
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - un-lǽd

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


adj. I. poor, miserable, unhappy, unfortunate :-- Unlǽde bið and ormód se ðe á wile geómrian, Salm. Kmbl. 699; Sal. 349. Óðer bið unlǽde on eorðan, óðer bið eádig, 731; Sal. 365. Him mæg eádig eorl eáðe geceósan mildne hláford; ne mæg dón unlǽde swá, 784; Sal. 391. Lócaþ fram ðam unlǽdan hláford his lord turns his looks from the unhappy man, 765; Sal. 382. II. in a moral sense, poor, miserable, wretched :-- Mé þincð swíðe dysig man and swíðe unlǽde ðe nele hys andgyt ǽcan ða hwíle ðe hé on ðisse weontlde byð, Shrn. 204, 24. Unlǽde bið on eorðan, unnyt lífes se þurh ðone cantic ne can Crist geherian, Salm. Kmbl. 41; Sal. 21. Rǽd biþ nyttost, yfel unnyttost, ðæt unlǽð nimeþ, Exon. Th. 341, 3; Gn. Ex. 120. Helle gǽst, earm and unlǽd, 279, 19; Jul. 616. Se unlǽda (-e, MS.) Iudas, se ðe hine tó deáþe belǽwed hæfde, Wanl. Catal. 134, col. 1. Swá heó ðæs unlǽdan (Holofernes) eáþost mihte wel gewealdan, Judth. Thw. 23, 3; Jud. 102. Ða þrowunga ðe hé ádreág æt ðæm unlǽdan folce Iudéa, Blickl. Homl. 97, 16. Ðæt wíte, ðæt ðon unlǽdon geteohhod biþ; him wǽre betere ðæt hé nǽfre geboren nǽre, 25, 24. Ða unlǽdan (the chief priests who wished to kill Lazarus, Jn. 12, 10), 77, 9. Gesǽlige beóð ða ðe ðam fyliaþ, and unlǽde beóð ða ðe ðam wiðsacaþ, Wulfst. 264, 21. Gé sind unlǽde, earm[r]a geþóhta, Andr. Kmbl. 1487; An. 745. Unlǽdra (the cannibals) eafoð, 59; An. 30: (evil spirits), 283; An. 142. Hé æt ðǽm unlǽdum Iudéum manig bysmor geþrowade, Blickl. Homl. 23, 30: 85, 1. [Þo unlede (þese wikkede, MS. V.) fode, Al. (T.) 333. Hu he is unlede (miserable) þat foleweþ queue rede, Misc. 122, 337: O. and N. 1644. Goth. un-léds poor.]

Verwandte Wörter: un-lǽdlíce. un-læd
