
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wer

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m. I. a man, a male person:--Wer oððe wǽpman vir, Wrt. Voc. i. 73, 11. Wer wintrum geong (Isaac), Cd. Th. 174, 34; Gen. 2888. Wíffæst wer man">a married man, L. C. S. 55; Th. i. 406, 14. Se Godes wer Sanctus Martinus, Blickl. Homl. 213, 36. Se eádiga wer, 215, 31. Se weor (wer, Rush.) uir, Lk. Skt. Lind. 8, 38. Woer (wer, W. S., Rush.), 9, 38. Of ðæs weres (viri) handa ic ofgange ðæs mannes (hominis) líf, Gen. 9, 5. On weres háde, Elen. Kmbl. 144; El. 72: Apstls. Kmbl. 53; Ap. 27. Ðæs weres tíd sci Symforiani, Shrn. 119, 17. Gelíc ðam wísan were (viro), Mt. Kmbl. 7, 24. Ic nǽnigne wer (uirum, Lk. 1, 34) ne ongeat, Blickl. Homl. 7, 21. Wundne wer (cf. gewundodne monn, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 16), Met. 8, 35. Gé Galiléiscan weras uiri Galilei, Blickl. Homl. 123, 20. Niniuetisce weras (wæras viri, Lind.), Mt. Kmbl. 12, 41. Týn hreófe weras (wæras, Lind.: wearas, Rush. uiri), Lk. Skt. 17, 12. Fíftig rihtwísra wera quinquaginta justos, Gen. 18, 26. Wælrǽs weora, Beo. Th. 5886; B. 2947. Fíf ðúsendo wæro l wærana (weorona, Rush., uirorum), Mk. Skt. Lind. 6, 44. Ymbseted mid syxtigum werum ðǽm strengestum ðe on Israhélum wǽron, Blickl. Homl. 11, 17. Hálige weoras viros sanctos, Bd. 5, 10; S. 623, 41. I a. in conjunction with words denoting a woman:--Óðer wæs idese onlícines, óþer on weres wæstmum, Beo. Th. 2708; B. 1352. Ðeós bið gecíged fǽmne, for ðam ðe heó ys of were genumen haec vocabitur virago, quoniam de viro sumpta est, Gen. 2, 23. Gif wíf be óðrum were forlicge, L. C. S. 54; Th. i. 406, 6. Gif oxa ofhníte wer oþþe wíf (virum aut mulierem), L. Alf. 21; Th. i. 48, 27: Exon. Th. 225, 24; Ph. 394. Weras mid wífum, Cd. Th. 104, 20; Gen. 1738. Weras, wíf samod, Andr. Kmbl. 3330; An. 1668. Weras and wíf, Exon. Th. 448, 26; Dóm. 60. Weras and idesa, 176, 7; Gú. 1205. Eall wífa cynn and wera, Blickl. Homl. 5, 24: Beo. Th. 1990; B. 993. Twá hund and eahta and feówertig wera, and nigon and feówertig wífa, Blickl. Homl. 239, 14. Bletsung gemǽne werum and wífum, Exon. Th. 7, 14; Cri. 101. Ge weras ge wíf, Blickl. Homl. 107, 11. ¶ in the plural the word seems sometimes to include women as well as men:--Hé wolde for wera synnum eall áǽðan, Cd. Th. 77, 23; Gen. 1279. Folcdryht wera, sáwla gehwylce, Exon. Th. 66, 5; Cri. 1067. Wera endestæf (cf. Blickl. Homl. 239, 14 supra), Andr. Kmbl. 270; An. 135. Heofones gim, wyncondel wera, Exon. Th. 174, 31; Gú. 1186. In wera lífe, 26, 13; Cri. 416. Wera cneórissum, 347, 4; Sch. 7. Ðú ne wilnast weora ǽniges deáð, Ps. C. 54. Feówertig daga níð wæs wællgrim werum, Cd. Th. 83, 23; Gen. 1384: 109, 1; Gen. 1816. Lencten on tún geliden hæfde werum tó wícum, Menol. Fox 58; Men. 29. Næs ðǽr hláfes wist werum, Andr. Kmbl. 43; An. 22. Fǽhðe ic wille on weras stǽlan, eall ácwellan ða beútan beóð earce bordum, Cd. Th. 81, 28; Gen. 1352. II. a man, a male that has reached man's estate:--Ðá áworden ic am uoer ic giídlade ða ðe uoeron lytles quando factus sum vir, evacuavi quae erant parvuli, Rtl. 6, 19. Fíf þúsenda wera (wearana, Lind.: weora, Rush., virorum) bútan wífum and cildum, Mt. Kmbl. 14, 21. Ic mægen wera (virorum) eom, and litlincgas nellaþ forbígean mé, Coll. Monast. Th. 29, 1. Weras and wífmen and ða wépendan cild, Jos. 6, 21. III. a being in the form of a man:--Grendel, wonsǽlig wer (cf. 2708; B. 1352 supra), Beo. Th. 210; B. 105. Twégen weras (wæras, Lind.: wearas, Rush., uiri) Móysés and Hélias, Lk. Skt. 9, 30. Abraham geseah þrí weras standende him gehende, Gen. 18, 2. IV. man">a married or a betrothed man, a man (as in man and wife), a husband, maritus mulieris) girnþ, Ex. 21, 22. Hereríc hire wer (vir ejus), Bd. 4, 23; S. 594, 44. Be ðon ðe ryhtgesamhíwan bearn hæbben, and ðonne se wer gewíte, L. In. 38; Th. i. 126, 2. Wer and wíf beóð in ánum líchoman, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 13: Exon. Th. 327, 11; Vy. 2: Blickl. Homl. 185, 26. Ðæt hé hý healdan wille swá wær his wíf sceal, L. Edm. B. 1; Th. i. 254, 7. Iósep hyre wer (vir), Mt. Kmbl. 1, 19. Wearð seó módor gegremod æfter hire weres forðsíðe fram hire cilde, Homl. Th. ii. 30, 4. Geong wuduwe mót eft ceorlian æfter hire weres forðsíðe, L. Ælfc. P. 43; Th. ii. 382, 32. Heó leofode mid hyre were seofan gér of hyre fǽmnháde, Lk. Skt. 2, 36: Cd. Th. 134, 1; Gen. 2218. Gif mon hǽme mid monnes wífe, gebéte ðam were, L. Alf. pol. 10; Th. i. 68, 9: Exon. Th. 153, 6; Gú. 821. Gif wuduwe binnan geáres fæce wer geceóse, L. C. S. 74; Th. i. 416, 8. Wær, L. Edm. B. 4; Th. i. 254, 16. Iósep, Marian wer (wær, Rush., virum), Mt. Kmbl. 1, 16. Hié noldan heora wera ræstgemánan sécean, Blickl. Homl. 173, 16. Heora wíf him sǽdon, ðæt hié him woldon óðerra wera ceósan (sobolem se a finitimis quaesituras), Ors. 1, 10; Swt. 44, 22. Wíf ic lǽrde ðæt hié heora weras lufedan, Blickl. Homl. 185, 23. V. a male, (1) of human beings:--Wer and wíf hé gesceóp hí masculum et feminam creavit eos, Gen. 5, 2. (2) of plants:--Ys ðeós wyrt twégea cynna, ðæt is wer (wær, v. l.) and wíf, Lchdm. i. 204, 9. Ðeós wyrt is twéga cynna, óðer ys wíf, óðer wer, 252, 20. V a. in grammar, masculine gender:--Participia belimpaþ tó þrým cynnum, tó were and tó wífe and tó náðrum cynne, Ælfc. Gr. 39; Zup. 243, 19. [Orm. O. and N. Gen. and Ex. were: Laym. were (dat.): Goth. wair: O. Sax. O. Frs. O. H. Ger. wer: Icel. verr: Lat. vir.] v. dryht-, folc-, húsel-, leód-, riht-wer. wer

Verwandte Wörter: wer-leás:--Swá micel swá ðæs wífes wer (
