
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wépan

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:

p. weóp, wép (wǽpde, Lind.), pl. weópon, wépon ; pp. wópen To weep, wail, mourn, lament :-- Ic wépe fleo, ðú wépst (wǽpst, ) fles, ic weóp fleui, gewópen fletum, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 1; Zup. 152, 18. I. intrans. (1) of persons :-- Maria stód and weóp (hrémende l uoepende plorans, Lind.); and ðá heó weóp (gewǽp fleret, Lind.), heó ábeáh nyðer . . . Ða englas cwǽdon tó hyre : " Wíf, hwí wépst (uoepæs, Lind.: woepes, Rush., ploras) ðú ? " Jn. Skt. 20, 11-13. Hé geseah mycel gehlýd wépende (flentes) . . . Hé cwæþ: " Hwí wépaþ (ploratis) gé?" Mk. Skt. 5, 38, 39. Beornas grétaþ, wépaþ wánende wérgum stefnum, Exon. Th. 61, 31 ; Cri. 993. Hé weóp (ploravit) bityrlíce, Mt. 26, 75 : Andr. Kmbl. 2799; An. 1402. Hé weóp (geweǽp fleuit, Lind.) ofer hig, Lk. Skt. 19, 41. Wé heófdun and gé ne weópun (wǽpde gié plorastis, Lind.), 7, 32. Ne ceara ðu ne ne wép, Blickl. Homl. 143, 4. Wépan ploremus, Ps. Th. 94, 6. Wépan wé and geþencan hú Drihten cwæð : "Eádige beóþ ða ðe nú wépaþ (lugent, Mt. 5, 5), " Blickl. Homl. 25, 19. Gif ðú wistest hwæt ðé tóweard is, ðonne weópe ðú mid mé, Homl. Th. i. 404, 27. Ðá ongan hé wépan (woepa flere, Lind., Rush.), Mk. Skt. 14, 72. Mid wépendre béne lacrymosis precibus, Bd. 1, 12 ; S. 480, 26. Mid wǽpendre stefne flebili voce, 480, 37; Wépendre, Blickl. Homl. 87, 26, 8. Drihten hýrde míne wépendan stefne (vocem fletus mei), Ps. Th. 6, 7. Ða ðe wǽpende (flentes) sǽton, Bd. 5, 12; S. 627, 14. Heófendum and wépendum (wópendum flentibus, Lind.), Mk. Skt. 16, 10. Hé gemétte swíþe manige wépende, and wǽron UNCERTAIN cweþende : " Wá ús lá. . . " And ðá him swá wépendum, ðá com ðara sacerda ealdorman, Blickl. Homl.153, 25-33. Hí ofslógon weras and wífmen and ða wépendan cild interfecerunt omnia a viro usque ad mulierem, ab infante usque ad senem, Jos. 6, 21. (2) of other than human beings:--Weóp eal gesceaft, Rood Kmbl. 110; Kr. 55. I a. where tears are shed:--On mínum bedde ic síce and wépe lavabo lectum meum, Ps. Th. 6, 5. Hé sægde ðæt ða hálgan triów swíðe wépen and mid micle sáre instyred wǽron (uberibus lacrimis commoueri), Nar. 28, 11. Hé ongan wépan hlúttrum teárum. Ðá fræng hine his mæssepreóst for hwon hé weópe coepit ad lacrymarum profusionem effici. Quem dum presbyter suus, quare lacrymaretur interrogasset, Bd. 3, 14; S. 541, 3-5. Hé wæs wépende mid teárum, Blickl. Homl. 151, 20: Andr. Kmbl. 117; An. 59. II. trans. (a) with accusative, to mourn, lament, bewail, deplore, (1) of persons:--Hé weóp his sunu lugens filium suum, Gen. 37, 34. Hit wæs þeáw, ðæt man sceolde wépan ǽlcne deádne mann; and ðæt folc hyne weóp (flevit eum Aegyptus) hundseofontig daga, 50, 3. (Hí) weópan wyrde (prolis) luxerunt fata (parentes, Ald. 176), Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 5: 51, 34. Ne wép ðone wræcsíð Andr. Kmbl. 2861; An. 1433. Wræcsíð wépan, Exon. Th. 166, 23; Gú. 1047: 443, 30; Kl. 38. Ðæt ðætte óðre menn unáliéfedes dót hé sceal wépan suá suá his ágne scylde illicita perpetrata ab aliis ut propria deplorat, Past. 10; Swt. 61, 15. Ðá hé hine ealle wépende geseah when he saw all mourning him, Blickl. Homl. 225, 22. Wópene lamentatae, Blickl. Gl. (2) of other than human beings:--Ne wæl wépeþ wulf se grǽga, Exon. Th. 343, 2; Gn. Ex. 151. (b) with gen. to mourn for, be grieved at:--Hwá is swá heardheort ðæt ne mæg wépan swylces ungelimpes? Chr. 1085; Erl. 219, 40. [O. E. Homl. wiep; p.: A. R. weop: Laym. weop, wep: Will, wep, wepte: Chauc. weep, wepte; pp. wopen: Piers P. wept: Goth. wópjan; p. wópida to cry: O. Sax. wópian; p. wióp, wép to mourn: O. L. Ger. wópan; p. wiep: O. Frs. wépa: O. H. Ger. wuofan; p. wiof flere, plorare, plangere, lacrimari, deflere; wuofen; p. uuofta plorare, flere, lugere: Icel. œpa; p. œpta to cry, scream.] v. be-, ge-wépan. wepan

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