Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - under-bæc
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- under-bæc
- adv. I. where there is motion of a person in the direction towards which the back is kept turned, backwards, (a) approaching an object :-- Sem and Iafeth eodon underbec Shem and Japhet went backward; incedentes retrorsum, Gen. 9, 23. (b) motion from :-- Ðá eodon hig underbæc they went backward; abierunt retrorsum, Jn. Skt. 18, 6. Hwílum ic underbæc bregde nebbe, Exon. Th. 498, 5; Rä. 87, 8. Feallan underbæc to fall backwards, Homl. Th. ii. 392, 8: Homl. Skt. i. 12, 63. Sceófan underbæc, 14, 88: 18, 345: Hontl. Th. ii. 300, 15. II. marking retreat, where there is motion of a person in the direction to which his back has been turned, back :-- Diabolo non dicitur: 'Uade retro me,' sed: 'Uade retro' ... Crist cwæð tó ðam deófle: 'Gá ðú underbæc.' Deófles nama is gereht, nyðerhreósende. Nyðer hé áhreás and underbæc hé eode ðá ðá hé wæs áscyred fram ðære heofonlícan blisse, Homl. Th. i. 172, 30-35: Wrt. Voc. ii. 71, 70. Nú næfð Israél nánne stede wið his fýnd ac flíhð underbæc nec poterit Israel stare ante hostes suos, eosque fugiet, Jos. 7, 12. Underbæc cyrran to turn back, Exon. Th. 405, 2; Rä. 23, 17: Ps. Lamb. 34, 4. (Under bæce, Ps. Spl. 34, 5.) Ðú gehwyrfdest míne fýnd underbæc in convertendo inimicum meum retrorsum, Ps. Th. 9, 3. III. where an action is directed towards a point behind the agent's back, behind, back :-- Ðú forwurpe mín word underbæc fram ðé projecisti sermones meos postea, Ps. Th. 49, 18: Homl. Th. ii. 532, 3. Ne beseoh ðú underbæc noli respicere post tergum, Gen. 19, 17: Cd. Th. 154, 28; Gen. 2562: Jos. 8, 20. Ðá beseah hé hine underbæc wið ðæs wífes, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 14. Háwian underbæc respicere retro (Lk. 9, 62), Past. 51; Swt. 403, 2. IV. where the point from which something proceeds is behind the recipient :-- Ðín eáran gehíraþ underbæc thine ears shall hear a word behind thee (Is. 30, 21); aures tuae audient verbum post tergum monentis, Past. 52; Swt. 405, 26: 407, 12.