Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sprecan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- sprecan
- p. spræc, spæc; pl. sprǽcon, spǽcon; pp. sprecen, specen To speak. I. to exercise the faculty of speech :-- Se dumba spræc,Mt. Kmbl. 9, 33. Dumbe sprǽcon, Mk. Skt. 7, 37. Ðú byst suwiende, and ðú sprecan ne miht, Lk. Skt. 1, 20. Ænne lícþrowere . . . unsprecende forneán. . . . Rasilius gelǽdde hine forð wel sprecande, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 489. Wæs eall weoruld sprecende on án gereord, Wulfst. 211, 19. Geseónde dumbe specende (sprecende, MS. A.), Mt. Kmbl. 15, 31. II. to use words in conversation, discourse, etc.:--Ic ne sprece tó ðǽm, ac ic sprece tó ðé, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 12. Ic secge ðis sárspell and ymb síþ spræce, Exon. Th. 458, 7; Hy. 4, 96. Hwæþer ic be mé sylfum spece. Se ðe be him sylfum sprycþ, Jn. Skt. 7, 17, 18. Nú ðú sprycst openlíce, 16, 29. Eorl óðerne tǽleþ behindan, spreceþ fægere beforan, Frag. Kmbl. 8; Leás. 5. Ðá spræc se ofermóda cyning, Cd. Th. 22, 9; Gen. 338. Hió spræc him þicce tó, 43, 1; Gen. 684. Drihten wið Abrahame spræc, 139, 2; Gen. 2303. Hig spǽcon (sprǽcon, MS. A.) him betwýnan, Lk. Skt. 24, 14. Ðæt ðú ne belge wið mé, gif ic spræce. . . . Nú ic ǽne begann tó sprecanne tó mínum drihtne, ic wylle sprecan git, Gen. 18, 30-31. Ic eom ásend wið ðé sprecan, Lk. Skt. 1, 19. Ðonne hé spreocan ongan, Cd. Th. 269, 25; Sat. 78. III. with acc. (a) where the object of the verb is word or a similar form:--Ic ðás word spræce, Exon. Th. 457, 12; Hy. 4, 82. Ðú ða word spricest, 12, 2; Cri. 179. Se ðe God sende sprycþ Godes word, Jn. Skt. 3, 34. Ðú worn fela ymb Brecan spræce, Beo. Th. 1067; B. 531. Him ellenróf andswarode, word æfter spræc, 688; B. 341. Ðæt gé on eárum sprǽcon, Lk. Skt. 12, 3. Hié fela sprǽcon sorhworda somed, Cd. Th. 49, 7; Gen. 788. Spǽcon, Ps. Th. 57, 3. Gilde ǽlc ðe hit (the exculpation on oath) ǽr sprece .cxx. scill., L. Ath. i. 13; Th. i. 206, 6. Warna ðæt ðú nán þing elles ne sprece, búton ðæt ic ðé bebeóde, Num. 22, 35. Ðis synd ða word ðe ðú scealt sprecan tó folce, Ex. 19, 6. Ongan hospword sprecan, Andr. Kmbl. 2632; An. 1317. Ðæt ǽrende wæs sprecen, 3242; An. 1623: Beo. Th. 1290; B. 643. (b) where the object of the verb is a word denoting the matter expressed in the words spoken:--Ic rǽd sprece I give counsel in my words, Cd. Th. 115, 2; Gen. 1913. Ðú bysmor spycst blasphemas, Jn. Skt. 10, 36. Tunga his sprecþ dóm, Ps. Spl. 36, 32. Se ðe sóð spriceþ, Exon. Th. 3, 9; Cri. 33. Hé beót spriceþ, 290, 25; Wand. 70. Heó mé wom spreceþ, 402, 22; Rä. 21, 23. Ða ðe sprecaþ sybbe, Ps. Spl. 27, 4. Hié sprecaþ fácen and inwit, Cd. Th. 145, 30; Gen. 2413. Fela hé mé láðes spræc, 39, 9; Gen. 622. Ðam ðe sár sprece sáwle mínre, Ps. Th. 108, 20. (c) where the object is that which is spoken about, to mention:--On swelcum cræftum swelce wé ǽr sprǽnoc, Past. 9; Swt. 59, 12. Of ðsǽm beorgum ðe wé ǽr sprǽcon (sǽdon, MS. L.), Ors. 1, 1; 805. 17, 44. Wé gehýrdon hí sprecan Godes mǽrða mid úrum gereordum, Homl. Th. i. 314, 19. III a. with a clause, to say:--Hié sprǽcon, ðæt hit betere wǽre, Ors. 2, 3; Swt. 68, 8. Ðá gehýrde hé sumne ðara bróþra sprecan, ðæt hé wolde féran, Bd. 3, 2; S. 525, 5. III b. with the words that are spoken:--Hí sáre sprecaþ: 'Hwá gesyhþ úsic?' dixerunt, Quis videbit eos? Ps. Th. 63, 4. IV. with a gen.:--Míne fýnd sprǽcon mé yfeles, Ps. Th. 40, 8. V. with inst., to speak in a language, with words:--Ic sprece mongum reordum, Exon. Th. 390, 13; Rä. 9, 1. Beówulf beótwordum spræc, Beo. Th. 5014; B. 2510: Exon, Th. 253, 24; Jul. 185. Hé spræc him wordum tó, Ps. Th. 98, 7. Hé wordum wið his Waldend spræc, Cd. Th. 155, 22; Gen. 2576. Hé tó Noe spræc hálgan reorde, 89, 19; Gen. 1483. Hí sprǽcon úrum gereordum, Homl. Th. i. 314, 18. Tó Geátum spræc mildum wordum, Beo. Th. 2347; B. 1171. VI. with prep.:--Hé mid heardre ðreá hí on spræc and hí gebétte aspera illos invectione corrigebat, Bd. 3, 5; S. 527, 11. Wé sind an specende dicturi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 66. On specende inspirans, 93, 40. On spæcende (swætende, Wrt.), 47, 31. Ongeán sprecendes obloquentis, Ps. Spl. 43, 18. ¶ In technical terms, X, sprecan æfter, on, ymb to sue for, make a claim against, lay claim to:--Ðæt orf ðæt ic on spece the cattle that I lay claim to, L. O. 2; Th. i. 178, 15. Ágnung biþ nér ðam ðe hæfþ ðonne ðam ðe æfter sprecþ, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 21. Ða fíf hída ðe Æðelm Híga ymb spycþ. . . . Ongon Híga him specan on mid óðran onspecendan and wolde him óðflítan ðæt lond the five hides about which Æthelm Higa has a suit . . . Higa along with other claimants began to make a claim against him (Helmstan), and wanted to get the land from him by litigation, Chart. Th. 169, 17-24. Ðá spræc ic on ða mágas then I made a claim against the kinsmen, 167, 18. Hé spæc on his ágene módor æfter sumon dǽle landes, 337, 4. Ðá gemǽtæ hé ða swutelunga and ðǽrmid on ðæt land spæc, ongan ðá tó specenne on ðat land, 302, 12. Hine man tó rihte gelǽde ðám ðe him on sprǽcon (those that bring charges against him), L. Eth. i. 4; Th. i. 284, 1. Ðone áð ðe se gelýfan mihte ðe on sprece, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 18. Ðæt nán man on his yrfenuman ne spece that no man bring an action against his heir, L. Eth. iii. 14; Th. i. 298, 10. Ðone áð syllan, ðæt hé mid folcrihte on ðæt land sprece, L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 352, 13. [O. Frs. spreka: O. Sax. sprek-an: O. H. Ger. sprehhan.] v. á-, be-, for-, forþ-, ge-, mis-, ofer-sprecan; un-sprecende, for-, fore-sprecen. sprecan