
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - un-wemme

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. I. of concrete objects, spotless, without blemish, without defect, uninjured :-- Lamb unwemme agnus absque macula, Ex. 12, 5: Leille locus, cum diluvium mersisset fluctibus orbem, exsuperavit aquas, Exon. Th. 200, 25; Ph. 46. Hé eft mid his unwemmum líchaman hine gegyrede, Blickl. Homl. 89, 35. Hé gelǽdde ðæt folc ealle unwemme ofer ða Reádan sǽ he led the people all of them uninjured over the Red Sea, Btwk. 196, 2. II. of abstract objects, uninjured, inviolate :-- Cyninges handgrið stande unwemine, L. E. G. 1; Th. i. 166, 21 (cp. L. Eth. vi. 14; Th. i. 318, 25). Godes cyrican wé sculan ǽfre lufian and nǽfre derian wordes ne weorces, ac griðian hý symle and healdan unwemme, Wulfst. 67, 17. Hí eodon of ðam fýre feorh unwemme, Exon. Th. 197, 7; Az. 186. III. in a moral sense, undefiled, pure, immaculate, perfect :-- For ðí ic weorðe unwemme (immaculatus) beforan him, Ps. Th. 17, 23: 18, 12. Sié heorte mín unwemme, Ps. Surt. 118, 80. Se Hǽlend betwux synfullum unwemme fram ǽlcere synne ðurhwunode, Homl. Th. i. 356, 14. On unwemmum (ðæm unwemman, Surt.) wege in via immaculata, Ps. Th. 100, 1. Unwemne weg, Ps. Surt. 17, 33. Flǽsc unwemme, Exon. Th. 26, 18; Cri. 418. Hié scoteden ðone unwemman, Ps. Surt. 63, 5. Unwemme synt ðíne wegas impolluta via ejus, Ps. Th. 17, 29. Ða ðe unwemme (immaculati) on hiora Dryhtnes ǽ gangaþ, 118, 1. Weagas unwemra, Ps. Surt. 36, 18. Unwæmme, Ps. Th. 17, 31. Ðæt wé úrne líchaman and úre sáwle swá unwemme him ágeofan on dómes dæg, swá hé hine ǽr gesceóp, Blickl. Homl. 103, 22. II a. of virginity, pure, immaculate :-- Unwemme immunis (carnali spurcitia, Ald. 21), Hpt. Gl. 442, 5: Homl. Skt. i. 7, 59. Fram unwemre fǽmnan ácenned, Blickl. Homl. 167, 21. Æt Sancta Maria ðære unwemman fǽmnan, 105, 20. Heó lufode ðone Hǽlend ðe hí heóld unwemme, Homl. Skt. i. 20, 18: Exon. Th. 19, 13; Cri. 300. Uuwemme immunes, incontaminati, Hpt. Gl. 447, 43. Hér syndon inne unwemme twá dohtor míne, ne can ðara idesa ówðer gieta þurh gebedscipe beorna neáwest, Cd. Th. 148, 30; Gen. 2864. [Goth. un-wamms sine macula, immaculatus: O. Sax. idis un-wamma; acc.] v. next word. un-wemme

Verwandte Wörter: 9, 2, 3. Se æþela wong ǽghwæs onsund wið ýðfare gehealden stód hreóra wǽga unwemme
