Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - un-gebét[t]
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- un-gebét[t]
- adj. I. of things, unamended, uncorrected; in reference to sin, not amended through the penance prescribed by the church :-- Scylde ðe an hiera ealra gewitnesse gedón wæs and ðágiett ungebétt (-bét, Hatt. MS.) culpam quae apud eos et perpetrata fuerat, et incorrecta remanebat, Past. 32; Swt. 210, 7. Gyf hé ǽnigne gylt ungebét hæfð, L. Ælfc. C. 32; Th. ii. 354, 29. Ealle scylda, ðe wið God beóð ungebétta, beóð unforgifne on dómes dæge, Past. 33; Swt. 220, 17. II. of persons, unatoned because 'bót' has not been made :-- Ðá wæs hé ðisse spǽce, ǽgðer ge on lífe and æfter, ungeládod ge ungebétt he was, both when alive and afterwards, uncleared from this charge and unatoned (i.e. neither was his innocence proved nor was the case settled by the payment of 'bót'), Chart. Th. 540, 4. [Icel. ú-bættr unatoned.] un-gebett