Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - un-wær
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- un-wær
- adj. I. not on one's guard, unaware, unprepared :-- Gif ðé man scotaþ tó, ðú gescyltst ðé, gif ðú hit gesihst; gif ðú unwær bist, ðú bist ðe swíðor geswenct, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 11. Hí cweþaþ ðæt tó worde, ðæt se biþ on geþance wærast and wísast, se ðe óðerne can raðost ásmeágan and oftost of unwæran sum ðing gerǽcan, Wulfst. 55, 22. Perpena on ðone cyning ungearone (unwærne, MS. C.) becom Perperna Aristonicum inproviso bello adortus, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 104, 26. Ðý læs ðe se smíc derige ðám unwarum, Homl. Th. ii. 418, 5. II. unwary, heedless, incautious, inconsiderate :-- Módignys is endenéxt gesett, for ðan ðe se unwæra on ende oft módegaþ on gódum weorcum, Homl. Th. ii. 222, 4. Þencð se unwara eall swá deófol hine lǽrð, Wulfst. 298, 32. Unware weorude, Exon. Th. 363, 25; Wal. 59. Deófol wile beswícan ðone unwaran, Homl. Th. i. 16, 22: Blickl. Homl. 55, 23. Hig fordrencton ðone unwæran .Loth, Gen. 19, 35. Ða unwaran indocti et praecipites, Past. proem.; Swt. 25, 12. Ða unwaran láreówas rectores improvidi, 15; Swt. 89, 10. His word beóð góde geðúhte unweran (-warum, MS. C.) mannum, Wulfst. 54, 17. Deófol déð swýðe lytelíce, ðǽr hé ongyt unwære (-ware, MS. C.) menn, 11, 16. Unware inexpertos, incautos, Hpt. Gl. 498, 61. Ða ðe galdorcræftas begangaþ and unwære men beswícaþ, Blickl. Homl. 61, 24. Unware, 185, 2. Unuuere incautos, Kent. Gl. 902. Tó fordónne ða unwaran, Basil admn. 2; Norm. 34, 30. Oft ðonne se hirde gǽð on frécne wegas, sió hiord ðe unwærre bið gehríst cum pastor per abrupta graditur, ad praecipitium grex sequitur, Past. 2; Swt. 31, 1. III. adverbial uses :-- Hí unwares (unawares, unexpectedly) cómon, and hé fyrst næfde, ðæt hé his fyrde gegadrian mihte, Chr. 1004; Erl. 139, 21. Unwæres, 1093; Erl. 229, 5. Ðá com Harold heom ongeán on unwaran (cf. Icel. at úvörum unexpectedly), 1066; Erl. 200, 38. Ðá com Harold on unwær (cf. Icel. koma á úvart to take by surprise) on ða Normenn, Erl. 201, 26: 202, 7: 1043; Erl. 168, 32. Hí cómon unwær on heom, 1050; Erl. 175, 32: 1067; Erl. 205, 25. [He wes to unwar, Laym. 7810. Sunnen sleað þeo unwarre soule, A. R. 274, 5. Icel. ú-varr.] un-wær