
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - stille

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. Still, quiet. I. in a physical sense, (1) of motion, (a) without motion, at rest, not moving from a place, not disturbed :--Seó sunne stód stille ánes dæges lencge, Lchdm. iii. 262, 8. Swá hé stille stande, ðǽr hine storm ne mæg áwecgan, Andr. Kmbl. 1003 ; An. 502. Stille on wícum siteþ, Exon. Th. 390, 26 ; Rä. 9, 7. Stille þynceþ lyft, 383, 14 ; Rä. 4, 10 : 387, 5 ; Rä. 4, 74. Se monlíca (thepillar of salt) stille wunode. Cd. Th. 155, 3 ; Gen. 2567. Wundum stille motionless from wounds, Beo. Th. 5653 ; B. 2830. Stánas sint stilre gecynde and heardre, Bt. 34, 11 ; Fox 150, 24. Seó sǽ ne mót heore mearce gebrǽdan ofer ða stillan eorþan, 21 ; Fox 74, 28. Twegen steorran standaþ stille, Lchdm. iii. 270, 17. Wit be ðisse strǽte stille þencaþ bídan, Cd. Th. 147, 9 ; Gen. 2436. Hí nýdde se tówarda winter ðæt hí stille wunodon swá hwǽr swá hí mihton coegerat eos imminens hiems ut ubicumque potuissent quieti manerent, Bd. 4, 1 ; S. 564, 39. Ðý læs fyrhtu stille (quietos) áwecce, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 202, 19. His wyr-truman wesan stille on staðole, Cd. Th. 251, 9 ; Dan. 561. And fig. :--Gif hé ne wolde lǽtan wræce stille, Exon. Th. 114, 10 ; Gú. 170. (b) moving little or gently :--Se man sceal swíþe stille beón the patient must move about as little as possible, Lchdm. ii. 148, 25. Oft stille wæter staðo brecaþ (cf. still waters run deep), Pronot easily moved (?), that will not run freely (?) :--Wǽte þicce and stille, Lchdm. ii. 138, 13. (2) of sound, (a) silent :--Ðeáh ðú stille sý and unrót though thou be silent and sad, Ap. Th. 15, 17. Se fæder hit gemǽnde stille pater rem tacitus considerabat, Gen. 37, 11. Hé hét ða Saducéiscan stylle beón silentium inposuisset Sadducaeis, Mt. Kmbl. 22, 34. And fig. :--Mid heortan stilre corde tacito, Hymn. Surt. 132, 30. Wén is ðæt eówer sum cweðe tó him sylfum on stillum geðohtum . . ., Homl. Th. i. 580, 5. (b) not loud :--Mid stylre stemne, Homl. Th. ii. 410, 20. II. quiet, unchanging, undisturbed, stable :--Ðú ðe unstilla ágna gesceafta tó ðínum willan wíslíce ástyrest and ðé self wunast swíðe stille unáwendendlíc á forð simle stabilis manens das cuncta moveri, Met. 20, 16. III. quiet, not vehement, gentle :--Heó wæs on eallum þingum eáðmód and stille, Lchdm. iii. 430, 3. Ne ástyrige gé ðone stillan Drihten tó ǽnigre yrsunge, Homl. Th. i. 592, 3. Tó hwæm lócige ic búton tó ðǽm eáðmódum and tó ðǽm stillum ad quem respiciam, nisi ad humilem et quietum ? Past. 41, 1 ; Swt. 299, 20. IV. abstaining from, quit of. v. stillness, IV :--Sió hé stille his þegnungæ óð biscopes dóm, L. Wih. 6 ; Th. i. 38, 11. [O. Frs. stille : O. Sax. stilli : O. H. Ger. stilli quietus, tranquillus, serenus, immobilis, mitis, placidus.] v. un-stille. stille

Verwandte Wörter: Kmbl. 63. (c)
