Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - weorþ-líc
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
- weorþ-líc
- adj. I.of value, valuable : -- Ǽlc seldsýnde fisc ðe weorðlíc byð, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 450, 27. Weorðlíc reáf gedǽlan dividere spolia, Ps. Th. 67, 12. II. worthy, noble, distinguished, excellent, splendid :-- Gif ðú ǽnigne mon cúþest ðara ðe hæfde ǽlces þinges anweald, and ǽlcne weorþscipe . . . geþenc hú weorþlíc and hú foremǽrlíc ðé wolde se mon þincan, Bt. 33, 1 ; Fox 120, 34. Bið him weorðlíc setl sedes ejus sicut sol, Ps. Th. 88, 31. Weorðlíc wlite wuldres ðínes magnificentia, 95, 6. Wæs his ríce brád, wíd and weorðlíc, Exon. Th. 243, 11 ; Jul. 9. Treów in ðé weorðlícu wunade, 6, 12; Cri. 83. Ðín heáhsetl is heáh and mǽre, fæger and wurðlíc, Hy. 7, 40. Wé ðé þanciaþ ðínes weorðlícan wuldordreámes, 8, 10. Hí mid weorðlícan weorode and wynsaman dreáme hine feredan, Chr. 1023; Erl. 163, 26. Drihten hine mid weorðlíce wlite gegyrede Dominus praecinxit se virtute, Ps. Th. 92, 1 : 103, 2. For ðam wyrðlícan propter dignitosam (innocentiae palmam, Ald. 72), Hpt. Gl. 521, 64. Weorþlícne sige vere laudandum victoriam, Ors. 3, 10; Swt. 140, 3. Ðæm folce ðe on clǽnum felda weorðlícne sige gefeohtaþ his, qui per fortitudinem in campo victores sunt, Past. 33; Swt. 227, 25. Weorðlícne wæstm, Ps. Th. 131, 12. Hí worhton wurðlíce cyrcan, Homl. Skt. i. 19, 143. Hé wurðlíc lác geoffrode; ðæt wæs án gylden calic on fif marcon swíðe wundorlices geworces, Chr. 1058 ; Erl. 193, 21. Cumaþ wæstm on wangas weorðlíc on hwǽtum convalles abundabunt frumento, Ps. Th. 64, 14. Hí ðám wurðlícum godum náne lác ne offredon. Homl. Skt. i. 23, 297. Ða weorðlícan godas, 23, 302. Ðú selest weorðlíca ginfæsta gifa, Met. 20, 226. Weorþlíce, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 19. Gebeorh Godes bringeþ tó genihte wæstme weorðlíce and wel þicce montem Dei, montem uberem; mons coagulatus, mons pinguis, Ps. Th. 67, 15. Wundor ðín weorðlíc mirabilia tua, 70, 16. His weorðlícu weorc opera Dei, 77, 9. Ealra þinga weorþlícost and mǽrlícost omni celebritate clarissimum, Bt. 33, 1 ; Fox 120, 31. III. worthy, meet, fit, becoming :-- Heom bið weorðlíc, ðæt hí á habbon árwurðe wísan on eallum heora þeáwum, L. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 318, 33. Wyrðelícum tóhigunge digno effectu, Rtl. 35, 37. Wyrðelícum gimérsiga oeste digna celebrare devotione, 81, 31. Dóð weorðlíce dǽdbóre UNCERTAIN wæstmas facite fructus dignos poenitentiae, Lk. Skt. 3, 8. [Ðu ert wel don man and þarto wurðlich, O. E. Homl. ii. 29, 16. Wurðliche wepnen, Laym. 28923. Hwite wurðliche men viros dealbatos, quorum vultus inspicere pre claritate non poteram, Kath. 1576. O. H. Ger. werd-líh celeber, munificus: Icel. virði-ligr noble, splendid.]