Welig (-eg)

Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - welig (-eg)

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

welig (-eg)
adj. Wealthy, rich, opulent, (1) of persons, in respect to material or non-material riches:--Welig dives, Wrt. Voc. i. 74, 18: pecuniosus, 54, 53. Sum welig man wæs homo quidam erat dives, Lk. 16, l, 19. Sum weli (welig, MS. A.: wælig, Lind.) mann, Mt. Kmbl. 27, 57. Hé wæs swíðe welig (weolig, Rush.), Lk. Skt. 18, 23. Sum welig mon vir quidam, privatis opibus reipublicae vires superans, Ors. 4, 5; Swt. 166, 24. Hé wæs swíðe welig þearfum, and him sylfum swíðe hafenleás, Homl. Th. ii. 148, 33. Swíðe welig on golde and on seolfre and on orfe and on geteldum, Gen. 13, 5. Forseó ðysse worulde wlenco, gif ðú wille beón welig on ðínum móde, Prohic et haec diues, Ælfc. Gr. 6, 2; Zup. 18, 12. Earfoð-líce se welega (-iga, Rush.) gǽð on Godes ríce, Mt. Kmbl. 19, 23: Ps. Th. 71, 12: Blickl. Homl. 51, 2. Se welega man, 197, 28. Weliga, Exon. Th. 245, 1; Jul. 38. On ðæs rícan neáweste and ðæs welegan, Blickl. Homl. 53, 5. Hwæt bið ðæm welegan (welgan, Bt. 26, 3; Fox 94, 12) woruldgítsere ðe bet, Met. 14, 1. Ðæm welgan, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 19, 24. Welige dites, divites, Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 46. Manega welige (wealigo, Lind.: weolge, Rush.) torfudon fela, Mk. Skt. 12, 41. Weolie, Ps. Surt. 33, 11. Ða welegan, Past. 26; Swt. 181, 3. Gongan tó byrgenne weligra manna, Blickl. Homl. 99, 13. Wǽ iúh weligum, Lk. Skt. Lind. 6, 24. Geceósan welige yldran, Blickl. Homl. 23, 25. Ge ða welegan ge ða þearfan, 107, 12. Ne clypa ðú ðíne welegan (weligo, Lind.: wealigo, Rush.) néhhebúras, Lk. Skt. 14, 12. Ða welegan (weligo, Lind.: weolige, Rush.), 21, 1. Swá mycele swá se mann biþ weligra on ðisse worlde, swá him se uplíca Déma tó sécþ, Blickl. Homl. 95, 32. Weolegrum ditiori, Kent. Gl. 834. Weliogran ( = wiolegran) ditiores, 377. Welegost, Bt. 26, 1; Fox 92, 7. (2) of places where wealth is accumulated:--On ðære welegan byrig (Rome), Met. 1, 37. Wícstede weligne, Beo. Th. 5207; B. 2607. Hé wolde oferwinnan sume welige burh, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 532. Nǽron ðá welige hámas, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 4: Met. 8, 8. Setl wuldorspédum welig, Cd. Th. 6, 11; Gen. 87. Babylonia ðe ðá welegre wæs ðonne ǽnigu óþeru burg Babyloniam, urbem tunc cunctis opulentiorem, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 72, 26. Sidonem, seó wæs welegast (opulentissima) on ðǽm dagum, 3, 5: Swt. 104, 30. (3) of places or things which produce abundantly, of seasons in which there is abundance:--Ðæt wiolie opimum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 64, 64. Eorðan ðú gefyllest éceum wæstmum, ðæt heó welig weorþeþ multiplicasti locupletare terram, Ps. Th. 64, 9. Hit is welig, ðis eálond, on wæstmum and on treówum opima frugibus atque arboribus insula, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 12. Hwæðer hit nú ðínes gewealdes sié ðæt se hærfest sié swá welig on wæstmum an tua in aestivos fructus intumescit ubertas? Bt. 14, 1; Fox 40, 28. Wæstmbǽre geár and welígé ubertatis anni, Gen. 41, 26. Swíðe wæstmbǽre geár and swíðe welige anni fertilitatis, 41, 29. (3 a) fig.:--Mid ðam gelǽredan biscope hé wunode on weligre láre tó langum fyrste with that learned bishop he continued for a long time, engaged in learning which was rich in results, Homl. Th. ii. 502, 21. [Laym. weoli: C. M. weli: O. L. Ger. welag ditis: O. H. Ger. welac ditis.] v. folc-, mód-welig. welig -eg

Verwandte Wörter: Kmbl. 50. Ðes and ðeós welega
