
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - up-lendisc

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

adj. Uplandish, country (as opposed to town), rural, rustic :-- Uplendisc forensis (forensis qui foras est, Migne), Germ. 389, 41. Eft begann sum uplendisc mann egeslíce hrýman tó ðám árleásum burhwarum ... Ðá arn se ceorl geond ealle ða strǽt hrýmende, Homl. Th. ii. 302, 4-8. Wé wyllaþ ðisne circul ámearkian, ðæt se uplendiscea preóst (cf. Chaucer's: Poure persoun dwellyng uppon land) wite his naman; mæg beón ðe glædre his heorte ðe hé sum þing hérof undergyte, Anglia viii. 317, 38. Ic wéne, lá, uplendisca preóst, ðæt ðú nyte hwæt beó atomos, 318, 14. Ðú byst uppan lande mid wímmannum oftor ðonne ic beó ... Ic hit gehýrde secgan, ðæt ðás uplendiscan wíf wyllaþ oft drincan, Engl. Stud. viii. 62, 12. Wé witon ðæt ðás þing þincaþ clericum and uplendiscum preóstum genóh mænigfealde, Anglia viii. 321, 25. [Oplondysch men wol lykne hamsylf to gentilmen ... The Saxon tonge ys abide scarslych wiþ feaw uplondysch men, Trevillanus, Prompt. Parv. 512, where see note.] up-lendisc

Verwandte Wörter: i. c. 59. Uplondysche mann
