Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - tungol
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
(-ul, -el), tungl, es;
- tungol
- generally neuter, but pl. tunglas occurs: tungla, an; m. I. a heavenly body:--Tungel sidus, Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 54. Mænig tungul máran ymbhwyrft hafaþ on heofonum, Met. 28, 20. Saturnes steorra wandraþ ofer óþrum steorrum ufor ðonne ǽnig óþer tungol, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 14. Swá heofenes tunglu sicut astra coeli, Deut. 10, 22. Sume tunglu habbaþ scyrtran hwyrft ðonne sume habban, swá swá tunglu habbaþ ðe wé hátaþ wǽnes ðisla, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 17-19, 22. Tungl, Met. 28, 6, 12. Men sǽdon ðæt heofones tungul (astra) hiora yfel flugon, Ors. 1, 8; Swt. 42, 24. Tungol, Exon. Th. 58, 12; Cri. 934: 204, 12; Ph. 96. Tunglan lumina, Hpt. Gl. 446, 23: Boutr. Scrd. 18, 31. Þás tunglan haec sidera, Ælfc. Gr. 14; Zup. 90, 5. Tunglan nǽron gesceapene ǽr on ðam feórðan dæge. On ðam feórðan dæge gesette se Ælmihtiga ealle tungla, Homl. Th. i. 100, 7-9. Saturnus yfmest is eallra tungla, Met. 24, 20. Se móna is ealra tungla nyþemest, Boutr. Scrd. 18, 38. Astronomia, ðæt ys tungla gang, Shrn. 152, 14. Æþelast tungla (the sun), Exon. Th. 204, 6; Ph. 93. Under tunglum on earth, Andr. Kmbl. 3; An. 2. Beheald ða tunglu ðæs heán heofnes, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 232, 25: Met. 29, 4. Tungl, 28, 5. Tungel, Cd. Th. 132, 8; Gen. 2190. II. a heavenly body other than sun or moon, a star:--Seó sunne and se móna and ealle tunglan (tungla, MS. R.), Lchdm. iii. 246, 23. Gewíteþ sunne and móna and eal tungla leóht áspringeþ, Blickl. Homl. 91, 23. Sunnan . . . mónan . . . tunglena (siderum), Hymn. Surt. 22, 29. Féran mid ðære sunnan betwyx ðám tunglum, Bt. 36, 2; Fox 174, 11. Sunnan leóma torht ofer tunglas, Exon. Th. 7, 26; Cri. 107. III. a planet (including the sun and moon):--Ða seofon dweligendan tunglan (cf. steorran, 26) . . . Þone yfemestan héton ða hǽþenan Saturnus . . . Se feórða is seó sunne . . . Se seofoþa is se móna, Boutr. Scrd. 18, 29-38, 41. Tungel (Saturn), Met. 24, 23. Tungol (the sun), Exon. Th. 350, 25; Sch. 69: Chr. 937; Erl. 112, 14. Æðele tungol (Venus), Met. 29, 32. Móna, gǽstlíc tungol, Exon. Th. 44, 7; Cri. 699. Habbaþ æðele tungol emne gedǽled dæg and nihte, . . . sunne and móna . . . þa wlitegan tungl, Met. 29, 35-39. Ða mǽran tungl, 9. IV. a fixed star:--Seó tunglena heofon, Boutr. Scrd. 18, 24, 28. V. a group of stars, a constellation, division of the zodiac:--Arthon hátte án tungol on norðdǽle, se hæfþ seofon steorran . . . ðone hátaþ lǽwede menn carles wǽn. Se ne gǽð nǽfre ádúne under ðyssere eorðan, swá swá óðre tunglan (tungla, MS. R.) dóð . . . óðer tungel is on súðdǽle ðysum gelíc, Lchdm. iii. 270, 9-15. Ðé is nú cúð ðes mónan færeld, on hwilcum tungle hé nú is oððe on hwilce hé ðanon géð, Shrn. 173, 1. Under ðam circule (the zodiac) yrnð seó sunne and se móna and ða twelf tunglena tácna, Lchdm. iii. 242, 3. Hys geár is ðæt hé underyrne ealle ða twelf tunglan, 248, 21, 5. [Goth. tuggl (uf tugglam, Gal. 4, 3; cf. under tunglum, Andr. Kmbl. 3; An. 2): O. Sax. tungal: O. H. Ger. zungal: Icel. tungl and tungli (wk.) the moon: Swed. tungel the moon.]