Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - teohhian
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
teohchian, teohgian, tihhian, teohian, teochian, tihian;
- teohhian
- p. ode. I. to suppose, consider, think, (a) with a clause :-- Ic tiohhie, ðæt hió ðæs taman náuht ne gehicgge, Met. 13, 25. Gif hwá teochaþ (tiohhaþ, Cott. MSS.) ðæt hé ǽfæst sié si quis putat se religiosum esse, Past. 38; Swt. 281, 2. Swá hwæt swá hé swíþost lufaþ ðæt hé teohhaþ (tiohhaþ, Cott. MS.) ðæt him sié betst ... ðonne hé ðæt begiten hæfþ ðonne tihhaþ hé ðæt hé mǽge beón swíðe gesǽlig quod quisque prae ceteris petit, id summum esse judicat bonum ... beatum esse judicat statum, quem prae ceteris quisque desiderat, Bt. 24, 3; Fox 84, 11-14. Tehhaþ, Fox 84, 16. Sunte wénaþ, ðæt ... Sume teohhiaþ, ðæt ... Manege tellaþ, ðæt..., 24, 2; Fox 82, 7-12: 26, 2; Fox 92, 26: Ps. Th. 11, 4. Hié tiohchiaþ ðæt ðæt (silence) scyle bión for eáðméttum tacere se aestimant ex humilitate, Past. 41; Swt. 302, 3. Nán ðara góda ðín nis ðe ðú teohhodest (tiohhodes, Cott. MS.) ðæt hí ðíne beón sceoldan nihil horum, quae in tuis computas bonis, tuum esse bonum monstratur, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 42, 29. Se leása wéna ðara dysigena manna tiohhie, ðæt ... hominum fallax adnectit opinio, 27, 3; Fox. 98, 32. (b) with tó, to consider as :-- Of gromra gripe, ðe ðú tó godum tiohhast from the clutch of cruel ones, whom thou countest as gods, Exon. Th. 255, 17; Jul. 215. Ǽlc mon tiohhaþ him ðæt tó sélestum goode ðæt ðæt hé swíþost lufaþ every man considers that as his best good, which he most loves, Bt. 33, 2; Fox 122, 23. Hí teohhiaþ út him tó snǽdincgsceápum aestimati sumus ut oves occisionis, Ps. Th. 43, 23. Ðam wísan men com tó lofe and tó wyrðscipe ðæt se unrihtwísa cyning him teohhode tó wíte cruciatus, quos putabat tyrannus materiam crudelitatis, vir sapiens fecit esse virtutis, Bt. 16, 2; Fox 52, 27. Gif hé hit ne tiohchode eall tó anum si utraque unum esse non decerneret, Past, 49; Swt. 385, 34. (c) in other ways :-- Teohgaþ decreverit, cogitaverit, Hpt. Gl. 412, 48. Ne biþ hé swá brád swá hé teohhaþ (tihhaþ, Cott. MS.), Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 12. II. to purpose, determine, intend, appoint, (a) with an accusative :-- Man ús tyhhaþ twegen eardas two dwellings are intended for us, Hy. 7, 97. Oft ic leán teohhode hnáhran rince, Beo. Th. 1907; B. 951. (b) with an accusative and (implied) infinitive :-- Swilce hé ná ða sprǽce ne mǽnde and tiohhode hit þeáh þiderweardes (and yet he intended it to go in that direction), Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 12. (c) with a clause :-- Tó ðǽm sóþum gesǽlþum ic tiohhie (tiohige, Cott. MS.) ðæt ic ðé lǽde, Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 7. Swá swá hé tiohhaþ, ðæt hit sié, 39, 6; Fox 220, 7. Nis nán gesceaft ðe hé tiohhige (tiohhie, Cott. MS.) ðæt hió scyle winnan wiþ hire Scippendes willan ... Hwæt wénst ðú gif ǽnegu gesceaft tiohhode ðæt hió wiþ his willan sceolde winnan hwæt hió mihte wiþ swá mihtine swá wé hine gerehtne habbaþ nihil est quod Deo contraire conetur ... quid si conetur, sum tandem proficiet quidquam adversus eum, quem potentissimum esse concessimus, 35, 4; Fox 160, 21-27. Ðæt hé forðý reáfige ðý hé tiohchie (teohhige, Cott. MSS.) ðæt hé eft scyle mid ðý reáfláce ælmessan gewyrcean pro misericordia facienda peccare, Past. 45; Swt. 341, 22. (d) with tó :-- Swá hwæt swá ðú mé tó gyfe tihhie bring ðæt Gode tó onsægednysse whatever you may intend as a gift to me, bring that as a sacrifice to God, Homl. Ass. 123, 209. (e) with gerundial infinitive :-- Ðǽr ðú ongeáte hwidre ic ðé teohhie (tiohige, Cott. MS.) tó lǽdenne si, quonam te ducere aggredimur, agnosceres, Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 1. Cildum ðe wé tiochiaþ úrne eard tó te forlǽtanne, and hié tiochiaþ ús tó ierfeweardum tó habbanne, Past. 50; Swt. 391, 28. Hý teohhiaþ mé tó áfyrranne, Ps. Th. 39, 16. Hé tiohchode him má tó fultemanne ... hé teohchode hine tó lǽdanne on lífes weg, Past. 41; Swt. 305, 4, 5. His (Ulysses') þegnas for hiora eardes lufan tihodon hine tó forlǽtanne, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 29. (f) undetermined :-- Teohhaþ distinat, i. disponit, contendit, Wrt. Voc. ii. 141, 35. [Cf. O. H. Ger. gi-zehón instaurare, resarcire.] wk.). teohhian