
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - swíðe

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adTó ðam swíðe in tantum, Hpt. Gl. 509, 34. Tó ðan swýðe adeo, Ælfc. Gr. 30; Zup. 193, 5. I. with adjectives, (1) of quantity:--Mid swíþe manigre swétnesse, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 11: 11, 1; Fox 32, 34. Swíþe feáwa manna ongit, 19; Fox 70, 12. Swíþe lytle fiorme, Past. pref.; Swt. 5, 11. (2) of quality:--Hé biþ ðæra suíðe gemyndig, Past. 4; Swt. 37, 20. Ða swíðe swígean nimis taciti, 23; Swt. 174, 24. Swíþe heá dúne, Blickl. Homl. 27, 16. Ús is swíþe uncúþ, 51, 35. Hé wæs swíðe welig dives erat valde, Lk. Skt. 18, 23. II. with adverbs or adverbial phrases:--Suíðe oft, Past. 3; Swt. 35, 9. Ðæt his láreów hine suíðe lythwón gemyndgige, 31; Swt. 207, 4. Ðá wundrade ic swíðe swíðe, pref.; Swt. 5, 19. Swíðe ðearle vehementer nimis, Gen. 17, 2. Drinc swýþe þearle, Lchdm. i. 78, 10. Swíþe eáþe . . . swíþe raþe, Blickl. Homl. 21, 17, 21. Swíþe lytelíce, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 11. II a. in the superlative, chiefly, especially, mostly:--Seó bóc (St. John's gospel) hrepaþ swýðost ymbe Cristes godcundnysse, Homl. Th. i. 70, 1. Hwiþer wilt ðú mé swíþost lǽdan whither especially wilt thou lead me? Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 5. Þurh ofermétto ealra swíðost most of all through pride, Cd. Th. 22, 8; Gen. 337. Swíþost hé fór ðider for ðæm horschwælum it was chiefly on account of the walruses that he went thither, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 17, 35. Swíðost hys spéda hý forspendaþ mid ðam langan legere, 21, 8. Ðæs hé wæs ealles swíþost to hergenne, ðæt . . . he was to be praised most of all for this, that. . . , Blickl. Homl. 223, 27. Smire hine mid hrýþeres oþþe swíðost mid oxan geallan, Lchdm. ii. 44, 11. III. with verbs, intensifying their force:--Ne ðæt swíþe tó wundrianne is it is not much to be wondered at, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 24. Ðá arn dæt wíf swíðe then the woman ran fast, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 650. Ælmyssan sylle héswýðe eleemosynas reddat largiter, L. Ecg. C. 3; Th. ii. 136, 34. Þicge hit swýðe, Lchdm. i. 80, 19. Seóð swýþe and ete swýþe cook thoroughly and eat largely, 82, 1. Ðæt Drihten swóre áð swíðe solemnly swore an oath, Wulfst. 209, 27. Ðæt wé his tó suíðe ne gítseden, Past. 3; Swt. 33, 18. Drihten is þearle swíþe tó herienne, Lchdm. iii. 436, 18. Hé þearle swíþe wearþ gegladod, 438, 27. Swá swýþe swá hé ðam cyninge wæs líciende, swá swýþe hé him sylfum mislícade, Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 8. Mé swá swýþe ne lyst, swá . . . , Bt. 5, 1; Fox 10, 18. Hí swíþor clypodon illi magis clamabant, Mt. Kmbl. 27, 23. Nis ðé náuht swíþor nothing affects you more, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 8: 7, tit.; Fox x, 13. Wé nellaþ be ðám ná swíðor áwrítan we will not write further about them, Homl. Th. ii. 466, 20. Wé willaþ furðor ymbe ðás emnihte swíðor sprecan . . . Embe ðis wé sprecaþ eft swídor we will say more about it later on, Lchdm. iii. 240, 1, 7. Ða bróþra óþra weorca swýðor gýmdon paid more attention to other works, Bd. 3, 8; ii. 532, 30. Swá hé him swíþor bebeád swá hí swíðor bodedon quanto eis praecipiebat, tanto magis plus praedicabant, Mk. Skt. 7, 36. Wæs hé swá micle swíðor on his móde gedréfed, swá his mód ǽr swíðor tó ðám woruld-sǽlþum gewunod wæs, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 27. Biþ ðý heardra ðe hit sǽ-streámas swíðor beátaþ, Cd. Th. 80, 10; Gen. 1326. Ðǽm módum ðe hí willaþ swíþost beswícan the minds that they will most completely dtceive, Bt. 7, 1; Fox 16, 12. Ðá hé hí swíðost forslagen hæfde when he had inflicted a most severe defeat upon them, 16, 2; Fox 54, 2. Ðá hí swíðost worhton when they were working hardest, Homl. Th. i. 22, 22. Ðonne heó bléwþ swíðust when it is in fullest blossom, Lchdm. i. 160, 14. Forlǽtan unnytte ymbhogan swá hé swíþost mihte as much as ever he could, Bt. 35, tit.; Fox xvi, 27. Hiora scamiaþ swíþust ealles ða tó Sione hete swíðost hæfdon, Ps. Th. 128, 3. Swýþust ealra, 108, 28. Næfde se here Angelcynn ealles for swíðe gebrocod; ac hié wǽron micle swíþor gebrocede mid ceápes cwilde and monna; ealles swíþost mid ðæm ðæt manige ðara sélestena cynges þéna forðférdon, Chr. 897; Erl. 94, 29-32. [The word is common in Middle English. O. Sax. swíðo: O. Frs. swíthe.] v. efen-, for-, ofer-, un-swíðe. swiþe,swiðe

Verwandte Wörter: Very, much, exceedingly:--
