Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wén
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- wén
- f. I. supposition, opinion, thought, idea:--Hí fleóð swá hrædlíce swá is wén ðætte hí fleógen longe fugiunt quasi putes eos volare, Nar. 37, 15. Ðú (Joseph) fæder cweden woruldcund bi wéne (cf. Jesus erat, . . . ut putabatur, filius Joseph, Lk. 3, 23), Exon. Th. 13, 33; Cri. 212. Woeno opiniones, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 24, 6: Mk. Skt. Lind. 13, 7. II. hope, expectation:--Hié cwǽdon ðæt heó ríce ágan woldan . . . Him seó wén geleáh, Cd. Th. 4, 5; Gen. 49: 87, 10; Gen. 1446: Andr. Kmbl. 2150; An. 1076: Beo. Th. 4636; B. 2323. Ðæs ic wén hæbbe as I hope, 772; B. 383. Wéna mé ðíne (the unsatisfied hopes of seeing thee) seóce gedydon, ðíne seldcymas, Exon. Th. 380, 25; Rä. 1, 13. Sibbe oflyste, wynnum and wénum, 464, 4; Hö. 82. Wénum hopefully, expectantly, 380, 17; Rä. 1, 9. II a. with gen. of what is hoped for or expected:--On ðam is godcundnesse wén ðe manna ingehygd wát divinity may be expected in him who knows men's hearts, Blickl. Homl. 179, 25: Exon. Th. 302, 21; Fä. 39. Wistfylle wén, Beo. Th. 1472; B. 734. Is leódum wén orleghwíle, 5813; B. 2910: Exon. Th. 384, 16; Rä. 4, 28. Mé ðæs wén nǽfre forbirsteþ, ðe ic gefeán hæbbe, 236, 1; Ph. 567. Him wæs béga wén, Beo. Th. 3751; B. 1873. Weán on wénum in expectation of misery, Cd. Th. 63, 4; Gen. 1027: 191, 11; Exod. 213: 163, 18; Gen. 2700: Andr. Kmbl. 2176; An. 1089. Ðín on wénum, Exon. Th. 474, 12; Bo. 28. Béga on wénum, endedógores and eftcymes, Beo. Th. 5783; B. 2895. III. likelihood, probability, chance:--Nú is wén micel ðæt heó mec eft wille gehýnan there is now a great probability that she will again humiliate me, Exon. Th. 280, 21; Jul. 632. Is mé on wéne geþúht ðæt ðé untrymnes bysgade it seems to me in all likelihood that sickness has troubled you, 163, 6; Gú. 989. Wén ic talige, gif ð æt gegangéþ, ðæt se gár nimeþ ealdor ðínne I reckon there is likelihood, if that comes to pass, that the spear will carry off thy prince, Beo. Th. 3695; B. 1845. III a. in phrases such as wén is (ðæt) = perhaps, perchance, may be, probably:--Wénunge, wén is forsitan, i. forsan, fortasse, Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 24. Gyf gé mé cúþon, wén is ðæt gé cúþon mínne fæder si me sciretis, forsitan et patrem meum sciretis, Jn. Skt. 8, 19: Ps. Th. 123, 2, 3. Gif ðú wistes, ðú uoen is (woen is mára, Rush.) gif ðú gegiuuedes si scires, tu forsitan petisses, Jn. Skt. Lind. 4, 10. Cum mid ús, ðý læs wén is hí ús eft genimon come with us, lest haply they take us again, Blickl. Homl. 239, 9. Ðý læs wén sié ðæt hine God gefreólsige, 243, 19: 247, 2. Wén is ðæt ic gefyrenode perhaps I have sinned, 235, 32: 239, 29: Homl. Th. i. 92, 30. Ne biþ his lof ná ðý læsse, ac is wén ðæt hit sié ðý máre his praise will not be the less, but may be the greater, Bt. 40, 3; Fox 238, 11. Him bið forboden ðæt hé offrige, forðæm hit is wén ðæt se ne mæge óðerra monna scylda of áðueán, Past. 11; Swt. 73, 17. Hit is þéh wén ðæt feala manna þence hwylcum edleáne hé onfó æt Drihtne, Blickl. Homl. 41, 14. Hwæðer hyt wén sig ðæt ðú sig se ylca Hǽlend ðe Satan úre ealdor ymbe spæc? (perhaps thou art that Jesus of whom Satan spoke, Gospel of Nicodemus 17, 12), Nicod. 28; Thw. 16, 35. Mára woen is quanto magis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 7, 11: 12, 12: Lk. Skt. Rush. 11, 13 (Mára woen, Lind.). Mára woen alio quin, Mk. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 22. Nys hit nǽfre sóþ ðæt wé gelýfan sceolon ðám cempon . . ., ac ys bet wén ðæt (more likely) his cnyhtas cómon and heom feoh geáfon (perhaps his disciples gave them money, Gospel of Nicodemus 10, 29), Nicod. 19; Thw. 9, 13. Hú mæg ic hit gefaran? ac má wén is ðæt ðú onsende ðínne engel how can I do the journey? but more likely thou mayst send thine angel, Blickl. Homl. 231, 23. Nimðe wén wǽre ni forsan, Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 3. Cómon hí tó Eald-Seaxna mǽgþe gif wén wǽre ðæt hí ðǽr ǽnige ðurh heora láre Criste begitan mihte (si forte aliquos ibidem praedicando Christo adquirere possent), Bd. 5, 10; S. 624, 13. [Of þine kume nis na wene (expectation), Laym. 28141. Hit bið a muchele wæne it is very doubtful, 13503. Wen iss þatt (probably) he wass forrdredd, Orm. 7152. Efter monnes wene as men suppose, A. R. 390, note e. Goth. wéns spes: O. Sax. 0. L. Ger. wán hope: O. Frs. wén opinion: O. H. Ger. wán opinio, existimatio, aestimatio, suspicio, spes: Icel. ván hope, expectation.]