
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - stagan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

(? stǽcan. Cf. Icel. steikja to roast) to roast :-- Ǽles tácen is þæt mon wecge his swýþran hand and sette syþþan ofer his wynstran earm and ástrehtre his wynstran hande stríce þwyrs ofer mid þǽre swyðran, swylce hé hine corflige swá swá mon ǽl déð þonne hine mon on spite stagan wyle the sign for an eel is to waggle the right hand, and then to put it over the left arm, and then, the left hand being extended, to make strokes with the right hand across the arm as if cutting it in bits as is done with an eel, when it is to be roasted on a spit, Tech. ii. 124, 11. [Cf. Icel. steikja á teini.] stagan