :-- On ðam (in the ark) ðú scealt gerýman rihte setl ǽlcum eorþan tudre, Cd. Th. 79, 1; Gen. 1304. II a. as an ecclesiastical term, a see:-- Sanctus Gregorius ðæs Rómániscan setles bisceop, Lchdm. iii. 432, 24. Ðæs Apostolícan setles, Bd. 1, 23; S. 485, 23: 4, 1; S. 563, 23. Hér Rómáne ðone pápan of his setle áfliémde, Chr. 797; Erl. 58, 14, On setl biscopstóles in sedem pontificatus, 5, 23 ; S. 646, 32. II b. metaph. seat of a disorder, etc, , dwelling-place of non-material things :-- Ðý læs ingǽ se fiónd in sávelo hiora & seðel habba ne mǽgi, Rtl. 117, 31. III. the part of the body on which one sits, the seat:-- Wið gicþan ðæs setles, Lchdm. i. 218, 10. Gif se uíc weorðe on mannes setle geseten, iii. 30, 16. Wríð under ðæt setl neoþan, i. 366, 17. Him wand út his innoþ æt his setle. Homl. As. 59, 201. IV. a sitting, the being in, or assuming, a sitting position; sessio :-- Hé frægn for hwon hé ána swá unrót on stáne wæccende sǽte . . . 'Ne tala ðú ðæt ic ne cunne ðone intingan ðínre unrótnesse and ðínre wacone and ánlépnesse ðínes seðles' ne me aestimes tuae moestiliae RUNE insomniorum RUNE solitariae sessionis causam nescire. Bd. 2, 12 ; S. 513, 41 note. Ðú mín setl (sessionem) oncneówe and mínne ǽrist æfter gecýðdest, Ps. Th. 138, 1. IV a. stay, residence:-- On ðæm setle ðe hé ðǽr sæt during the stay he made there, Chr. 922 ; Erl. 108, 22. IV b. as a military term, a siege :-- Him (the besiegers) ðæt setl (obsidio) swíðor derede ðonne ðám ðe ðǽrinne (in Veii) wǽron, Ors. 2, 8; Swt. 90, 24. Porsenna ðæt setl foilét Porsenna raised the siege, 2, 3; Swt. 68, 30. Ðá forlét hé ðæt setl ab obsidione discessit, 3, 11; Swt. 146, 20. [Heo isetten Iacob on Cristes selt, O. E. Homl. i. 93, 9. Adam set on the setle of unhele, ii. 59, 25 : Ps. 1. 1. Ich mai þe finde at þe rumhuse . . . þu sittest and singst behinde þe setle, O. and N. 594. Our loverd sal sitt. . . opon þe setil of his mageste, Pr. C. 6122. Goth. sitls; m. a seat, throne, nest: O. H. Ger. sez[z]al cathedra, sponda, solium, tribunal; sedal, sethal, sedhal sedes, thronus, triclinium, occasus (solis) : O. Frs. O. Sax. sedel.] v. án-, ancer-, ancor-, beór-, bisceop-, burhgeat-, cyne-, dóm-, éðel-, ge-, heáh-, hilde-, láreów-, medu-, páp-, scip-, sunder-, þrym-, út-, weard-, wræc-setl; beorg-seðel; set. setl