Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wédan
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wédan
- p. de To be mad or furious, to rage, rave :-- Ic wéde saeuio and insanio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 5; Zup. 192, 3. de macaþ insaniui of insanio ic wéde">Furo ic wéde macaþ insaniui of insanio ic wéde, 33 ; Zup. 203, 9. Ic wéde grasso. Engl. Stud. xi. 66, 44. Welt saeuit, Wülck. Gl. 255, 16. Wét furit, irascitur, 245, 19. Wédende funeste, Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 65. I. to be mad, out of one's senses : -- Cwæþ se cyning : ' Ne wille ðú swá sprécan ; ILLEGIBLE ðæt ðú teala wite. ' Cwæþ hé: 'Ne wéde ic (no n insanio), Bd. 5, 13; S. 632, 32. Deófol is on him, and hé wét (insanit), Jn. Skt. 10, 20. Se man wét ðe wyle habban ǽnig þincg ǽr anginne, Homl. Skt. i. 1. 17. Ðá wéndon hí ðæt hé tela ne wiste, ac ðæt hé wédde vulgus aestimabat eum insanire, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 11. Woedendi limphaticus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 112, 75 : lymphatico, 113, 36. Wédende, 53, 66. Ðone wéddendan insanum, 48, 1. Hwá mæg ðam wédendan gýtsere (dives qui sese credit egentem) genóh forgifan? Bt. 7.4; Fox 22, 33. II. to act with violence, be furious, rage, (a) of persons :-- Ðonne se deófol ðús wétt, Wulfst. 198, 5. Hé wét swíðe and wynð on ða Cristenan, Homl. Skt. i. 16, 225. Heó geseah hú Decius wédde and brýmde de dæges and nihtes ǽr ðon hé deád wǽre, Shrn. 139, 6. Hé wédde on gewitte swá wilde deór, Exon. Th. 278, 13; Jul. 597. Hí wéddon þearle and tðtǽron hí sylfe mid heora ágenum tóðum, Homl. Skt. i. 6, 194. Hé (Antichrist) onginð deóflíce tó wédanne, Wulfst. 200, 1. Wédende debachatus. Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 21 : 26, 74. Seó wédende men iu ofslógon ðone Victor, Homl. Skt. ii. 28, 113. For wédendre heortan ðæs leódhatan Brytta cyninges propter vesanam Brittonici regis tyrannidem, Bd. 3, 1; S. 524, Uuoedende bachantes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 101, 52. Hí (the Jews) tó Criste hosplíce word wédende sprǽcon, Homl. Th. ii. 232, 31. Wróht-smiðas (evil spirits) wédende swá wilde deór, Exon. Th. 156, 23; Gú. 8, 9. (b) of animals :-- ILLEGIBLE wédan (gesihð), gestric ge(tácnaþ), Lchdm. iii. 206, 32. Wédende hund, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 8. Wulfas woedende lupi rapaces, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 7, 15. (c) of things, abstract or concrete :-- Gýtsung openlíce wét auaritia palam saenit, Scint. 99, 17. Wédde stíðnes exarsit acerbitas, Hpt. Gl. 517, 15. Gársecg wédde, Cd. Th. 208, 27; Exod. 489. Ða ýða weóllan and wéddan ðæs sǽs furentibus undis pelagi, Bd. 3, 15; S. 541, 39. Þeán ðeós woruld wéde and windige éhtnysse ástyrige ongeán Cristes gelaðunge, Homl. Th. ii. 388, 9. Ðonne wind wédende færeþ, Elen. Kmbl. 2546; El. 1274. Mid wédendum and egislícum gehlýde bacchanti et furibundo strepitu, Hpt. Gl. 495, 75. Wédende reóhnysse tumentem insaniam, 465, 20. Wédende ýða frementes (furentes) fluctus, 464, 74. Hyt ða wédendan bitas ge-hǽlcþ, Lchdm. i. 370, 14. [Biginneð þe deoflen to weden, A. R. 264, 9. As mon bigon to weden and to wurðen ut of his ahne witte indignatns cum. furore nimio, Kath. 1257. Fra þatt grediȝnesse þatt doþ þe mann to wedenu rihht to winnenn erþlic ahhte, Orm. 14140. Þ kyng ferde for wraþþe as he wolde wede, R. Glouc. 53, 10. O. Sax. wódian : O. H. Ger. wuoten furere, grassari, insanire, bacchari, fremere: Icel. ILLEGIBLE to become furious.]