
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - weall-stellung

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

-stilling, -stylling, e;

f. The putting a wall in order, repairing of a wall. for one acre's breadth (22 yds.) in the matter of repairing a wall and for the keeping of it 16 hides are requisite; if each hide is assessed at one man, then four men can be appointed to each pole. 80 hides are requisite for the putting in order of twenty poles of wall and for the furlong 160 hides . . . For a circuit of five furlongs 800 hides are necessary . . . For a circuit of eight furlongs 1280 hides, Hickes' Diss. p. 109. weall-stellung

Verwandte Wörter: burh-bót:--Tó ánes æceres brǽde on weal-stillinge (cf. weall-geweorc) and tó ðære wære gebirigeaþ xvi. hída; gif ǽlc híd byþ be ánum men gemannod, ðonne mæg man gesettan ǽlce gyrde mid feówer mannum. Ðonne gebyreþ tó twéntigan gyrdan on wealstillinge hundeahtig hída, and tó ðam furlange gebyrgeaþ óþer healf hund hída and x hída . . . Tó fíf furlangum gebyreþ ymbeganges eahta hunda hída on wealstyllinge . . . Tó eahta furlangum ymbeganges weal-styllinge hund eahtig hída and .xii. hund hída
