
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sorh-full

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. I. full of care or anxiety, careful, anxious, (a) feeling anxiety:--Seldan snottor guma sorgleás blissaþ swylce dol seldon drýmeþ sorgful ymbe his forðgesceaft nefne hé fǽhþe wite seldom does the prudent man rejoice without anxiety about his future, just as the fool seldom rejoices with trembling, unless he know that hostility (or death? fǽhþe from fǽge?) is near, Exon. Th. 303, 19; Fä. 55. Symble beó gé sorhfulle for eówre sáwle hǽlo ever be ye solicitous for your soul's salvation, L. E. I. prm.; Th. ii. 394, 14. Ðæt hé sorgfulra sié ymb hine selfne ut circa se solicitius vivant, Past. 28, 2; Swt. 191, 19. (b) attended with anxiety, causing anxiety:--Ðeós woruld is sorhful the present time is full of anxieties, Wulfst. 189, 6. Ne inc ǽnig mon beleán mihte sorhfulne síð (the perilous swimming match of Beowulf and Breca), Beo. Th. 1028; B. 512. II. sorrowful, mournful, sad, (a) feeling sorrow or grief:--Oft se welega and se wædla habbaþ suá gehweorfed hira þeáwum ðæt se welega biþ eáðmód and sorgfull, and se wædla biþ upáhæfen and selflíce, Past. 26, 2; Swt. 183, 11. Ic eom þearfa and sorhful ego sum pauper et dolens, Ps. Lamb. 68, 30. Sorhfull, Ps. Th. 85, 1. Ic sceal gnornian seóc and sorhful, Cd. Th. 281, 20; Sat. 275. Módor síðode sorhful], sunu deáþ fornam, Beo. Th. 4244; B. 2119. Hig heora synna andetton mid sorhfullum móde, Jud. 10, 10. Hé hafaþ wérige heortan, sefan sorhfulne, Salm. Kmbl. 757; Sal. 378. Ða sorgfullan illi quos caminus paupertatis excoquit, Past. 26, 1; Swt. 183, 4. (b) attended with or causing sorrow, grievous:--Módor gegán wolde sorhfulne síð, sunu wrecan, Beo Th. 2560; B. 1278. Ða sorhfullan sáule wunde, Ps. C. 50, 141. Adam and Eve in ðás deáðdene drohtað sóhton, sorgfulran gesetu, Exon. Th. 227, 2; Ph. 417. [O. H. Ger. sorg-fol sollicitus: Icel. sorg-fullr.] sorh-full