
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - un-rǽd

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. I. evil counsel, ill-advised course, bad plan, folly :-- Scipia sǽde, ðæt hit (the building of a theatre) wǽre se mǽsta unrǽd and se mǽsta gedwola dicens, inimicissimum hoc fore bellatori populo ad nutriendam desidiam, lasciviaeque commentum, Ors. 4, 12; Swt. 210, 1. Eádríc gewende ðone cyning ongeán. Næs nán mára unrǽd gerǽd ðonne se wæs Eadricus per dolum fecit exercitum Anglorum redire. Non fuit pejus concilium factum in Anglia de tali re, Chr. l016; Erl. 157, 22. Ðæs unrǽdes (the building of the tower of Babel) stíðferhð cyning steóre gefremede, Cd. Th. 101, 15; Gen. 1682. Gif ðú unrǽdes ne geswícest, Exon. Th. 249, 31; Jul. 120: 393, 14; Rä. 12, 10: 410, 6; Rä. 28, 12. Hí geeácnodon heora yfel and God mid weorcum gegremedon ... swá ðæt hig Eglone þeówodon for heora unrǽde, Jud. 3, 14: Thw. p. 162, 29. Hý férdon on unriht and unrǽde fyligdon ambulaverunt post vanitatem (Jeremiah 2, 5), Wulfst. 49, 9. Absalon férde forð mid his unrǽde, and wolde his ágenum fæder feores benǽman, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 215. Ðæra hálgena líc woldon hí besencan on flóde, ac se ælmihtiga Scyppend wiðslóh ðam unrǽde. Sum wíf wæs ðe wiste heora unrǽd, ii. 29, 324. Tó his (Lucifer's) unrǽde gefæstnod, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2. 44: 4, 10: Cd. Th. 43, 33; Gen. 700. Hé intó Englelande mid máran unrǽde férde ðone him behófode, Chr. 1093; Erl. 229, 3. Wæs gesǽd ðæt hé wǽre on ðam unrǽde, ðæt man sceolde on Eást-Sexon Swegen underfón, Chart. Th. 539, 27. Agathocles gedyde untreówlíce wið hiene... On ðære hwíle ðe hé ðone unrǽd þurhteáh, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 170, 53. Ne wend ðú ðé on ðæs folces unrǽd and unriht gewil non sequeris turbam ad faciendum malum (Ex. 23, 2), L. Alf. 41; Th. i. 54, 6. Ðæs engles mód ðe ðone unrǽd (rebellion against God) ongan ǽrest fremman, Cd. Th. 3, 3; Gen. 30. Hyra freá ǽrest unrǽd (the setting up of the image) efnde, 227, 13; Dan. 186. Hí þégun æppel unrǽdum (ill-advisedly), Exon. Th. 226, 9; Ph. 403. Ealle ðás ungesǽlþa ús gelumpon þuruh unrǽdas, Chr. 1011; Erl. 145, 22. II. disadvantage, prejudice, hurt :-- Ic andette ... ǽlcne glængc ðe tó mínes líchaman unrǽde ǽfre belimpe, L. de Cf. 7; Th. ii. 262, 28: Anglia xi. 98, 28. Hé helle ontýneþ ðám ðe líces wynne fremedon on unrǽd, Exon. Th. 364, 14; Wal 70. Hí drugon heora sylfra écne unrǽd, Cd. Th. 116, 16; Gen. 1937. [Laym. un-ræd ill-counsel. Þat child his unred to rede wend, O. and N. 1464. Iacobes sunes deden unred, Gen. and Ex. 1906. O. H. Ger. un-rát: Icel. ú-ráð; n. bad counsel, an ill-advised step.] un-ræd