
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - spéd

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f. Speed, success, means. The word is found in the following glosses:--Spoed proventus, praeventus, Txts. 88, 815: successus, 96, 940: praesidium, 89, 1648. Spéd proventus, Wrt. Voc. i. 61, 25: ii. 68, 44. Ðeós spéd haec ops, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 56; Zup. 67, 18. Spéde facultatem, Hpt. Gl. 437, 40. Spédum successibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 56. I. speed, quickness; spédum speedily, quickly:--Gewiton him ædre æfter ðære sprǽce spédum féran, Cd. Th. 144, 32; Gen. 2398. Spédum sægde eorlum Abimeleh egesan geðreád Waldendes word, 161, 19; Gen. 2667. Him ða bróðor þrý spédum miclum (very speedily) hǽldon hygesorge heardum wordum, 122, 30; Gen. 2034. [Waterrstræm erneþþ towarrd te sæ wiþþ mikell sped ȝiff þatt itt nohht ne letteþþ, Orm. 18094.] II. speed (as in good speed), success, prosperous issue:--Ðæt mínre sprǽce spéd folgie that success may attend my speech, Ps. Th. 55, 4. Heó (Sarah) ne gelýfde ðæt ðære sprǽce spéd folgode she did not believe that any happy result would follow those words, did not believe that she should have a son, Cd. Th. 144, 4; Gen. 2384. Hit ne becymþ eów ná tó nánre spéde vobis non cedet in prosperum, Num. 14, 41. Ðær rícxaþ sib mid spéde peace and happiness reign there, Dóm. L. 267. On spéd successfully, to purpose, with effect, Beo. Th. 1750; B. 873: Exon. Th. 387, 28; Rä. 5, 12. Swá wit him an spéd sprecaþ we shall speak so as to convince him, Cd. Th. 36, 21; Gen. 575. Ic on ðínre hǽlo hyldo sóhte and on ðínre sprǽce spéd sóðfæste in salutari tuo, et in eloquio justitiae tuae, Ps. Th. 118, 123. Wíges spéd success in war, Exon. Th. 42, 16; Cri. 673. Æt wigge spéd, sigor æt sæcce, Elen. Kmbl. 2362; El. 1182. Hié ðære spǽce spéd ne áhton the people at Babel had no advantage from speech, Cd. Th. 101, 23; Gen. 1686. Se ðe him dóm forgeaf, spówende spéd (good speed). 246, 14; Dan. 479. Æt ðam spereníðe spéde lǽnan, 124, 8; Gen. 2059: 187, 19; Exod. 153. III. means, substance, abundance, wealth:--Spéd l dǽl mín ðú eart portio mea es, Ps. Lamb. 118, 57: 141, 6. Spéd substantia, Ps. Spl. 38, 7, 11: 68, 2: Ps. Th. 88, 40. His meahta spéd the abundance of his powers, Exon. Th. 240, 18; Ph. 640. Hé is mægna spéd, Cd. Th. 1, 6; Gen. 3. Wilna gehwilces weaxende spéd a growing abundance of every thing to be desired, 100, 7; Gen. 1660. Ic on mínre heortan hýdde georne ðæt ic ðínre sprǽce spéd gehealde in corde meo abscondi eloquia tua, Ps. Th. 118, 11: 38. Tubal Cain þurh snytro spéd smiðcræftega wæs Tubal Cain was a workman cunning through wealth of wisdom, Cd. Th. 66, 14; Gen. 1084. Metod tóbrǽd þurh his mihta spéd monna sprǽce, 102, 6; Gen. 1696: 306, 23; Sat. 668: Exon. Th. 225, 25; Ph. 394. Hé ús giefeþ ǽhta spéd, welan ofer wíd lond, 38, 10; Cri. 604. Hwǽr sind spéda rícera 3 M 2ubi sunt opes potentam, Wülck. Gl. 253, 38: Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 18, 8. Eorðan spéda, Soul Kmbl. 154; Seel. 77. Ðínre sprǽce spéde eloquia tua, Ps. Th. 118, 172. Ða ðe ðære mycelnesse hiora spéda gylpaþ qui multitudine abundantiarum suarum gloriabuntur, 48, 6. Ðú on ðínes mægenes mihte spédum sǽ gesettest tu confirmasti in virtute tua mare, 73, 13. Óðre him of hyra spédum (de facultatibus suis) þénedon, Lk. Skt. 8, 3. Mid eallum hira spédum ðe hig hæfdon cum universa substantia eorum quam habebant, Deut. 11, 6. 'Redemptio animae propriae divitiae' ... wé sceoldon mid úrum spédum úrum sáulum ða écan gesǽlinesse begitan, Chart. Th. 124, 27. Mé ðín sprǽc spédum (richly, abundantly] cwycade eloquium tuum vivificavit me, Ps. Th. 118, 50. Ealle mynstres fata and spéde hé sceal beseón omnia uasa monasterii cunctamque substantiam conspitiat, R. Ben. 55, 1. Ðín sunu ðe hys spéde (substantiam) ámyrde, Lk. Skt. 15, 30. Gemicla ðú heora wín and heora worldlíce spéde, Shrn. 104, 26: Ps. Th. 51, 6. Hé næfþ rihtwísnysse spéda and wísdómes goldhordas ðe sind sóðe welan, Homl. Th. ii. 88, 28. IV. power, facuity :-- Ðǽr wæs gesýne his seó sóðe spéd videbitur in majestate sua, Ps. Th. 101, 14. Þurh ðínra dǽda spéd dagas hér gewuniaþ ordinatione tua perseverat dies, 118, 91. Hafast ðú heáh mægen ðínes earmes spéd wið ealle fýnd in virtute brachii tui dispersisti inimicos tuos, 88, 9. Þurh his ǽgne spéd witan, Exon. Th. 351, 9; Sch. 77. Syndon on ðissum Simone twá spéda, mannes and deófles, Blickl. Homl. 179, 10. Ðú eart mǽgena God, nis ðé gelíc on spédum, Ps. Th. 88, 7. Wæs heofonweardes gást ofer holm boren miclum spédum, Cd. Th. 8, 8; Gen. 121. Meotud monnum syleþ sundorgiefe, sendeþ wíde ágne spéde (faculties peculiar to each), Exon. Th. 293, 24; Crä., 6. V. opportunity, or means of doing anything :-- Ðæt hé him spéde and lýfnysse sealde ðæt hé ðǽr wunian móste for intingan his gebeda ut sibi facultatem et licentiam ibidem orationis causa demorandi concederet, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 29. Se ealdormon him spéde and lýfnesse sealde tó farene swá hwider swá hí woldan major domus regiae copiam pergendi quoquo vellent, tribuit eis, 4, 1; S. 564, 34. VI. progeny (?) :-- On cederbeámum mid heora spédum spearwan nystlaþ, Ps. Th. 103, 16. [Huand iu thiu spót cumid, helpe fon himile (cf. thurgh helpe and spede of prayer, Pr. C. 2882), Hel. 1901. O. H. Ger. spuot celeritas, successus, provectus, prosperitas, substantia.]

Verwandte Wörter: ǽht-, freónd-, freoþo-, here-, land-, mægen-, sige-, sigor-, tuddor-, un-, wíg-, woruld-, wuldor-spéd. sped
