Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - síd
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- síd
- adj. I. wide, broad, spacious, ample, extensive. (a) applied to the world, universe, ocean, etc. :-- Ðiós síde gesceaft þénaþ and þiówaþ the wide world ministers and serves, Met. 29, 76. Eorþe and síd wæter earth and ocean broad, Cd. Th. 7, 2 ; Gen. 100. Geseah sceado swiðrian geond sídne grund, 8, 35 ; Gen. 134. Sǽs sídne grund, Exon. Th. 349, 2 ; Sch. 40. Geond sídne sǽ, 53, 19; Cri. 853. Sǽs sídne fæðin, Elen. Kmbl. 1454; El. 729. Is ðæs fýres frumstól ofer eallum óðrum gesceaftum geond ðisne sídne grund, Met. 20, 127. (b) applied to a tract of land, to a kingdom, etc., a broad realm, Beo. Th. 4404; B. 2199. Nyttade Noe mid sunum sínum sídan ríces, Cd. Th. 96, 24; Gen. 1599. Unlytel dǽl sídre foldan (the district of Sodom and Gomorrah), 154. 5 ; Gen. 2551. Sennar sídne and wídne Shinar's plain broad and wide, 99, 33; Gen. 1655. Síde sǽlwongas, 78, 14; Gen. 1293. Síde sǽnæssas, Beo. Th. 451; B. 223. Hé wealdeþ sídum rícum he shall rule broad realms, Ps. Th. 71, 8. (c) applied to a comparatively small sur-face :-- Ic bere sídne scyld, Beo. Th. 879; B. 437. Setton síde scyldas wið weal, 656; B. 325. Síde weallas, Exon. Th. 1, 9; Cri. 5. (d) applied to a number of people who cover a wide space, v. síd-folc :-- Sécan síde herge, Exon. Th. 33, 12; Cri. 524. Weorode, síde herge, Beo. Th. 4683; B. 2347. Síde worude (? worulde, MS.), Cd. Th. 118, 11 ; Gen. 1963. Ofer síd weorod, Elen. Kmbl. 316; El. 158. Síde þeóde, Ps. Th. 117, 10. Síde hergas, Cd. Th. 194, 14; Exod. 260: Andr. Kmbl. 1304; An. 652. (e) figuratively, far-reaching, large :-- Geþol-ode wine Scyldinga weána gehwylcne, sídra sorga, Beo. Th. 300; B. 149. Ic worn hæbbe sídra sorga gehýred, Exon. Th. 11, 13; Cri. 170. Ne behwylfan mæg heofon and eorþe his wuldres word wíddra and síddra ðonne befæðman mǽge foldan sceátas (stretching too far and wide to be embraced), Cd. Th. 204, 31 ; Exod. 427. II. capacious, ample, spacious, large :-- Glóf síd, Beo. Th. 4178; B. 2086. In sídum ceóle, Exon. Th. 345, 10; Gn. Ex. 186. On ðyssum sídan sele, Cd. Th. 273, 3; Sat. 131. Geond ðæt síde sel, Andr. Kmbl. 1523; An. 763. Con hé sídne ræced fæste gefégan, Exon. Th. 296, 7 ; Crä,. 47. II a. figuratively of the capacity of the mind :-- On sídum sefan, Exon. Th. 169,17 ; Gú. 1096. Þurh sídne sefan, Beo. Th. 3456 ; B. 1726. Sefan sídne geþanc and snytro cræft, Cd. Th. 249, 26; Dan. 536. III. long, hanging, of ample length, of clothes, hair, etc., v. síd-feax :-- Síd reáf swilce méteras wyrceþ on anlícnesse toga, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 3. Iohannes geseah úrne Drihten mid alban gescrídne, and seó wæs síd niðer óþ ða andcleówa (it reached down to the ancles, cf. Icel. kné-, skó-síðr reaching to the knee, the shoes (of dress) ), L. Ælfc. P. 15 ;Th. ii. 370, 3. Herebyrne síd (cf. Icel. brynja rúm ok síð), Beo. Th. 2892 ; B. 1444. Mid sídum bearde (cf. Icel. sítt skegg), Homl. Th. i. 466, 24. Síde beardas, 456, 18. Se beard and ðæt feax him wǽron óþ ða fét síde (cf. Icel. lokkar siðir til jarðar), Shrn. 120, 25. Hí habbaþ beardas óþ cneów síde and feax óþ helan barbas habentes usque ad genua, comas usque ad talos, Nar. 35, 2 : 38, 8. Wíf habbaþ beardas swá síde óþ heora breóst, 38, 2. [Now wers men short and now syde, Pr. C. 1534. Syyd, as clothys talaris, Prompt. Parv. 455 where see note. See also Halliwell Dict. side. Icel. síðr long, hanging.] sid,-sid