
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - tó-slífan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. -sláf To split in two, cleave, cut to pieces :-- Tósláf, tócleáf findit. Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 32 : 93, 8. [Thai laiden on with swerdes clere, Helm and scheld that stronge were Thai gonne hem al toschlíve, Gy of Warwike (in Halliwell's Dict. ). See slífan, where the later form of that verb is cited from Prompt. Parbut the reference is omitted. '] tó-slítan; p. -slát, pl. -sliton ; pp. -sliten To tear in two, tear to pieces, tear asunder :-- Ic tóbrece oððe tóslíte rumpo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Zup. 177, 4. Ic tóslíte scinrio, Zup. 178, 6 : lacero, 36; Zup. 214, 10: lanio, Zup. 216, 15. I. to tear in two, in pieces, rend material, e. g. a garment, a bond :-- Ðæt níua tóslítaþ the new maketh a rent, Lk. Skt. Lind. 5, 36. Se héhsacerd tóslát l torende (scindens) woedo his, Mk. Skt. Lind. 14, 63: Past. 3; Swt. 35, 20. Hé tóslát (disrupisset) ða raceteága, Mk. Skt. 5, 4. Ne tóslíte ué ðæt cyrtel non scindamus tunicam, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 19, 24. Ðá hét ic eald hrægl tóslítan and habban wið ðæm fýre jussi scissas uestes opponere ignibus, Nar. 23, 30. Ðæs temples wáhryft wearð tósliten on twégen dǽlas fram ufeweardon oð nyþeweard the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. Mt. Kmbl. 27, 51. Tóslitten wæs ðæt nett rumpe-batur retia, Lk. Skt. Lind. 5, 6. I a. to give a torn appearance to anything, to serrate (of leaves) :-- Ðeós wyrt is gehwǽdon leáfun and tóslitenon, Lchdm. i. 290, 9. I b. figuratively :-- Hé ðone cræft briceþ and ða orðancas ealle tóslíteþ. Salm. Kmbl. 147; Sal. 72. Gif ðé hwæt yfeles biþ, hraþe hyt byþ tósliten, swá wæs Abdias gyrdels ðæs wítegan. Lchdm. i. 328, 2. II. to rend, cleave, break asunder that which is hard or bulky :-- Ðú tóslite wyllas and burnan tu dirupisti fontes et torrentes; thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood (A. V. ), Ps. Spl. 73, 16. Hé tóslát stán dirupit petram; he opened the rock (A. V. ), 104, 39. Hé tóslát sǽinterrupit mare, Ps. Lamb. 77, 13. Stánas tósliten l tobrocen wéron petrae scissae sunt, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 27, 51. II a. figuratively :-- Ðá ic ðære heortan heardnesse mid geornfullícre fandunge tóslát cum cordis duritia studiosis percunctationibus scinditur. Past. 21; Swt. 155, 5. III. to tear the flesh, rend, bite, wound, lacerate, generally of wounds made by animals, literally and figuratively :-- Wurmas tóslítaþ heora lícham-an mid fýrenum tóðum, Homl. Th. i. 132, 17. Ða líchoman ðe wildeór ábiton, oþþe fixas tóslitan, Blickl. Homl. 95, 16. Gifhund mon tóslíte oððe ábíte, L. Alf. pol. 23; Th. i. 78, 2. Ðæt se werewulf tó swíðe ne tóslíte, ne tó fela ne ábíte of godcundre heorde, L. I. P. 6; Th. ii. 310, 31. Ðe læs hig (porci) eów tóslýton (-slítas, Lind. ) ne dirumpant vos, Mt. Kmbl. 7, 6. Tóslítan (-en, MS. ) discerpere, dilaniare. Hpt. Gl. 423, 54. Ðam ðe tósliten (bitten by a dog) sý, Lchdm. i. 362, 25 : 370, 16. Se ðe tósliten beó he that is bitten by a snake, Num. 21, 8: Homl. Th. ii. 240, 18. Swá swá sceáp from wildeórum beóþ fornumene, swá ða earman ceaster-waran tóslitene wǽron fram heora feóndum (discerpuntur ab hostibus), Bd. 1, 12 ; S. 481, 26. Scípo diówlíca ne forlǽt ðú onerninge ðætte wé sié tósliteno oves diabolica non sinas incursione lacerari. Rtl. 36, 1. Góman beóþ tóslitene, Soul Kmbl. 216; Seel. 110. Ða tóslitenan wunda heó forþrycceþ, Lchdm. i. 356, 14. IV. to tear asunder, part, separate what has been joined, sever :-- Mon eá þe tóslíteþ, ðætte nǽfre gesomnad wæs, Exon. Th. 380, 33; Rä. 1. 18. Sibbe tóslítaþ sinhíwan tú, 284, 16; Jul. 698. Ðæt God gegeadrade monn ne tóslíte quod Deus conjunxit, homo non separet. Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 19, 6. V. to pull to pieces, destroy the existence of an object, abstract or concrete, to destroy, dissipate :-- Ic undóe l tóslíto tempel ðis ego dissoluam templum hoc, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 14, 58. Hý sǽlða tóslítaþ, Salm. Kmbl. 697; Sal. 348. Tóslát destruit, Mt. Kmbl. p. 16, 16. Tóslítende (eft gié tóslítas, Lind. Rush. ) Godes bebod rescindentes uerbum Dei, Mk. Skt. 7, 13. Ríc tósliten biþ regnum desolabitur, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 12, 25. Wæs semninga heofones smyltnes tósliten subito interrupta est serenitas, Bd. 5, 1 ; S. 613, 24. Ðurh ðæt wierð tóslieten (-sliten, Cott. MSS.) sió stilnes hiera hiéremonna módes and biþ gedréfed sió smyltnes hiera lífes subditorum vitam dissipata quietis tranquillitate confundunt, Past. 40; Swt. 289, 7. VI. to distract the mind :-- Hú oft sió bisgung ðæs ríces tóslít ðæt mód ðæs recceres quod plerumque occupatio regiminis soliditatem dissipet mentis, Past. 4; Swt. 37, 11. VII. intrans. To be different :-- Tóslittaþ discordat, Mt. Kmbl. p. 2, 8. [O. H. Ger. ze-slízan scindere, secidere, discerpere, lacessere, perdere, dissipare.] tó-slite, es; m. A rent, lear, laceration, wound made by scratching, cutting, or biting, v. slítan, slite :-- Gif hwá tóbrýsed sý, genim ðás wyrte . . . Eác swylce tóslite heó gehǽleþ, Lchdm. i. 122, 3. [O. H. Ger. zur-, zi-sliz discidium, repudium.] v. tó-slítness, tó-slítan, III. to-slifan

Verwandte Wörter: 459,
