Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - stóc-líf
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
es ;
- stóc-líf
- n. A town, habitation :--Stócclíf oppidum, civitas, Hpt. Gl. 500, 18. Se mæg gedón ðæt ic sóftor eardian ǽgðer ge on ðisum lǽnan stóclífe (cf. Here have we no continuing city, Heb. 13, 14) ða whíle ðe ic on ðisse weorulde beó ge eác on ðam hécan háme ðe hé ús geháten hefþ he can make me dwell more at ease both in this transitory habitation, while I am in this world, and also in that eternal home that he hath promised us, Shrn. 163, 20. Se ðe égðer wilt ge ðissa lǽnena stóclífe ge ðara écena háma, 164, 9. Cf. cot-, mynster-líf for words in which líf is similarly used ; and see stóc. stoc-lif