Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - under-þeódan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
-þiédan, -þídan;
- under-þeódan
- p. de. I. to subject, subjugate, render subject, (1) with dat. :-- Se líchoma hine him (the devil) underðiéd mid ðære lustfulnesse ... Swá swá sió nædre lǽrde Euan on wóh and Eue hí hire underðiód[d]e mid lustfulnesse, swá swá líchoma caro se delectatione subjicit ... Unde et ille serpens prava suggessit, Eva autem quasi caro se delectationi subdidit, Past. 53; Swt. 417, 24-27. Hí hí underþiódaþ unþeáwum, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 28. God ðú ðe mé sealdest ðæt ic meahte swylc wíte dón mínum feóndum, and mé swylc folc underþýdes (-þeodes, Ps. Surt.) Deus qui das vindictas mihi, et subdidisti populos sub me, Ps. Th. 17, 45. Hé ús underþeódde úre folc subjecit populos nobis, Ps. Th. Spl. Surt. 46, 3. Claudius Orcadus Rómána cynedóme underþeódde, Chr. 47; Erl. 6, 26. Ðú mé folc mænig underþeóddest sobjiciens populum meum sub me, Ps. Th. 143, 3. Tó ðara hláforda dóme ðe hé hine ǽr underþeódde (-þiódde, Met. 25, 66), Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 29. Ic míne sáwle wylle Gode underþeódan nonne Deo subdita erit anima mea? Ps. Th. 61, 1: Met. 25, 63. Hí druncennesse and oferhýdo ... wǽron heora swiran underðeóddende (subdentes), Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 27. Reogollícum ðeódscipum underþeóded regularibus disciplinis subditus, 4, 24; S. 598, 21. His anwealde underþeóded, Bt. 26, 3; Fox 94, 15. Ǽlc mon ðe underþeóded (-þiéded, Met. 17, 23) bið unþeáwum, 30, 2; Fox 110, 20. Underþeód (-þýded, Met. 16, 4), 29, 3; Fox 106, 19. Næs him nó ðý læs underðeód eall ðes middangeard, 16, 4; Fox 58, 10. Hé wæs him underþeód (-ðióded, Lind., Rush.) erat subditus illis, Lk. Skt. 2, 51. Underþeód (-þýd, Th.: -ðióded, Surt.) beó ðú Drihtne subditus esto Domino, Ps. Spl. 36, 6: subjecta, 61, 5. Him se mǽsta dǽl wearð underþiéded, Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 44, 5. Gif hé wiðcwǽde ðæt hé nǽre underðiédd (-ðídd, Hatt. MS.) his Scippende si auctoris imperio obedire recusaret, Past. 7; Swt. 50, 13. Him wesan underþýded, Exon. Th. 138, 13; Gú. 575. Syndan mé fremde cynn underþeóded mihi allophili subditi sunt, Ps. Th. 107, 8. Deófolseócnessa ús synt underþeódde daemonia subjiciuntur nobis, Lk. Skt. 10, 17. Ealle ðás mǽgþe Æþelbalde on hýrsumnesse underþeódde syndon hae omnes provinciae Ædilbaldo subjectae sunt, Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 27. Ðám ánum ðe Gode underþeódde syndon mid myclum hádum, Blickl. Homl. 109, 22. Swǽsum wordum underþeódde (dediti), Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 33. Ða ðe him underðiédde (-ðídde, Cott. MSS.) bióð subjecti, Past. 4; Swt. 39, 7. Wé ealle ðære hnescnesse úres flǽsces beóð underðiédde (-ðídde, Cott. MSS.) cuncti corruptionis nostrae infirmitatibus subjacemus, 21; Swt. 159; 6. Eall ða ðing ðe hire underþiéd sint, sint underþiéd ðam godcundan foreþonce, Bt. 39, 6; Fox 220, 20. Ða ealdormen beóð Gode underðýdde, Ps. Th. 46, 9. (2) with a preposition :-- Ðú underþeódest folc mín under mé subdis populum meum subter me, Ps. Spl. 143, 3. Gé underþiódaþ eówre héhstan medemnesse under ða eallra nyþemestan gesceafta vos dignitatem vestram infra infima quaeque detruditis, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 33. Ðú underþeóddest folc under mé subdis populos sub me, Ps. Spl. 17, 49. Ne wæs ǽfre ǽnig cyning ðæt má heora landa him tó gewealde underþeódde, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 23. Underðeódende folc under mé subjiciens populos sub me, Ps. Surt. 143, 2. (3) where that to which there is subjection is not stated :-- Ðonne hé underðiód quando summiserit, Kent. Gl. 1004. Ðæt hit ungedafenlíc sig, ðæt se dǽdbéta hine ná on ða wísan ðissa woroldlícra þinga ne underþeóde quod indecorum sit, poenitentem in re mundanorum horum negotiorum se non cohibere, L. Ecg. P. i. 7; Th. ii. 174, 25. Ús is tó gelýfenne ðæt se Hǽlend þyder cóme, næs nó genéded, ne underþeóded, ac mid his wyllan, Blickl. Homl. 29, 15. Underþeód dedito, Hpt. Gl. 509, 62. II. to subject, cause to endure, render liable :-- Hefigran scylde and hefigran wítum hé hine underðiét poenae gravioris culpae se subjicit, Past. 54; Swt, 421, 6. Ðá hét se cásere ðone diácon miclum wítum underþeódan, Shrn. 56, 34. III. to subjoin, add :-- Hé underþeódde and him sǽde ðæt se dæg swíþe neáh stóde his forþfóre subjunxit diem sui obitus jam proxime instare, Bd. 4, 3; S. 568, 15. IV. to support :-- Underþiód subnixa, suffulta, Hpt. Gl. 467, 21. Underþeódne subnixum, 507, 57. under-þeodan