Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - stycce
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- stycce
- I. add :-- Feóll án leóhtfæt of his handum ꝥ hit wearð tóbrocen on unárímedlicu styccu, Gr. D. 49, 22. Hit wæs tódǽled on twá sticceu (stycciu, styccu, ), 97, 7: 17.] Þurh sticceo per cola [cf. Ald. 4, 36: Grammaticorum regulas et orthographorum disciplinas . . . pedibus poeticis compactas per cola (per cola, i. membra þurh lim, An. Ox. 201)], Wrt. Voc. ii. 69, 8. II a. a piece of material complete in itself, but forming one of a number (?), a dish (?) :-- Sticce clarnum (the passage is: Appresenta meum clarnum et meum cultellum et meam legulam. Perhaps then sticce is for sticcan and belongs to legulam), An. Ox. 56, 74. III. add :-- Lytel sticce hé ligeð seóc (cf. sumne tíman hé síclað aliquod tempus egrotat, 33, 19), Archiv cxxix. 35, 13. v. cís-, hwíl-, stán-stycce. stycce