Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - weorod
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
(-ud, -ed, -ad), werod (-ud, -ed), worud (-ad), word, es;
- weorod
- n. I. a host, troop, band, multitude, crowd :-- Weorod agmen, Wrt. Voc. ii. 99, 58. Werod, 6, 42. Werud cetus, i. congregatio, conventus, multitudo, 130, 79. Ðæt æfterfylgende weorod the multitudes (turbae, Mt. 21, 9) which followed, Blickl. Homl. 81, 14. Ðá cwom ðǽr micel mængeo elpenda of ðæm wudo ungemetlíc weorod ðara dióra uenire e siluis elephantorum immensos greges, Nar. 21, 19. Engla þreát, weorud wlitescýne, Exon. Th. 31, 9; Cri. 493: 101, 5; Cri. 1654. Leóde, weorud willhréðig, Elen. Kmbl. 2231; El. 1117. Ðǽr gewyrð ðurh Godes mihte raðe tóscaden ðæt wered (-od, on twá, Wulfst. 26, 2. Eall werod (-ed, v.l.) ðæs folces omnis multitudo populi, Lk. Skt. l, 10. Ðá com ðæt wered (turba), 22, 47. Mycel wered (later MS. werd) his leorningcnihta, 6, 17. Ðæs welegan mannes ungeendod word and unárímed mengeo on hrýðrum, Blickl. Homl. 199, 1. Ðá com hæleða þreát weorodes brehtme, Andr. Kmbl. 2544; An. 1273. Se Hǽlend genam hi twelf þegnas sundor of ðæm weorode, Blickl. Homl. 15, 7. Mid ðý unárímedan weorode háligra martyra, 25, 35. Weorude, Exon. Th. 57, 2 ; Cri. 912. Mid engla weorede cum agmine angelorum, Bd. 4. 3 ; S. 570, 1. On weorede in coetu, Kent. Gl. 785. Ðǽr hit ða weorud geseóð, Exon. Th. 80, 26; Cri. 1312. Stódon twá heofenlíce werod ætforan ðære cytan dura, Homl. Th. ii. 548, 10. Weredu examina, Germ. 396, 180. Lytle worado pauci, Lk. Skt. Lind. 13, 23. Weoroda heáp, Andr. Kmbl. 1739; An. 872: Exon. Th. 66, 11; Cri. 1070. Hé ofer weoruda gehwylc scíneþ, 82, 7; Cri. 1335. Wereda, Cd. Th. 42, 8; Gen. 671. Ðǽm englícum weorodum, Blickl. Homl. 131, 19. Fore weorodum before the multitudes, Andr. Kmbl. 1471; An. 737: Apstls. Kmbl. 109; Ap. 55. Weorudum, 121; Ap. 61. Werodum. Cd. Th. 78, 31; Gen. 1301. Mycelum weredum (turbis) him embe standendum, Lk. Skt. 12, 1. II. a people :-- Ðæs weorudes (the Mermedonians) ða wyrrestan. Andr. Kmbl. 3182 ; An. 1594. Werodes aldor, Cd. Th. 74, 33; Gen. 1231. Werodes rǽswa, Babilone weard, 246, 31; Dan. 487. Weredes weard, 250, 25; Dan. 552. Ðam werude (the Jews), 216, 28; Dan. 13: 217, 23; Dan. 27. Hé sægde him wereda gesceafte, 225, 27; Dan. 160. Faraþ geond ealue yrmenne grund, weoredum bodiaþ, 30, 22; Cri. 482. III. where numbers are associated for a special purpose or arranged in regular order, (1) in military matters, a host, army, troop, band. v. weorod-líst :-- Werod oððe here exercitus, Ælfc. Gr. 11 ; Zup. 79, 4. Ðá wearþ snellra werod gegearewod tó campe, Judth. Thw. 24, 21; Jud. 199: Cd. Th. 184, 1; Exod. 100. Ðæt werod gefór, 218, 25; Dan. 44. Werud, 190, 24; Exod. 204. Wered cuneus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 49. His wered wanode ǽfre, Chr. 1052; Erl. 181, 4. Fram ðam monnum ðæs feóndlícan weoredes a viris hostilis exercitus, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 3. Mycelnes heofonlíces werydes (-edes, v.l.) multitudo coelestis militiae, Lk. Skt. 2, 13. Man ofslóh Theódbald mid eallan his weorode, Chr. 603: Erl. 21, 15. Litle weorode, 937; Erl. 112, 34. Mid ealle his weorude cum suo exercitu. Bd. 3, 1; S. 523, 27. Weorede, 1, 9; S. 479, 40. Werode, Chr. 1004; Erl. 139, 31. Hé (king Alfred) lytle werede uniéþelíce æfter wudum fór, 878; Erl. 78, 33. Wærede, 823 ; Erl. 63, 18. Síde worude (worulde, MS.), Cd. Th. 118, 11; Gen. 1963. Hié sceoldan ðæt hǽþene weorod geflýman, Blickl. Homl. 221, 30. Hé gesamnode weorod (werod, v.l.), Chr. 380; Erl. 11, 5. Weored, 449; Erl. 13, 10. Heora feónda werod (wærod, v.l.), 999; Erl. 134, 34. Werod (-ed) cohortem, Mk. Skt. 15, 16. Wered manum (the reference is to the Gothic host), Hpt. Gl. 513, 10. Ðegna uorud cohortem, Jn. Skt. Lind. 18, 3. Weredu castra Ps. Spl. 26, 5.Wælgryre weroda, Cd. Th. 186, 11; Exod. 137. Ðú cásere . . . hyt byþ gód ðé and ðínum weorudum (werudum, v.l.), Lchdm. i. 330, 11. Hí ofslógon .iiii. werad (UNCERTAIN wera, feówer werod, v.ll.), Chr. 456; Erl. 13, 28. ¶ in epithets applied to the Deity, the Lord of hosts :-- Weoruda Dryhten, Andr. Kmbl. 345; An. 173: 869; An. 435. Weorada, Ps. C. 17: Hy. 8, 1. Drihten weoroda, Cd. Th. 301, 14; Sat. 581 : Exon. Th. 27, 10; Cri. 428. Weoroda ealdor, 15, 1; Cri. 229. Weoroda God, 332, 31; Vy. 93. (The passage is printed weorod anes God . . . monna cræftas; Mr. Bradley suggests that nes is merely an alternative inflexion for the na of monna, aud written above it. v. Academy, 1893, p. 83.) Weoruda God, 293, 19; Crä. 3: 126, 5; Gú. 366: 273, 13; Jul. 515. Weruda, Ps. Th. 76, 11. Weoruda helm, byrnwíggendra, Elen. Kmbl. 446 ; El. 223. Weoruda waldend, Exon. Th. 96, 6; Cri. 1570 : 137, 28; Gú. 566: Andr. Kmbl. 775; An. 388. Sigora waldend, weoruda wilgiefa, Exon. Th. 229, 34; Ph. 465: Andr. Kmbl. 123; An. 62 : 2565; An. 1284. Weoroda wuldorcyning, Exon. Th. 10, 32; Cri. 161. Weroda, Cd. Th. 213, 4; Exod. 547. Wereda, 1, 3; Gen. 2. Weoruda wuldorgeofa, Elen. Kmbl. 1358; El. 681. Wereda, Hy. 10, 48. (2) where a large number is arranged in regular companies :-- Hé gesceóp týn engla werod, ðæt sind englas . . . seraphim. Hér sindon nigon engla werod . . . Ðæt teóðe werod ábreáð, Homl. Th. i. 10, 12-18. (3) a body of servants, retainers, followers, associates :-- Ðis is hold weoiod. Beo. Th. 586; B. 290. Gif se getihtloda man máran werude beó ðonne twelfa sum, ðonne beó ðæt ordál forad, L. Ath. i. 23; Th. i. 212, 8. Ðá geáscode hé ðone cyning lytle werode (wyrede, v.l.) æt Merantúne, Chr. 755; Erl. 48, 29. Reste hé ðǽr mǽte weorode, Rood Kmbl. 138; Kr. 124. Ðá gesamnodan hié (Peter and Paul) heora weorod wiþ Simone, Blickl. Homl. 173, 9. Ðá gesamnode hé mycel weorod his manna, 199, 12. Hwyder gewiton ða mycclan weorod ðe him (the rich) ymb férdon and stódan? 99, 25. Oft wǽron teónan weredum (the servants of Abraham and those of Lot), Cd. Th. 114, 1; Gen. 1897. (4) a company, assembly :-- Wealhþeów fore ðæm werede (the company in the hall) spræc, Beo. Th. 2435; B. 1215. Werede sinagoge, Kent. Gl. 101. (5) a crew of a ship, ship's company. v. scip-weorod :-- Sum streámráde con, weorudes wisa ofer wídne holm, Exon. Th. 296, 22; Crä. 55. [He ȝescop tyen engle werod oðer hapes, O. E. Homl. i. 219, 9. Niene englene ordres (weoredes, v.l.). A. R. 30, 19. Heouene riche wordes, Marh. 22, 25. Bruttene weored (ferde, 2nd MS.), Laym. 19922. Engel wird agen him cam, als it were wopnede here, Gen. and Ex. 1786.] v. burh-, eorl-, eorþ-, fird-. flet-, hell-, heofon-, heorþ-, leód-, lind-, man-, scip-, þegen-, þegnung-, wuldor-, wyn-weorod. weorod