
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - weorold

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

(-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), world, e;

f. (but se woruld, ProA world :-- Ealra worulda scippend, Hy. 3, 23. I. the material world :-- Ðeáh ðú ealle gesceafta áne naman genemde, ealle ðú nemdest tógædere and héte woruld, and þeáh ðone ánne noman ðú tódǽldest on feówer gesceafta; án ðæra is eorþe, óþer wæter, þridde lyft, feówrþe fýr, Bt. 33. 4; Fox 128, 28: Met. 20, 57. Weoruld, 20, 62, 171. Hire þúhte eall ðeós woruld wlitigre, Cd. Th. 38, 9 ; Gen. 604. Þenden standeþ woruld under wolcnum, 56, 22; Gen. 916 : Exon. Th. 203, 25 ;Ph. 89. Ðeós world eall gewíteþ and eác ðe hire on wurdon átýdrede, Elen. Kmbl. 2552; El. 1277. Weorulde sceátum, Met. 20, 251: 24, 34: 30, 14. Worulde, Cd. Th. 13, 9; Gen. 199. Ofer worulde hróf, 241, 20; Dan. 407. Worolde dǽlas, Beo. Th. 3469; B. 1732. Eall ðætte gróweþ, wæstmas on weorolde, Met. 29, 71. Hé grundsceát sóhte, wende tó worulde he came to the heaven">earth, Exon. Th. 41, 3; Cri. 650: Cd. Th. 30, 20; Gen. 420: 32, 29; Gen. 510. Nǽron geond weorulde welige hámas, Met. 8, 8. Ðú weorulde geworhtest, 20, 24. Weoruld, 28, 26: 31, 14. Geond ðás wídan weoruld, 8, 41. Worulde, 11, 45. Woruld, 13, 65: Cd. Th. 36, 2; Gen. 565. Wuldres wyrhta woruld staþelode, Exon. Th. 206, 22 ; Ph. 130. Ðú woruld gesceópe, Met. 20, 4. Swearc norðrodor, woruld miste oferteáh, Exon. Th. 178, 35 ; Gu. 1254. Ofer ealle woruld, Hy. 9, 34. Wurdon mycele wæterflód geond ealle world. Ors. l, 6; Swt. 36, 7. Ia. heaven">earth as opposed to heaven :-- Ic wæs on worulde wǽdla, ðæt ðú wurde welig on heofonum, Exon. Th. 91, 22; Cri. 1496. II. a state of existence, (1) the present state, (a) with reference to time. v. VI :-- Ǽr woruld wǽre ante secula. Ps. Th. 73, 12. World, 89, 2. Worulde (woruldes, Lind. : weorulde, Rush.) endung consummatio saeculi. Mt. Kmbl. 13, 39, 40. Woreuldes, Lind. 24, 3. From fruman worulde, Exon. Th. 73, 20; Cri. 1192. Ðone forman dæg ðyssere worulde (seculi), Lchdm. iii. 238, 16. Se æftera worolde dæg, Shrn. 63, 4. Of worldes frymðe (from weorlde. Rush.) a saeculo, Lk. Skt. l, 70. Ǽr worolde (worlde, Cott. MSS.) aste secula, Past. 3; Swt. 33, 13. Ætforan wurulde, Ps. Spl. 54, 21. God behét gefyrn worulde Abrahame, Homl. Th. ii. 12, 23. Se cásere ðe ðú embe áxast, hé wæs gefyrn worulde, and swíðe fela geára synd nú ágáne syððan hé gewát of ðysan life, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 727. On worulde ǽr, Elen. Kmbl. 1118; El. 561. (b) as the seate of existence of all men :-- Hié ne dooð him nán gód ðisse weorolde eis necessaria praesentis vitae non tribuunt, Past. 18; Swt. 137, 5. Ðisse worolde (worlde, Hatt. MSS.) praesentis saeculi, 1; Swt. 27, 2. Ǽlc wlite tó ende onetteþ ðisse weorlde lífes, Blickl. Homl. 57, 29. Worulde, Beo. Th. 4675; B. 2343 : Exon. Th. 158, 5 ; Gú. 904. Télnisse weorlde aerumnas saeculi, Mk. Skt. Rush. 4, 19. Worulde, Cd. Th. 270, 22 ; Sat. 94: Exon. Th. 122, 19; Gú. 308. Moncyn winþ on ðám ýðum ðisse worulde, Bt. 4 ; Fox 8, 22 : 33, 4; Fox 132, 28 : Met. 4, 56. Worulde gedál death, Beo. Th. 6128; B. 3068. Worulde brúcan to live, 2129; B. 1062. Gád worolde wilna, 1904; B. 950. Worlde geweorces, 5415 ; B. 2711. Hé unæþele á forð þanan wyrð on weorulde, Met. 17, 29. Worulde, Cd. Th. 35, 7; Gen. 551: 160, 25; Gen. 2655. Hé on weorolda (worulda, v.l.) hér wunodæ þrágæ, Chr. 1065; Erl. 197, 23. Hér on worulde, Cd. Th. 30, 29; Gen. 474. Ðín módor gewíteþ of weorulde þurh scondlícne deáð and heó ligeþ unbebyrged mater ena miserando exitu sepultura carebit, Nar. 31, 29. Worulde, Elen. Kmbl. 877; El. 440. Seó burh Iericho mid hire seofon weallum getác-node ðás áteorigendlícan woruld, ðe tyrnð on seofon dagum, and hí symle geedlǽcaþ, óð ðæt seó geendung eallum mannum becume, Homl. Th. ii. 214, 29. Hí ðǽr hyra gecynda on weorold bringaþ ibi prolem reddunt, Nar. 35, 27. Woruld, Cd. Th. 137, 35; Gen. 2284. On woruld cenned, 12, 20; Gen. 188: 57, 5; Gen. 923. In worold wacan, Beo. Th. 119 ; B. 60. Worold oflǽtan, 2371; B. 1183. Ðás woruld þurh gást gedál ofgyfan, Cd. Th. 68, 32; Gen. 1126. Hé woruld ofgeaf, 71, 2; Gen. 1164. ¶ where the present state is contrasted with the future, where the temporal is contrasted with the eternal :-- Ðysse worulde (woreldes, Lind.: weorulde, Rush.) bearn . . . Ða ðe synt ðære worulde (weorlde, Rush. heaven) wyrðe, Lk. Skt. 20, 34, 35. Se ðe ða écan ágan wille gesǽlða, hé sceal swíðe flión ðisse worulde wlite. Met. 7, 31. Ne byð hyt hym forgyfen, ne on ðisse worulde (worold, Lind.: weorlde, Rush. saeculo), ne on ðære tóweardan, Mt. Kmbl. 12, 32. Forgife ðé Ðryhten willan on worulde, and in wuldre blǽd, Andr. Kmbl. 711; An. 356: 1895 ; An. 950. Se éca deáþ æfter ðisse worulde, Met. 10, 70. Ðæt God ðé on worlde (in mundo) ðíne synna forgyfe, and æfter worlde (post mundum) éce reste, L. Ecg. P. iv. 66 ; Th. ii. 226, 18. Ðás dagas tácniaþ ðás ondweardan weorld, and ða Eásterlícan dagas tácniaþ ða écean eádignesse, Blickl. Homl. 35, 31. Ðám ðe him willaþ ðás woruld úttor lǽtan ðonne ðæt éce líf, Exon. Th. 109, 27; Gú. 96. On ðás þeóstran weorulde . . . æfter hingonge hreósan in helle, 86, 18 ; Cri. 1410. (c) of temporal things as distinguished from spiritual :-- Ðisse worulde (woruldes, Lind., saeculi) bearn synd gleáwran ðises leóhtes bearnum, Lk. Skt. 16, 8. Nó ic eów sweord ongeán óðberan þence, worulde wǽpen. Exon. Th. 120, 21 ; Gú. 275. Hé ðás woruld forhogde, 146, 22; Gú. 713. ¶ in the phrases æfter, for worolde according to the standard of the world, in respect to temporal matters :-- Wæs sum cempena ealdorman æfter worulde swíde æþelboren. Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 3. Mon monþwǽre and for weorulde gód vir summae mansuetudinis et civilitatis, Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 29. For weorulde wís, Met. 1, 51. For Gode oððe for worulde gyltig, Lchdm. iii. 442, 35. Ðæt folc wolde hine áhebban tó cyninge, ðæt hé wǽre heora heáfod for worulde, Homl. Th. i. 162, 5. Ðá forlét hé eal ða ðing ðe hé for worulde hæfde. Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 33: Exon. Th. 276, 22 ; Jul. 570. Gif hé récþ ǽniges weorþscipes hér for worulde. Bt. 40, 3 ; Fox 238, 15 : Homl. Skt. i. 12, 102. Ðǽr ðú gemunan woldest hwylcra burgwara ðú wǽre for worulde, oþþe eft gástlíce hwilces geférscipes ðúwǽre on ðínum móde, Bt. 5, 1; Fox 10, 4: Homl. Skt. i. 21, 87. Hé ne mæg geðyldgian ðæt hé for ðisse worlde (worulde, Hatt. MS.) sié forsewen despici in mundo hoc nan patitur. Past. 33; Swt. 216, 7 : Exon. Th. 457, 5; Hy. 4, 79. (2) the next world, the future state :-- Fæder ðære tóweardan worulde, Homl. Th. ii. 16, 8. v. (Ib ¶). III. men, people :-- Woruld is onhréred, Exon. Th. 104, 16; Gú. 8. Ic ðæt for worulde geþolade, lytel þúhte ic leóda bearnum, 87, 13; Cri. 1424. Hé biddaþ God áre ealre þeóde, ðonne ðú him tíðast, swá ðú eádmód eart ealre worlde, Hy. 7, 57. Hé woruld álýseþ, eall eorðbúend, Exon. Th. 45, 14; Cri. 718: Elen. Kmbl. 607; El. 304. IV. earthly things, temporal possessions :-- Ne won hé æfter worulde, ac hé in wuldre áhóf módes wynne, Exon. Th. 126, 12. ; Gú. 370: 109, 34; Gú. 100. Lamech woruld bryttade, Cd. Th. 74, 22; Gen. 1226. Hié woruld bryttedon, sine ætsomne, 103, 27; Gen. 1724. V. men and things upon heaven">earth :-- Wuldorcyning worlde and heofona, Cd. Th. 242, 31; Dan. 427. Cyningas ðe weoruld heóldan, Ps. Th. 135, 19. Him God sealde gumena ríce, world tó gewealde, Cd. Th. 254, 7; Dan. 608. Wéndes ðú ðæt ðú woruld áhtest, 268, 23; Sae. 59. VI. an age :-- Weorld seculum, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 50. Woruld, 52, 67. Hí gesáwon ðæt beorhte leóht æfter ðære langan worolde (the time between Adam's death and Christ's descent into hell), Shrn. 68, 15. Fram worulde of old (?) ; a saeculo, Gen. 6, 4. Worulde secla. Wülck. Gl. 255, 21. Wé sind ða ðe worulda geendunga on becómon in quos fines saeculorum devenerunt (1 Cor. 10, 11), Homl. Th. ii. 372, 10. God ǽr ealle worulda, 280, 13. ¶ in expressions equivalent to for ever :-- Óð on weorulde usque in saeculum, Ps. Spl. 17, 52. Stændan tó worulde, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 3. Tó worulde in seculum seculi, Ps. Th. 51, 7. Á weoruld in secula, 43, 10. On worulda woruld in seculum seculi, 78, 14. On ealra weorulda weoruld, 110, 5. VIa. used to give emphasis, as in 'what in the world. Cf. what-ever: -- Nǽnig wæs weorð on weorulde, Met. 8, 37. Ne gehýrde wé nǽfre on worulde a saeculo non est auditum, Jn. Skt. 9, 32. Nis mé on worulde mód ǽniges þegnscipes, Cd. Th. 51, 32 ; Gen. 835 : 32, 16; Gen. 504: Ps. Th. 71, 12. Eall ðæt heó on weorulde hæfde omnia quaecumque habuerat, Bd. 4, 23 ; S. 593, 10. Hwá is on weorulde, ðæt ne wundrige? Met. 28, 40, 18. On hwam mæg ǽfre ǽnig man on worolde swíðor God wurðian ðonne on circan? L. Eth. vii. 25 ; Th. i. 334, 25. VII. a person's lifetime: -- Gif gé mægen on eallre eówerre worulde geearnian, ðæt gé habban gódne hlísan æfter eówrum dagum, Bt. 18, 3; Fox 66, 3. Gé winnaþ eówre woruld ye labour all your life, 18, 1; Fox 62, 18. Hé swincþ ealle his woruld æfter ðam welan, 33, 2; Fox 124, 1. Ða eldran gnorniaþ ealle heora woruld, 11, 1; Fox 32, 10. Hí winnaþ heora woruld æfter ðæm, 24, 2; Fox 82, 4. Hí búton wærscipe heora woruld ádreógaþ, Homl. Skt. i. 11, 361. VIII. a person's world, conditions of life :-- Hwæðer Boetie eall his woruld lícode ðá hé gesǽlgost wæs, Bt. 26, tit.; Fox xiv, 18: 26, 1; Fox 90, 23. Hyra woruld wæs gehwyrfed, Cd. Th. 21, 3; Gen. 318. Fremdre worulde, Met. 3, 11. IX. the, course of human affairs :-- Him eal worold wendeþ on willan, Beo. Th. 3481 ; B. 1738. Nafa ðú tó yfel ellen, ðeáh ðé sum unwilla on becume; oft brincð se woruld ðone willan ðe bið eft, Prov. Kmbl. 40. Onwendeþ wyrda gesceaft weoruld under heofonum, Exon. Th. 292, 31; Wand. 107. [O. Sax. werold world; men; lifetime : O. Frs. warld, wrald : O. H. Ger. weralt mundus, orbis, terra, seculum, aevum : Icel. veröld.] v. ǽr-, gewin-, wraec-, wundor-weorold, and following compounds. weorold

Verwandte Wörter: Kmbl. 40: worldes, Lk. Skt. l, 70: ðissum worulde, Met. 10, 70)
