
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wandian

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p.ode. I. to turn aside from something (gen.) :-- Ne beforan manegon sóðes ne wanda nec in judicio plurimorum acquiesces sententiae, ut a vero devies, Ex. 23, 2. II. to turn aside from a task, purpose, duty, etc., to hesitate, shrink, flinch, (a) absolute :-- Ic wandige (áwandige, ) uereor, Ælfc. Gr. 27 ; Zup. 162, 2. Hé wandode ðá git (dissimulante illo); ac nig gelæhton hys hand and his wífes hand and gelǽddon hig út of ðære byrig, Gen. 19, 16. Wandode se wísa (Daniel), hwæðre hé worde cwæð tó ðam æðelinge, Cd. Th. 250, 24; Dan. 550. Hé ne wandode ná æt ðam wígplegan, Byrht. Th. 139, 42. Ne mæg ná wandian se ðe wrecan þenceþ freán, 139, 22; By. 258. Oft mon bið suíðe wandigende æt ǽlcum weorce and suíðe lætrǽde agendi tarditas, Past. 20; Swt. 149, 14. (b) where the grounds for turning aside are given, to care for, be influenced by :-- Ðú ne wandast for nánon menn non est tibi cura de aliquo, Mt. Kmbl. 22, 16. Ðú for nánon men ne wandast non accipis personam, Lk. Skt. 20, 21. Ne wandaþ hé for rícum ne for heánum qui personam non accipit, Deut. 10, 17. For hira feónda yrre ic wandode propter iram inimicorum distuli, 32, 27. Ne hit for ðæm bryne wandode ðæs hátan léges nec ignium tardatus ardori-bus, Nar. 15, 20. Ne wanda ðú for rícum ne for heánum ne for nánum scette non accipies personam nec munera, Deut. 16, 19. Nó wandige hé for ðan yflan willan non consideret malam voluntatem, R. Ben. 92, 11(c) where that which is turned aside from is given, (α) by a clause :-- Sume synna beóþ swíþe unsýferlíce, ðæt se man wandaþ ðæt hé hí ǽfre ásecgge, Blickl. Homl. 43, 17. Ðonne ðú behát behǽtst, ne wanda ðú ðæt ðú hit ne gelǽste cum votum voveris, non tardabis reddere, Deut. 23, 21. Ne wanda ðú, ðæt ðú ðínum frýnd ne helpe, 15, 10. (β) by the dat. infin. :-- Hí ne wandiaþ tó licgenne on stuntnysse, Homl. Th. ii. 554, 2. Hé ne wandode ná him metes tó tylienne, Chr. 1052; Erl. 183, 20. (d) with the constructions of (b) and (c.α) :-- Ðæt hyra nán ne wandode ne for mínan lufan ne for mínum ege, ðæt hý ðæt folcriht árehton, Chart. Th. 486, 23. Ne wandige ná se mæssepreóst nó for ríces mannes ege, ne for feó, ne for nánes mannes lufon, ðæt hé him symle riht déme, Blickl. Homl. 43, 9. (e) with the constructions of (b) and (c.β) :-- Da bydelas ðe for ege oððe lufe oððe ǽnigre worldscame eargiaþ and wandiaþ Godes riht tó sprecanne, Wulfst. 191, 6. III. to turn aside from punishing, injuring, etc., to refrain from, spare a per-son or thing (dat.). (a) absolute :-- Ðæt man nǽnne ne slóge . . . búton hé fleón wille oþþe hine werian; ðæt man ne wandode ðonne, L. Ath. v. 12, 3 ; Th. i. 242, 10. Suelce hé hine wandigende ofersuíðe quasi parcendo superare, Past. 40; Swt. 297, 15: 295, 12. Næs wandi-gendre ðonne hit gedafenlíc sié non plus quam expediat, parcens, 17 ; Swt. 127, 4. (b) with dat. :-- Ne wandode ic ná mínum sceattum ða hwíle ðe eów unfrið on handa stód I did not spore my treasures while you had hostilities on hand, Chart. Erl. 229, 27. Ða ðe heora Drihtne wiðsacan noldon, ðám man nán þingc ne wandode, ac hí tó ealre yrmðe getucode, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 71. Ne wanda ðú nán ðing ne ára ðú nánum ríce non parcet oculus tuus ulli regno, Anglia x. 88, 47. Se wilnaþ suíður ðæt mon lufge sóðfæsðnesse ðonne hine selfne, se ðe wilnaþ ðæt mon nánre ryhtwísnesse fore him ne wandige ille se ipso amplius veri-tatem desiderat amari, qui sibi a nullo vult contra veritatem parci, Past. 19; Swt. 145, 17. (c) with a clause :-- Sanctus Paulus geliéfde, ðæt hé swá micele unscyldigra wǽre his niéhstena blódes swá hé læs wandade ðæt hé hira unðeáwas ofslóge Paulus eo se a proximorum sanguine mun-dum credidit, quo feriendis eorum vitiis non pepercit, Past. 49 ; Swt. 379, 11. [Love wol love -- for no wight wol hit wonde, Ch. L. G. W. 1187. Wolde I wonde for no sinne, Gow. i. 332, 7. For us ne schalt þou wonde, Jos. 399. To love nul i noht wonde, Spec. 29. Sche wold for no man wond, that sche no wold to him fond, Am. and Amil. 550. He wonded no woþe of wekked knaueȝ, þat he ne passed be port, Allit. Pms. 63. 855. For to speke alle vilanie nel nu no kniht wonde for shame, P. S. 335, 262. Lust whi ihc wonde bringe þe Horn to honde, Horn 337. Jhon her son sche wolde nought wonde, Rich. 228.] v. á-, for-wandian ; un-wandiende. wandian

Verwandte Wörter: l.
