
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sweotolian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

swutelian, swytelian;

p. ode. I. to make clear or manifest, to shew, declare:?-Ǽlc gesceaft ðæt sweotolaþ, ðæt God éce is Deum aeternum esse cunctorum degentium commune judicium est, Bt. 42; Fox 256, 7. Hér swutelaþ on ðison cwyde hú Ædelréd geúðe ðæt Æðeríces cwyde standan móste, Chart. Th. 539, 20: 320, 24: 312, 8. Swytelaþ, 586, 25. Swetelaþ expremit, Kent. Gl. 1120. Ðæt ðæt man beháteþ, ðonne man fulluhtes gyrnþ, swytelaþ, ðæt man wile on ǽnne God gelýfan, L. I. P. 24; Th. ii. 338, 12. Hé ongan swutelian (ostendere) his leorningcnihtum, ðæt hé wolde faran, Mt. Kmbl. 16, 21. [He schawde and sutelede ꝥ he wes soð godd, Kath. 1037. He schawde him and sutelede him seolf to hire, 1834. Þet hit sutelie in us hwuch was his lif, A. R. 382, 3.] II. to become manifest:?-Ðín mycele miht manegum swutelaþ, Hy. 9, 32. [Hit schal sutelin (become manifest) sone, Jul. 18, 4. Þurh þis suteleð soð al ꝥ ich segge, Kath. 1089.]

Verwandte Wörter: ge-sweotulian. sweotolian
