Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wíc
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
The word is generally neuter, but as it is often used in the plural where a singular might express the meaning, the similarity of neuter plural and feminine singular accusatives seems to have caused the word to be taken sometimes as feminine, e. g. tó ánre wíc, Homl. Th. i. 402, 22. A weak form also seems to be used, Chart. Th. 446, 29.
- wíc
- I. a dwelling-place, abode, habitation, residence, lodging, quarters:-- Hé tó him wilniende wæs ðætte heó him funden swylce londáre swylce hé mid árum on beón mehte, and his wíc ðaer on byrig beón mihte on his lífe, Chart. Erl. 69, 23. In locum qui dicitur cynges uuíc (cf. in villa regali qui dicitur Werburging-wíc, i. 275, 3), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 373, 8. Syndon sume dígol wíc (mansio quaedam secretior) mid wealle and mid bearuwe ymbsealde . . . habbaþ ða wíc gebedhús, Bd. 5, 2 ; S. 614, 31. Synd mé wíc ðíne (tabernacula tua) leófe, Ps. Th. 83, 1. Beóð him wíc gestaþelad in wuldres byrig, Exon. Th. 230, 19; Ph. 474. Sindon bitre burgtúnas, wíc wynna leás, 443, 18; Kl. 32. Sceldes fordas boec and ðeara wíca on byrg, Txts. 443, 10. Londbóc mínra wíca, 458, 8. Hé gewát hám faran, wíca neósan, Beo. Th. 251; B. 125: 2255; B. 1125. Hé wæs on ðám foresprecenan wícum (in praefata mansione) wuniende, Bd. 4, 3; S. 567, 15, 33. Hí hine nǽnige ðinga of his wícum and of his stówe tó him gelaþian mihton nequaquam suo monasterio posset erui, 4, 28 ; S. 606, 9. Ðæt nán biscop ne nán mæssepreóst næbbe on his wícan ne on his húse wunigende ǽnigne wífman, L. Ælfc. P. 31; Th. ii. 376, 21. Of Lambhyrste tó huntan wícan (huntsman's lodge), Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 219, 9. On ðám wícum his fæder Abrahames feorh gesealde, Cd. Th. 104, 21; Gen. 1738: 94, 17; Gen. 1563. Hé dráf of wícum idese of earde, 169, 23 ; Gen. 2804: Ps. Th. 77, 55 : Menol. Fox 48; Men. 24. On ðám wícum (in Heaven), Exon. Th. 238, 28; Ph. 611. Wunian in wícum, 316, 9; Mód. 46: Cd. Th. 113, 20; Gen. 1890. Rǽsbora wícum wunode, 108, 26 ; Gen. 1812: Beo. Th. 6158 ; B. 3083, Ða ðe on carcerne hleóleásan wíc wunedon, Andr. Kmbl. 261; An. 131 : 2621; An. 1312. lc wíc búge. Exon. Th. 396, 22; Rä. 16, 8: 120, 10; Gú. 269. Wíc eardian, Beo. Th. 5172; B. 2589. Hé bróhte wíf tó háme, ðǽr hé wíc áhte. Cd. Th. 103, 21; Gen. 1721. Ðonne ic ðás ílcan wíc geséce, 144, 23; Gen. 2394. He him wíc geceás fædergeardum feor, 64, 17; Gen. 1051: 164, 29; Gen. 2722: Ph. 448. Férend fæeste wuniaþ, wíc weardiaþ, Exon. Th. 361, 27; Wal. 26: 228,34; Ph. 448. Hé him helle gesceóp wælcealde wíc, Salm. Kmbl. 937; Sal. 468. Ic him selle on mínum húse and binnan mínum wealle wíc (locum), Past. 52; Swt. 407, 35. Hé him synderlíce wíc getimbrede ipse sibi monasterium construxit, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 30. Heó hire dǽr wíc ásette ðæt heó Gode in lifede ibi sibi mansionem instituit, 4, 23; S. 593, 26. II. a place where a thing remains : Heó (Lot's wife)sceal on ðám wícum wyrde bídan, Cd. Th. 155, 9; Gen. 2570. III. a collection of houses, a (small) town, a village, a street, vel lytel port castellum, Wrt. Voc. i. 34, 34: 84, 42 : vicus, 36, 27. Seó gelaþung férde of ðære byrig tó ánre wíc, Homl. Th. i. 402, 22. Hí cómon tó ánre wíc processerunt vicum unum (Acts 12, 10), ii. 382, 13. Tǽme hé tó wíc tó cyngæs sele... gekýþe hé... ðæt hé ðæt feoh in wíc gebohte, L. H. E. 16; Th. i. 34, 6-10. Andlanges ðære eá tó ðære wíc; fram thære wíc tó ðære cortan, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 217, 6: 148, 24. Hé lǽdde hine bútan ða wíc (extra vicum), Mk. Skt. 8, 23. 'Gáþ on ða wíc (castellum, Mt. 21, 2) ðe beforan inc stondeþ' ...Hwæt Drihten ða cynelícan burh forhogodlíce naman nemde; for ðon oft wíc beóþ on monegum stówum medmyccle gesette, Blickl. Homl. 77, 22-24. On wícum in vicis, Mt. Kmbl. 6, 2. Gá on ða strǽta and on wíc ðisse ceastre exi in plateas et uicos ciuitatis, Lk. Skt. 14, 21. Far geond ðás sirǽta and wíc, Homl. Th. ii. 374, 26. Hé begeat... Penhyll and Grimanleáh and .ii. hína wícan, Chart. Th. 446, 29. IV. a temporary abode, a camp, place where one stops, station: Ðá wæs feórðe wíc, randwigena ræst, be ðan Reádan Sǽ, Cd. Th. l86, 4; Exod. 133: 183, 6; Exod. 87. Ic hét ða fyrd ðǽr wícian... wǽron ða wíc (castra) on lengo .1. furlanga long, Nar. 21, 10. Wæs in wícum wóp, Cd. Th. 190, 16; Exod. 200: 124, 12; Gen. 2061. Hé fór of ðám wícum, Chr. 878; Erl. 80, 12. Restaþ incit hér on ðissum wícum (cf. exspectate hic cum asino, Gen. 22, 5), Cd. Th. 174, 20; Gen. 2881. Onmiddan ða wíc in medio castrorum, Ps. Th. 77, 28. Tó ðon ðæt hié on ða úre wíc féohtan ad expugnanda castra, Nar. 21,21. ¶ the word occurs in local names, some of which are still found shewing -wich or -wick: In Lunden-wíc, L. H. E. 16; Th. i. 34, 3. Tó ðam porte ðe is nemned Cwento-wíc ad portum cui nomen est Quentavic, Bd. 4, 1; S. 564, 45. In loco qui vocatur Hremping-wiic, et alia nomine Hafingseota, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. i. 211, 11. Hér wæs Wærinc-wíc getimbrod, Chr. 915; Erl. 103, 19. Æt Wæring-wícon, -wícum, 913; Th. i. pp. 186, 187. Hér wæs Gypeswíc gehergod, 991; Erl. 130, 19. Æt Gipeswíc, 1010; Erl. 143, 17. Cf. too: On gerihte tó hreódwícan on ða ealdan strǽt; and-lang strǽt tó norðwícan; of norðwícan eft andlang strǽte tó Billesham, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iii. 449, 14-17. In loco qui dicitur Childesuuicuuon (cf. Cildesuicoque, 75, 13), i. 66, 6. Iuxta marisco qui dicitur biscopes-uuíc, 104, 2: v. 46, 13. [Of æuerelche húse þat husbonde wunede and his biweddede wif weore on þere ilke wike, Laym. 31960. Fra wic to wic i tune, Orm. 8512. Þar was wonand witin a wike tua men, C. M. 7917. Canntyrbery, that noble wyke, Rel. Ant. ii. 93, l. Ich can loki manne wike, O. and N. 604. O. Sax. wík: O. Frs. wík; f.: O. H. Ger. wích; m. vicus From Latin.] v. deáþ-, eard-, fird-, here-, hrá-, sceáp-, sealt-, stóc-, wíþig-wíc. wic