Sweotolung. i
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - sweotolung. i
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- sweotolung. I
- add: a visible display :-- Twégen munecas bǽdon æt Gode sume swutelunge be ðám hálgan húsle ... Ðá gesáwon hí licgan án cild on ðám weófode ... hí þæt húsl ðygedon Gode ðancigende þsére swutelunge, Hml. Th. ii. 272, 14-22. Wearð seó cwén micclum gegladod þæt heó móste ðone máðm (the cross) on moldan findan, and siððan ðurh tácnum swutelunge oncnáwan, 306, 11. II. add: a making known the significance of something :-- Se bisceop funde him ó rǽde þæt hí mid þreóra daga fæstene swutelunge þæs wundres æt Gode bǽdon. Hml. Th. i. 502, 25. (Cf. Bl. H. 199, 32.) Sigewulf hine (Albinus) befrán ... be gehwylcum cnottum þe hé sylf ne cúþe ... þá cwæð Albinus ꝥ hé wolde his áxunga ealle gegaderian, and him andsware sendan mid heora swutelungean, Angl. vii. 2, 16. III. add :-- Nú wylle wé embe ðises godspelles trahtnunge sume swutelunge eów gereccan. Hml. Th. i. 478, 4. IV. add :-- Se gerǽfa áxude Eugeniam hú heó ána mihte ealle þá gewytan áwǽgan mid áðe, oððe þurh ǽnige swutelunge hí sylfe áclǽnsian, Hml. S. 2, 226. sweotolung