
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wearn

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


f. I. a hindrance, obstacle, difficulty, obstaculo, impedimento, Hpt. Gl. 455, 48. Ðæt mód hæfð fulfremedne willan tó ðære wrǽnnesse bútan ǽlcre steóre and wearne ejus animus voluptate luxuriae sine ullo repugnationis obstaculo delectatur, Past. 11; Swt. 73, 8. Gif hé geþyldelíce forbyrð ǽgðer ge hosp ge edwítu and on ðære wearne þurhwunaþ þeáh and eádmódlíce bit, ðæt him mon infæres tíþige, sý hé underfangen si veniens perseveraverit pulsans, et inlatas sibi injurias et difficultatem ingressus visus fuerit patienter portare et persistere petitioni sue, annuatur ei ingressus, R. Ben. 97, 7. II a refusal, v. wirnan :-- Hý bénan synt ðæt hié wið ðé móton wordum wrixlan, nó dú him wearne geteóh ðínra gegncwida they are petitioners that they may exchange words with thee, give them not a refusal of thy words in reply, Beo. Th. 738; B. 366. [Icel. vörn a defence.] v. un-wearnum. wearn

Verwandte Wörter: wearn-wíslíce :-- Wearne l remmincge
