Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wærlíce
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wærlíce
- adv. I. where there is danger of receiving hurt, warily, cautiously, circumspectly, (1) in a way that guards against surprise:--Faraþ eów wærlíce, ðe læs ðe eów geméton ða ðe eów æfter rídon, Jos. 2, 16. Nimaþ and lǽdaþ hine wærlíce (caute), Mk. Skt. 14, 44. Ðæt man Malchum suíðe wærlíce heólde, ðæt hé ne ætburste, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 644. Áhyld hit wærlíce, ðonne gesihst ðú hwæt ðǽroninnan sticaþ, Homl. Th. ii. 170, 18. Wé mótan swýðe wærlíce ús healdan, gyf wé ús sculan wið deófol gescyldan, Wulfst. 38, 3. Wé sculon wið ðam fǽrscyte symle wærlíce wearde healdan, Exon. Th. 48, 5; Cri. 767. Hié sindon suá micle wærlícor tó oferbúganne suá mon ongiet ðæt hié on máran ungewitte beóð qui tanto caute declinandi sunt, quanto insane rapiuntur, Past. 40; Swt. 295, 21. Hú hý ðam deófle wærlícast magan wiðstandan, Wulfst. 80, 3. (2) in a way that guards against an ill result, safely:--Námon hí tó rǽde, ðæt him wærlícor wǽre, ðæt hí sumne dǽl heora londes wurðes æthǽfdon they came to the conclusion, that it would be safer for them to keep back some part of the price of their land, Homl. Th. i. 316, 23. Wærlícor bið se man geherod æfter lífe ðonne on lífe there is less danger of mistake in praising a man after his death than while he is alive, ii. 560, 14. II. where there is danger of doing wrong, carefully, heedfully, prudently:--Hwílum bið gód wærlíce tó míðanne his hiéremonna scylda aliquando subjectorum vitia prudenter dissimulanda sunt, Past. 21; Swt. 151, 8. Behalde hé hine geornlíce ðæt hé wærlíce sprece sub quanto cautelae studio loquatur, attendat, 15: Swt. 93, 18. Ðætte sié wærlíce gehealden sió ánmódnes ðæs godcundan geleáfan ut unitatem fidei cauta observatione teneatis, Swt. 95, 14. Wærlíce ic mé heóld caute me tenui, Coll. Monast. Th. 34, 9. Mǽst þearf is ðæt ǽghwelc mon his áð and his wed wærlíce healde, L. Alf. pol. 1; Th. i. 60, 3: Wulfst. 167, 4. Cristendóm wærlíce healdan, 78, 8. Is suíðe micel ðearf ðæt hé suá micle wærlícor hine healde wið scylde necesse est, ut tanto se cautius a culpa custodiant, Past. 28; Swt. 191, 10. [Wearliche to biwiten us seoluen wið þe unwiht of helle, O. E. Homl. i. 245, 17. Þa cheorles warliche heom hudden, Laym. 12300. Temien hire fleschs wisliche and warliche, A. R. 138, 8. Ha heold hire hird wisliche and warliche familiam pervigili cura gubernabat, Kath. 82. O. Sax. waralíko: Icel. varliga: O. H. Ger. gi-waralícho vigilanter, diligenter, solerter.] and next word. wærlice