
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sígan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. sáh, pl. sigon ; pp. sigen. I. to pass from a higher to a lower position, Aries) óþ ǽfen">the sun to its setting">to sink, descend, decline, fall down :--Hé (a man hung on a tree) on wyrtruman sígeþ, fealleþ on foldan, Exon. Th. 328, 29 ; Vy. 25. Ðá hé on eorþan sáh cadens in terram, Bd. 3, 12 ; S. 537, 31. Hí áheówon ðæt treów ðæt hit brastliende sáh tó ðam hálgan were. Ðá worhte hé ongeán ðam hreósendum treówe róde tácn, Homl. Th. ii. 508, 33. Him sáh (here, or from seón (?), but cf. Icel. höfðu út sigit iðrin í þat sárit) se innoþ eall út, L. Ælfc. C. 3 ; Th. ii. 344, 6. Sitte gé sigewíf, sígaþ tó eorþan (in a charm for bees), Lchdm. i. 384, 24. Ðú gestaþoladest eorþan swíðe wundorlíce . . . nánwuht eorþlíces hí ne healt, ðæt hió ne síge, and nis hire éðre tó feallanne ofdúne ðonne up, Bt. 33, 4 ; Fox 130, 37. Ne mæg hió hider ne ðider sígan, Met. 20, 165. Hit hreósan wile, sígan sond æfter réne, 7, 23. Ic sígan lǽte wællregn ufan I will cause to descend destructive rain from above, Cd. Th. 81, 23 ; Gen. 1349. Gewát se wilda fugel earce sécan, wérig sígan tó handa hálgum rince, 88, 9 ; Gen. 1462. Sígende preceps, Germ. 399, 460. [Þe kinge sah to grunde (deide, 2nd MS.), Laym. 10255. Scal þi saule siȝen to helle 14589.] Ia. Aries) óþ ǽfen">the sun to its setting">to sink as the sun to its setting :--Heó (the sun) síhþ tó ðam tácne (Aries) óþ ǽfen, Anglia viii. 307, 20. Tungla torhtast tó sete sígeþ, Menol. Fox 221 ; Men. 112. Ealle stiorran sígaþ æfter sunnan under eorþan grund, Met. 29, 15. Sió æþele gesceaft (the sun) sáh tó setle, Chr. 937 ; Erl. 112, 17. [The sunne arist anes a dai and eft sigeð, O. E. Homl. ii. 109, 22.] Ib. in a figurative sense :--Ða men ðe sígaþ on ðisses middangeardes lufan óþ ðæt hié áfeallaþ of hiera ryhtwísnessum cadentes a sua rectitudine animas, atque in hujus mundi se delectatione reclinantes, Past. 19, 1 ; Swt. 143, 16. Mé on sáh unrihtes feala declinaverunt in me iniquitates, Ps. Th. 54, 3. Swá swá wé sigon ǽr on ðæt unáliéfede óþ ðæt wé áfeóllon qui per illicita defluendo cecidimus, Past. 54, 5 ; Swt. 425, 15. Ðonne áginþ hé sylf sígan oððe áfylþ inclinavit se et cadet, Ps. Th. 9, 30. Forlǽte heteníþa gehwone sígan, Exon. Th. 352, 23 ; Sch. 101. II. to move towards a point (cf. to make a descent upon a place) :--Fugla cynn on healfa gehwone heápum þringaþ sígaþ sídwegum contrahit in coetum sese genus omne volantum, Exon. Th. 221, 19 ; Ph. 337. Godwine sáh him ǽfre tówerd Lundenes mid his liþe ðæt hé com tó Súþgeweorce Godwin kept moving towards London with his force until he came to Southwark, Chr. 1052 ; Erl. 184, 19. Ðæt folc him sáh eall onbútan the people pressed upon him on all sides, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 650. Eall seó burhwaru sáh út ætgædere ongeán ðæs cáseres tócyme the whole town moved out together in the direction of the emperor's approach, 814. Guman sigon ætsomne. Beo. Th. 619 ; B. 307. Gif ðú ne wilt wirde steóran ac on selfwille sígan lǽtest (cf. gif seó wyrd swá hweorfan mót on yfelra manna gewill, and ðú heore nelt stýran, Bt. 4 ; Fox 8, 18), Met. 4, 50. Him englas tógeánes heápum cwóman sígan, Exon. Th. 34, 30 ; Cri. 550. [Engles sihen in to heouene, Jul. 77, 7. Heo siȝen to his hærme, Laym. 8682. Forð heo gunnen siȝen, 29071.] IIa. of the movement of time :--Iunius síhþ tó mancynne . . . Agustus síhþ tó mannum, Anglia viii. 311, 6-17. Solmónaþ sígeþ tó túne, Menol. Fox 32 ; Men. 16. IIb. figurative :--Sigon tó slǽpe they sank to sleep, Beo. Th. 2506 ; B. 1251. Hine man þreáge mid teartran steóre ðæt is him síge on swingella wracu (verberum vindicta in eum procedat), R. Ben. 52, 7. [Wið þene sele brudgume þat siheð alle selhðe of from whom proceeds all happiness, H. M. 47, 35.] III. to ooze, run as matter, if the brain protrude, Lchdm. ii. 22, 19. Lǽt sígan út on sum fæt let it drain out into a vessel, iii. 48, 6. IV. to strain, filter, act as a filter, cf. (?) sígere :--Sígende sond rén swylgþ bibulae arenae, Bt. 12 ; Fox 36, 12, 16. [O. Sax. sígan Aries) óþ ǽfen">the sun to its setting">to sink (of the. sun) ; to proceed : O. Frs. síga : O. H. Ger. sígan declinare, ruere : Icel. síga Aries) óþ ǽfen">the sun to its setting">to sink down, slide.] v. á-, ge-, on-sígan ; sígend, and seón. sigan

Verwandte Wörter: seón :--Gif ðæt brægen út síge
