
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - smylte

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. Quiet, tranquil, calm, serene. I. of physical calmness:--Se mónaþ (June) is nemned on úre geþeóde se ǽrra líða, for ðon seó lyft biþ þonne smylte, Shrn. 87, 34. Swilce seó heofone ðonne heó smylte (serenum) byþ, Ex. 24, 10. Hyt byþ smylte weder, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 2. Smylte weder biþ ðý þancwyrþre, gif hit hwéne ǽr biþ stearce stormas and micle rénas and snáwas, Bt. 23; Fox 78, 26. Smylte reng pluvia serena, Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 34. Smelt hagol imber serotinus (that haven is ever calm after all the storms, Bt. 34, 8; Fox 144, 28. Smylte is se sigewong, Exon. Th. 199, 29; Ph. 23. Smeltre intempestae, tranquillae, serenae, Hpt. Gl. 495, 4. Swíðe eáðe mæg on smyltre sǽ ungelǽred scipstiéra genóh ryhte stiéran, Past. 9; Swt. 59, 1. Ðonne heó baðaþ hí on smyltum wætre, Shrn. 85, 21. Smylte wedere aure tenuis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 4, 56. Seó sǽ mót brúcan smyltra ýþa, Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 23. Ic becume tó ðære smyltestan hýðe, Guthl. prol.; Gdwin. 4, 20. I a. gentle, mild, of the wind:--Þurh ðone smyltan súþan-westernan wind, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 8. Hé ýste mæg oncyrran ðæt him windes hweoðu weorðeþ smylte statuit procellam in auram, Ps. Th. 106, 28. I b. fig. favourable, prosperous:--Smyltum belimpum successibus, Anglia xiii. 32, 132. II. of mental calm, placid, serene, tranquil, unruffled:--Cild ácenned smylte a child born on the ninth day of the moon will be placid, Lchdm. iii. 188, 12. Hé smylte móde and blíþe (placida mente) him eall forlét, Bd. 3, 22; S. 553, 20. Ðá frægn hé hwæðer hí ealle smylte mód (placidum animum) tó him hæfdon, 4, 24; S. 598, 40. Mid smyltre willsumesse tranquilla devotione, S. 599, 9, 10. Smylte l blíðelíce árfæstnisse sinceram pietatem, Rtl. 48, 28. Smyltum þohtum sinceris mentibus, 7, 21: 16, 37. v. mere-smylte; smolt, smyltness. smylte

Verwandte Wörter: smolt), Kent. Gl. 560. Swá biþ sǽ smilte, Exon. Th. 336, 26; Gn. Ex. 55. Sió án hýþ byþ simle smyltu æfter eallum ýstum
