
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wifel

Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:


m. A weevil, a beetle :-- Wibl panpila, Txts. 85, 1498. Wifel papila, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 59. Wibil, uuibil cantarus, Txts. 49, 398. Wifel, Wrt. Voc. ii. 13, 47. Wifel cantarus (animal), 128, 11: scarebius, i. 281, 43. Is ðæs gores sunu gonge hrædra, ðone wé wifel nemnaþ, Exon. Th. 426, 13; Rä 41, 73. Æfter ðam wifele. Lchdm. ii. 320, 2. Weorp ofer bæc ðone wifel (tordwifel, l. 15) on wege; beheald ðæt dú ne lócige æfter, 318, 19. ¶ the word seems to occur in several local names, or malte boode (bowde) gurgulio, Prompt. Parv. 523 and 531. O. L. Ger. gold-uuivil cicendela: O. H. Ger. wibil scarabaeus, cantarus: Ger. wiebel; Icel. tord-yfill.] v. scearn-, tord-wifel. wifel

Verwandte Wörter: Cod. Dip. Kmbl. vi. 352. [Wevyl, wyvyl
