Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - weorþ-mynd
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
(-mynt), es;
- weorþ-mynd
- m. : e; f. : -myndu (-o); indecl. f. Honour :-- Favor, i. fama, honor, laus, laetitia, testimonium laudis wyrþrnynd, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 13. I. honour, respect shewn to an object, celebration of an event :-- Sý úrum Drihtne lof and wuldor and weorþmynd, Blickl. Homl. 65, 25. Wurðmynt, Homl. Th. i. 76, 23. Ðam ánum is éce weorðmynd, Exon. Th. 240, 10; Ph. 636. On weorðmynde ðara twelfa apostola, Lchdm. ii. 138, 22. Ðære dǽde tó weorðmynte in honour of the deed, Ors. 6, 25 ; Swt. 276, 15. Freólsiaþ ðone seofoðan dæg Gode tó wurðmynte, Ex. 35, 2. Gode tó lofe and ðam hálgan arcebiscope tó wurðmynte, Chr. 1023 ; Erl. 163, 35. Gé weorðmyndu Dryhtne gieldaþ, Exon. Th. 130, 7 ; Gú. 434. Eodan hié him tógeánes mid blówendum palmtwigum heora siges tó wyorþmyndum, Blickl. Homl. 67, 11. Seó mǽre burh ðe ic geworhte tó wurðmyndum Babylon magna quam ego aedificavi in gloria decoris mei (Dan. 4, 27), Cd. Th. 254, 12 ; Dan. 610. Hwæt wit tó willan and tó worðmyndum árna gefremedon, Beo. Th. 2377; B. 1186. II. honour bestowed on an object, favour, grace: -- Seó mennisce gecynd mæg ðæm Scyppende lof and wuldor secgean ðara ára and ðara weorþmenda ðe Drihten mancynne forgeaf . . . Hú mihte mannum mára weorðmynd geweorþan, ðonne him on ðyssum dæge gewearþ? Blickl. Homl. 123, 3-15. Wurðment privilegium, Hpt. Gl. 527, 68. Ic hæfde gemynt ðé tó árwurðienne on ǽhtum and on feó, ac God ðé benǽmde ðæs wurðmintes decreveram magnifice honorare te, sed Dominus privavit te honore disposito, Num. 24, 11. For synderlícum wurðmente propter privilegium (singularem honorem), Hpt. Gl. 411, 31. Frumgife l wurðmente praerogativam, 457, 29. Hit nán wundor nys ðæt sé hálga cynincg untrumnysse gehǽle, nú hé on heofonum leofaþ . . . hæfð hé ðone wurðmynt (the privilege of healing sickness) for his gódnesse, Homl. Skt. ii. 26, 277. Syndrige wyrðmenta privilegia, Hpt. Gl. 517, 2. Ic wát hwá mé wyrðmyndum (graciously) on wudubáte ferede ofer flódas, Andr. Kmbl. 1809 ; An. 907. III. honour, decoration, ornament :-- Uueorðmynd infula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 110, 66. Weorþmynd infulas, 43, 60. Gif ðú wénst ðætte wundorlíc gerela hwelc weorþmynd sié (pulcrum variis fulgere vestibus putas ?), ðonne telle ic ða weorþmynd ðæm wyrhtan ðe hié worhte, Bt, 14, 1; Fox 42, 18. Yr byð æðelinga gehwæs wyn and wyrðmynd, Runic pm. Kmbl. 344, 31; Rún. 27. Hé geseáh sigeeádig bil, wigena weorðmynd, Beo. Th. 3122; B. 1559. Wel bið ðam eorle ðe him oninnan hafaþ rúme heortan, ðæt him biþ for worulde weorðmynda mǽst, Exon. Th. 467, 18 ; Alm. 3. IV. honour, glory, fame: -- Byð ðé weorðmynd (wurðmynt, ) beforan midsittendum erit tibi gloria coram simul discumbentibus, Lk. Skt. 14, 10. Ðæt hié witen ðæt mín þrym and mín weorðmynd máran wǽron ðonne ealra óþra kyninga, Nar. 33, 4. On his winestran handa wǽre wela and wyrðmynt (gloria) . . . Hé mæt ðone welan and ðone wyrðmynd tó ðære winestran handa, Past. 50; Swt. 389, 17-19. Wæs Hróðgáre herespéd gyfen, wíges weorðmynd (glorious success in war), Beo. Th. 130 ; B. 65. Ðý læs hié ormóde wǽron, and ðý sǽnran mínes willan and weorðmyndo (the slower to do my will and promote my glory), Nar. 32, 24. Ic (Eve) wæs mid weorþmende on neorxna wange I lived glorious in Paradise, Blickl. Homl. 89, 8. Hé heóld ðone arcestól mid mycclan weorðmynte, Chr. 1068; Erl. 206, 16. Sió eáðmódnes ieruð beforan ðæm gilpe, and hió cymð ǽr ǽr ða weorðmyndu (wyrðmynðu, Hatt. MS.) gloriam praecedit humilitas, Past. 41 ; Swt. 298, 16. Dryhtne ðe hyre weorþmynde geaf, mǽrþe on moldan ríce, Judth. Thw. 26, 25 ; Jud. 343. Wé hæfdon wlite and weorðmynt, Cd. Th. 274, 10; Sat. 152. Him God sealde weorðmynda dǽl, Beo. Th. 3509 ; B. 1752. Hé wæs for weorulde wís, weorðmynþa georn, Met. 1, 51. Ðæt ðú gefeó in ðæm fromscipe mínes lífes, and eác blissige in ðǽm weorðmyndum, Nar. 32, 32. Hé weorþmyntum þáh he throve gloriously, Beo. Th. 16; B. 8. V. honour, dignity, honourable position or office :-- Ne gedafenaþ ná munuce ðæt hé ǽniges worldlíces wyrðmyntes gyrne non convenit monacho mundanum quemquam honorem desiderare, L. Ecg. P. iii. 10 ; Th. ii. 198, 30. Ða weorðmynde cynehádes hé fleáh rex fieri noluit, Past. 3 ; Swt. 33, 20. Tyddre weorþmyntas fragiles honores, Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 38. Tó weorðmyndum ad fasces, 99, 35: 4, 47. Wyrþmyndum titulis, 95, 47. Ne bidde wé ná leáse welan ne gewítenlíce wurðmyntas, Homl. Th. i. 158, 26. VI. dignity, nobleness :-- Seó wlitige, weorðmynda full, heáh and hálig heofuncund þrýnes, Exon. Th. 24, 2 ; Cri. 378. Ára mé for hire wuldres weorþmyndum, Blickl. Homl. 89, 22. Wolde reordigean ríces hyrde hálgan stefne, werodes wísa wurðmyndum (nobly, with dignity) spræc, Cd. Th. 194, 10; Exod. 258. [Habban þene eche wurðment mid Gode, O. E. Homl. i. 107, 21. Ilæsten UNCERTAIN scal is worðmunt (me wole of him telle, 2nd MS.), Laym. 18851. Si Drihhtin wurrþminnt and loff and wullderr, Orm. 3379. ȝef þu hit ȝulde to his wurðmunt þe scheopþe, Kath. 216. Cf. He cweð þet he wolde hit wurðminten and arwurðen, Chr. 656 ; Erl. 30, 3.] weorþ-mynd