Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - weorold-mann
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- weorold-mann
- m. I. in a general sense, a man upon earth, a man:-- Orsorg líf lǽdaþ woruldmen wíse (cf. se wísa mon, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 24), Met. 7, 41. Án ðara tungla woruldmen hátaþ (cf. wé hátaþ, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 19) wǽnes þísla, 28, 10. Weoruldmen (cf. folc, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 216, 2) wénaþ, 28, 72. Hú yfele mé dóþ manege woruldmenn . . . ic eom getogen tó fremdum þeáwum ðurh ða ungefyldan gítsunge woruldmonna (inexpleta hominum cupiditas), Bt. 7, 3; Fox 20, 19-26. Hwá is weoruldmonna ðæt ne wafige (cf. hwá ne wundraþ. Bt. 39, 3; Fox 214, 25), Met. 28, 31. Woruldmonna seó unclǽne gecynd, Exon. Th. 63, 8 ; Cri. 1016. Ic wát ðætte wile woruldmen tweógan geond foldan sceát búton feá áne (cf. went nú ful neáh eall moncyn on tweónunga, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 18), Met. 4, 52. II. a man employed, or interested, in worldly affairs; a man of the world:-- Se Hǽlend befrán hú woruldmenn be him cwyddedon . . . Drihten ðá befrán : ' Hwæt secge gé ðæt ic sý ? swylce hé swá cwǽde : " Nú woruldmenn ðus dwollíce mé oncnáwaþ, gé ðe godas sind, hú oncnáwe gé mé, "' Homl. Th. i. 366, 5-14. Hé hine wið eallum ðǽm wǽpnum geheóld, ða ðe woruldmen fremmaþ on menniscum ðingum, Blickl. Homl. 213, 6. Ðonne hé from woruldmonnum (world-, Cott. MSS.) bið ongiten suelce hé sié ælðiédig on ðiosum middangearde, Past. 19 ; Swt. 141, 18. Ða hǽþenan féngon tó wurðienne mistlíce entas and strece woruldmen, ðe mihtige wurdan on woruldafelum, Wulfst. 105, 34. II a. a man engaged in secular, as opposed to ecclesiastical, affairs, a layman:-- Nalæs ðæt án ðæt ðás ðing dyden weoruldmen (saeculares viri), ac eác swylce ðæt Drihtnes eówde, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 25. Ða láfe ðæs gereordes, ðæt sind ða deópnyssa ðære láre ðe woroldmen understandan ne magon, ða sceolon ða láreówas gegaderian, Homl. Th. i. 190, 6. Munuclíf wǽron gehealdene, and ða woruldmenn wǽron wære wið heora fýnd, Homl. Skt. i. 13, 150: 20, 120. Woruldmanna gebeórscypas secularium conuiuia, Anglia xiii. 375, 133. [For nane weorldmonne for no man on earth, Laym. 28131. þe wisdom of þeos wise worldmen sapientia sapientium, Kath. 486. O. H. Ger. weralt-mann a man.] weorold-mann