Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wæstm-bǽre
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wæstm-bǽre
- adj. Fruitful, fertile, productive:--Wæstmbǽre teras, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Zup. 69, 5: frugalis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 31. Wæstm-bǽru fecunda, 38, 22. (1) referring to inanimate things:--Ðæt wæstm-bǽre land campi uberes, Ors. 1, 3; Swt. 32, 2. Sceáwiaþ ðæt land, hwæðer hit wæstmbǽre sí considerate terram, qualis sit, bona an mala, humus pinguis an sterilis, Num. 13, 19. Land ðe ys wæstmbǽre ǽgðer ge on hunie ge on meoluce terram fluentem lacte et melle, Ex. 33, 3. Eletreów westembére oliva fructifera, Ps. Surt. 51, 10. Eorðan westem-bére terram fructiferam, 106, 34. Sáwan wæstmbǽre land serere ingenuum agrum, Bt. 23; Fox 78, 21: Met. 12, 1. Treó westembéru ligna fructifera, Ps. Surt. 148, 9. Wæstmbǽre tyrf feraces glebas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 51. Hwæt bið wæstmbǽrre ðonne meox? Homl. Th. ii. 408, 34. (2) referring to living creatures:--On hire is wæstmbǽre mægðhád, Homl. Th. i. 438, 25. (3) figurative:--Se bið cwealmbǽre, se ðe on yfelnysse ǽfre grówende and wæstmbǽre bið, Homl. Th. ii. 406, 20. Uton beón wæstmbǽre on gódum weorcum, 408, 26.