Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sweotolung
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- sweotolung
- f. I. a manifestation:?-Ðes freólsdæg (Epiphany) is Godes swutelung gecweden, Homl. Th. i. 104, 29. II. an explanation, definition:?-Ásmeáde swutelunge elucubratam definitionem (manifestationem). Hpt. Gl. 522, 47. III. a declaration, setting forth, exposition, shewing:?-Hér onginþ seó bóc peri didaxeon (GREEK), ðæt ys seó swytelung hú fela géra wæs behúded se lǽcecræft, Lchdm. iii. 82, 1. IV. evidence, testimony, declaration; when written, a testament, title-deed, certificate, prescript:?-Hér is seó swutelung (the will, testament) hú Ælfhelm his áre and his ǽhta gefadod hæfþ, Chart. Th. 596, 5. Ðeós swutelung (the evidence or testimony which has been recited in the previous part of the charter) wæs ðǽrrihte gewriten and beforan ðam cincge gerǽdd, 540, 35. Wé habbaþ gedón swá swá ús swutelung (evidence of your wish, mandate) from eów com æt ðam b. (inrespect to consecrating the bishop), 314, 1. Hí ða bóc tó swutelunge sealdan they gave the charier as evidence (of a grant), 588, 14. Tó swutulunge ðæt man wite ðæt man clǽne bæc hæbbe (tó swutelunge ðæt man mid rihte fare, 9), L. A. G. 5; Th. i. 156, 5. Ic wille, ðæt ðú underfó ðás seofon lamb æt mé, ðæt hig tó swutelunge (in testimonium) beón, ðæt ic dealf ðísne pytt, Gen. 21, 30. Gyf ǽnig man sý, ðæt wylle ǽnig ðæra sócna him tó handa drægen, ic wylle ðæt hé cume beforan mé mid his sweotelunge (with the evidence that substantiates his claim), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. ievidences, title-deeds) ðe his fore-genga hæfde . . . Syððon se bisceop his swutelunge geeówod hæfde, Chart. Th. 302, 8-33. On ðissan þrím cyrografum ðe on ðissun ðrým mynstrum tó swytelungum gesette syndon, 233, 2. Swutelung[um] adstipulationibus (cf. adstipulationibus trymnessum, cýðnessum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 3, 63), Hpt. Gl. 525, 36. v. ge-swutelung. sweotolung