
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sogoþa

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. I. hiccough, heartburn (?):--Gyf men sý sogoþa getenge oððe hwylc innan-gundbryne . . . ðonne wéne ic ðæt hyt him wel fremie ge wið sogoðan ge wið ǽghwylcum incundum earfoðnyssum Lchdm. i. 196, 16-21. Of hómena stiéme and of wlætan cymþ eágna mist and sió scearpnes and sogoþa ðæt déþ wið ðon is ðis tó dónne the acidity and heartburn (?) cause that against which this is to be done, ii. 28, 1. Wið sogoþan and geohsan ðe of milte cymþ, 248, 1. Ne yrne he ðe læs hé mid ðæs rynes éðgunge hwylcne wleattan and sogeðan on his heortan ne ástyrige lest the running cause nausea or give him heartburn (?): the Latin version has 'ut non scurilitas inveniat fomitem,' R. Ben. 68, 3. II. gastric juice (?) :--Lǽcedómas ðe gefóge sind ge heáfde ge heortan and wambe and blǽdran and sogeþan, Lchdm. ii. 166, 3.

Verwandte Wörter: ælf-sogoþa, súgan. sogoþa
