
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - strūtian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. ode To stand out stiffly or projectingly :-- Se hālga wer hié (the robbers who were trying to break into the church) wundorlīce geband, ǣlcne, swā hē stōd, strūtiendne mid tōle, dæt hiera nān ne mihte dæt moUNCERTAINþ gefremman . . . Menn dæs wundrodon, hū da weargas hangodon, sum on hlǣddre, sum leát tō gedelfe, and ǣlc on his weorce wæs fæste gebunden, Swt. A. S. Prim. 87, 177. [Ne be þi winpil nevere so ȝelu ne so stroutende. Rel. Ant. ii. 15, 8 (13th cent.). His here strouted as a fanne, Chauc. C. T. 3315. StrowtyUNCERTAIN or bocyUNCERTAIN owte turgeo, Prompt. ParM. H. Ger. striuzen. Cf. a-strout. ' A-strout. This word is still used in Somersetshire, explained by Mr. Norris, MS. Glossary, " in a stiff, projecting posture, as when the fingers are kept but stiff. " The word occurs in Wright's Political Songs: The knif srant astrout, 336, 3. Further instances are: Hys yen stode owte astrote, Le Bone Florence of Rome, 2029. Bothe his eghne stode one strowte, Sir Isumbras.' Halliwell's Dict. The word strut is also used in the sense of strife: þair strut (other MSS. strife) it was unstern stith, C. M. 3461. M. H. Ger. strūz: Ger. strauss strife, struggle.] strutian

Verwandte Wörter: 480.
