Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Sächsisches Altenglisches Wörterbuch - wiglung
Nach dem Altenglischen Wörterbuch:
, e;
- wiglung
- f. Divination, soothsaying, sorcery, augury :-- Wīlung divinatio, Kent. Gl. 554. Wē gehȳrdon seggon, dæt nān mann ne leofode gif hē gewundod wǣre on ealra hālgena mæssedæg. Nis dis nān wīglung, ac wīse menn hit āfunden þurh done hālgan wīsdōm, Lchdm. iii. 154, 5. Gif treówa beód on fullum mōnan geheáwene, hī beód heardran, and langfǣrran tō getimbrunge. . . Nis dis nān wīglung, ac is gecyndelīc dincg, Homl. Th. i. 102, 25. Hleótan man mōt būtan wiccecrætte . . . gif hī hwæt dǣlan willaþ; dis nis nān wīglung, ac bid wissung for oft. Homl. Skt. i. 17, 87. Wīgelunge divinatione, Hpt. Gl. 467, 69. Deófles bīgencg, ne on wīglunge ne on wiccedōme, Homl. Ass. 143, 122. Ðæthē tǣld tō unālȳfedlīcere wīglunge, gif hwā da wyrta on him becnitte, būton hē hī tó dam dolge gelecge, Homl. Th. i. 476, 4. Se de gelȳfd wīglungum odde be fuglum, odde be fnorum, odde be horsum, odde be hundum, ne bid hē nā cristen . . . Se de hwider faran wille . . . clypige ng tō his Dryhtne . . . and sīdige orsorh þurh Godes gescylclnysse būtan dæra sceoccena wīglunga. Ús sceamaþ tō secgenne ealle da sceandlīcan wīglunga de gē dwǣsmenn drīfaþ, oþþe on wīfunge, odde on wadunge, odde on brȳwlāce, odde gif man hwæs bitt, īonne hī hwæt onginnaþ, oþþe him hwæt bid ācenned, Homl. Skt. i. 17, 88-104. Ne gȳman gē galdra ne īdelra hwata, ne wīgelunga ne wiccecræ fta, Wulfst. 40, 14. Gē cēpaþ dagas and mōndas mid ȳdelum wīglungum (Gal. 4, 10), Homl. Th. i. 102, 19, Ii, 15 : Homl. Ass. 28, 99. Hē sum þing hæfde de his hǣle hremde þurh rēde wīglunga (wīgelunga, ), Homl. Skt. i. 5, 259. [King scal wicchecreft aleggan and wiȝelunge ne geman, O. E. Homl. i. 115, 22. Monies godes monnes child heo (incubii demones) biccharred þurh wigeling, Laym. 1579!'] v. ge-, līc-, steor-wīglung; wīglian. wiglung